对面来车是应该看的明白你这根道是不是让路的,原因就是地上的白色单横线=give way的意思。(黄色单横线=stop)至于在马路中间画出来的转弯区域叫right turn bay,他是让你等待转弯的地方,为了不堵后面的车。好了,给出road code的答案吧:
“If you are turning right, give way to all vehicles coming towards you including those turning left. Note: this applies if both vehicles are facing no signs or signals or the same signs or signals.”
所以左转车要让对面右转车,but如果对面右转车被你同行直行车挡住不能转,你也不走的话,你叫做fail move into a safe gap.....
所以该走不走也是要被嘀嘀的作者: goalcpu 时间: 2014-11-13 22:10:33