Expect average increases of more than $20 a week as housing shortage is exploited.
Thousands of Auckland tenants could be in for a big shock as experts predict rents will continue to rise rapidly this year.
Kiri Barfoot, a Barfoot & Thompson director, and David Whitburn, immediate past president of the Auckland Property Investors Association, said Auckland rents rose 4.6 per cent in the year to November 30 - up an average $21 a week across all suburbs and all property categories - and a similar increase could be expected this year as rising demand continues to squeeze an already tight sector.
Barfoot's figures show the average weekly rent rose $19 to $476 for a three-bedroom house, $17 to $499 for a four-bedroom home and $40 to $749 for five or more bedrooms.
Conditions that led to last year's rises - including landlords being optimistic about getting more rent and high levels of domestic and international migration - would continue this year, they said.