
标题: 请律师帮我看看我家这种情况可以申请一类的父母移民吗(已经回答) [打印本页]

作者: 土著人    时间: 2015-1-20 04:37:33     标题: 请律师帮我看看我家这种情况可以申请一类的父母移民吗(已经回答)

本帖最后由 AMICUS_LAW 于 2015-1-20 11:44 编辑

我PR两年 有一个成年弟弟和一个未成年妹妹都在国内

作者: BIGBIGGary    时间: 2015-1-20 07:32:20

作者: lydiatomato    时间: 2015-1-20 08:29:24

你PR 要满3年,而且这期间没有离境超过184天,收入够条件就可以担保父母。未成年的妹妹也可以包括在申请表里
作者: Patrick2003    时间: 2015-1-20 09:04:31


I applied last year when my sister was 20 years old.
CO said until my sister became 21, then I could apply again under T1.

Now, I have handed in my parents application to Shanghai Branch.
And waiting for AR now.

Pls see the policy for T1 from INZ website.

作者: Patrick2003    时间: 2015-1-20 09:06:54

lydiatomato 发表于 2015-1-20 07:29
你PR 要满3年,而且这期间没有离境超过184天,收入够条件就可以担保父母。未成年的妹妹也可以包括在申请表 ...

wrong info pls read policy from INZ website regarding T1
作者: Patrick2003    时间: 2015-1-20 09:08:15

BIGBIGGary 发表于 2015-1-20 06:32

Man, you need to read correctly before you wanna answer ... pls see INZ website regarding T1 policy
作者: lydiatomato    时间: 2015-1-20 09:12:58

Patrick2003 发表于 2015-1-20 08:08
Man, you need to read correctly before you wanna answer ... pls see INZ website regarding T1 polic ...

那条错了,你直接指正麻, 我自己就是这样办的,还批了
作者: AMICUS_LAW    时间: 2015-1-20 11:44:34

本帖最后由 AMICUS_LAW 于 2015-1-22 14:57 编辑


Additional requirements under tier one

Tier one of the Parent Category allows people who are parents of New Zealand residents or citizens, and who have access to sufficient funds, to apply for residence in New Zealand.
Applicants under tier one must meet one of the following criteria.
Sponsor’s income
Guaranteed lifetime minimum income
Settlement funds.

Sponsor’s income

To meet the minimum income requirements your sponsor or their partner must earn a minimum of NZ$65,000 per annum. Alternatively, your sponsor and their partner can earn a combined income of NZ$90,000 per annum.

The minimum income requirement can be met through any one or a combination of the following sources of personal income:
Sustained paid employment
Regular self-employment
Regular investment income.

Evidence of meeting the minimum income requirement

Evidence of meeting the minimum income requirement for sponsors may include, original or certified copies of the following documents:
An Inland Revenue Department Summary of Earnings
Wage slips
A current employment contract
Bank statements or any other documents from financial institutions.

Guaranteed lifetime minimum income

To meet the minimum income requirements, applicants must have a guaranteed lifetime minimum income of at least NZ$27,319 per annum.

If a partner is also included in the application, the applicants jointly must have a guaranteed lifetime minimum income of at least NZ$40,084 per annum.

Guaranteed lifetime minimum income is defined as an annual income that is paid to a person indefinitely. Income can only be considered ‘indefinite’ if it will continue to be paid once someone becomes a New Zealand resident and citizen.

作者: 土著人    时间: 2015-1-21 10:59:11

AMICUS_LAW 发表于 2015-1-20 11:44
如果需要帮助申请,可以和我们 ...

我工签PR都是你们申请的  那现在申请父母的话是不是要再等我PR满三年后再找你们呢
作者: 艾美斯律师所    时间: 2015-1-21 14:26:24

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作者: 土著人    时间: 2015-1-21 14:45:55

lydiatomato 发表于 2015-1-20 09:12
那条错了,你直接指正麻, 我自己就是这样办的,还批了

我看有些朋友申请父母 自己工资不够就自己注册个公司拼命打税就可以了是吗
作者: lydiatomato    时间: 2015-1-22 11:19:18

Patrick2003 发表于 2015-1-20 08:04

I applied last year when my sister was 20 years old.

作者: Patrick2003    时间: 2015-1-22 14:02:39

Who is eligible?
To be eligible you must:
be in good health
be of good character
have no dependent children
be sponsored by your New Zealand adult child* who is eligible to sponsor you – your adult child must be 18 years of age or over,  a New Zealand citizen or resident for at least three years and meet other  eligibility criteria  
meet English language requirements or pre-purchase English language tuition with a payment of NZ$1,735 – see below for more details of the English language criteria
meet the requirements under either tier one or tier two of the Parent Category.

作者: Patrick2003    时间: 2015-1-22 14:03:37

Who is eligible?
To be eligible you must:
be in good health
be of good character
have no dependent children
be sponsored by your New Zealand adult child* who is eligible to sponsor you – your adult child must be 18 years of age or over,  a New Zealand citizen or resident for at least three years and meet other  eligibility criteria  
meet English language requirements or pre-purchase English language tuition with a payment of NZ$1,735 – see below for more details of the English language criteria
meet the requirements under either tier one or tier two of the Parent Category.

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