Garden sheds that are less than one storey and less than 10 square metres in floor area which do not sanitary facilities or facilities for the storage of drinking water, and are not positioned any closer than the shed's own height to a boundary.
A building consent is not required for the above.
So, you can definitely argue it, dont get bullied by the f*cking sri lankans.作者: AIAL 时间: 2014-10-16 15:38:32
"Garden sheds that are less than one storey and less than 10 square metres in floor area which do not sanitary facilities or facilities for the storage of drinking water, and are not positioned any closer than the shed's own height to a boundary.
A building consent is not required for the above.
So, you can definitely argue it, dont get bullied by the f*cking sri lankans."
3. Single-storey detached buildings not
exceeding 10 square metres in floor area
1. Building work in connection with any detached building that:
(a) is not more than 1 storey (being a floor level of up to 1 metre above the
supporting ground and a height of up to 3.5 metres above the floor
level); and
(b) does not exceed 10 square metres in floor area; and
(c) does not contain sanitary facilities or facilities for the storage of potable
water; and
(d) does not include sleeping accommodation, unless the building is used in
connection with a dwelling and does not contain any cooking facilities.
2. However, subclause (1) does not include building work in connection with a
building that is closer than the measure of its own height to any residential
building or to any legal boundary. 以上信息来源于ministry of business, innovation and employment;building act 2004 third edition.
according to the above guidance, 你新建一个detached garden shed, 按规定是要放在远离任何民宅两米以外的地方的,(have to be greater than the shed height) 同时也要满足远离跟邻居的legal boudary 同样的距离。