
标题: 关于improvement value??? [打印本页]

作者: T.L.C    时间: 2014-11-12 13:03:10     标题: 关于improvement value???

今天终于上到gis,发现邻居的improvement value都是下降1万左右(有砖瓦的,还有plaster的)。但是为什么我家的improvement value上升了快6万。这个东西怎么解释呀??????



作者: aklufo    时间: 2014-11-12 13:06:41

本帖最后由 aklufo 于 2014-11-12 13:09 编辑

Glossary of commonly used terms at the Land Valuation Tribunal.

Capital value
The probable price that would have been paid for the property if it had been for sale at the date of the last general revaluation, as shown on your Notice of Rating Valuation. A capital value does not include chattels, stocks, crops, machinery, goodwill or plantation trees.

Land value
The probable price that would have been paid for land at the date of valuation. The land value includes any development work that may have been carried out, such as drainage, excavation, filling, retaining walls, reclamation, grading, levelling, clearing of vegetation, fertility build-up, or protection from erosion or flooding.

Value of improvements
The difference between the capital value and land value. It reflects the additional value given to the land by any buildings or other structures, cropping trees and vines, and landscaping that adds value to the land.

Annual value
Annual value (where assessed) is the greater value of either the estimated gross annual rental less 20 percent (or 10% if there are no buildings on the land) or 5 percent of the property's capital value.

The owner is the ratepayer, unless the owner can prove there is a lease in place that meets the statutory definitions for the lessee to be the ratepayer (Section 11, Local Government (Rating) Act 2002).

作者: T.L.C    时间: 2014-11-12 13:13:16

aklufo 发表于 2014-11-12 13:06
Glossary of commonly used terms at the Land Valuation Tribunal.

谢谢啦。不过还是好奇怪。貌似左右的邻居室内面积都大过我。我的也是砖瓦。但是这个improvement value上涨。
不过Land value涨幅都一样。晕。

作者: songinator    时间: 2014-11-12 13:14:14

T.L.C 发表于 2014-11-12 12:13
谢谢啦。不过还是好奇怪。貌似左右的邻居室内面积都大过我。我的也是砖瓦。但是这个improvement value上 ...

CV=扯淡   别太在意 圈钱用的
作者: T.L.C    时间: 2014-11-12 13:16:50

songinator 发表于 2014-11-12 13:14
CV=扯淡   别太在意 圈钱用的


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