' t2 c) _$ {6 P% \0 n, A之前没看到,最后两天了" N6 r& |; b8 G) X! a2 O; M P https://www.facebook.com/HeavenlyCreaturesRefuge( d, s1 S: F# m* x* b
0 ~% @" ], z$ o/ \
FREE DE-SEXING OF CATS & KITTENS is available between 13 and 24 October 2014 for residents in the following suburbs: Please Contact US at heavenlycreatures111@yahoo.com or 09-5797555 or 0279-305812 & l8 k, F2 I# t* a% |6 n. C. TWe may also be able to help if you haven't got transport to take your CATS OR KITTENS to be DE-SEXED. We also need volunteers to help transport the FELINES from these areas below so please SHARE THIS FRIENDS SO THE FELINES WHICH INCLUDE STRAYS, DOMESTIC, DISABLED,NEGLECTED CAN HAVE A BETTER LIFE AND THE AUCKLAND SPCA OUR CAT COALITION PARTNER CAN HAVE LESS CATS AND KITTENS TO COPE WITH! THANK YOU!! o e+ T! a3 ~: ^
' N. G4 Q3 [1 G S+ k6 z1 L- X" ?% tAvondale g/ @) V* Y* e
3 F6 L2 `4 v+ C) \Clendon ' U: h1 {2 i& G ) x, i* V0 ` }3 j2 P `5 qClover Park9 B* ~0 t# K( ?, y- l# l
# w- S+ {9 P KFlat Bush9 S) J6 Z% v1 v" v C8 o
, n; L; B( v& [9 S+ F" n
Manurewa 3 ?3 X& s- B2 A) O; N# T$ M- [$ c+ ^0 R% G! C" m4 ^
Manurewa East, g( [6 G* W9 p* ^$ k4 V
$ C6 n. Q& o3 z+ r0 w+ D: k
Mt Roskill 2 p1 w; U$ k. h$ J - Z: i0 H6 `- s! D9 y* T! ^3 PMt Wellington) T- B M) `" Q
7 `' }6 r6 L; k! a; ]Onehunga ' B! b. {! Q% N6 F* Q & j. B5 O" c; q2 A# Y, T$ IPukekohe+ G1 u* Q! T, I Y
( n8 ^/ ], L8 ~! h# v
Takanini and 7 g2 p* B4 \* Y3 ^- { % K! @( _$ e& w3 @* d% GWeymouth.作者: purpleapple 时间: 2014-10-22 15:45:04