
标题: 请问如果觉得CV估得太高,怎么伸述? [打印本页]

作者: jacky007    时间: 2014-11-21 22:40:18     标题: 请问如果觉得CV估得太高,怎么伸述?


作者: 小猕猴    时间: 2014-11-21 22:47:02

http://www.aucklandcouncil.govt. ... nupdatedetails.aspx

Make an objection to a valuation or update your details
The Rating Valuation Act 1998 allows valuation objections:
objection must be received no later than 5pm Tuesday 23 December 2014
objection must be lodged online or in writing
an objection cannot be accepted unless all of the information required by the Act and the Regulations, including the values you think should apply to the property, is supplied.
A reason for the objection is required for an objection to be valid.
Once a valid objection has been lodged, you will receive a letter of acknowledgment within 10 working days and your objection will be referred to a valuer for consideration. This may include a discussion with you, and by arrangement, an inspection of the property should this be necessary.

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