朋友们 关于饭店酒牌申请我拿了一份表格填写可是填写中好多问题搞不清楚 知道如何申请的朋友微信帮助一下吧 谢谢 微信529117640 电话0212510668
后面几个要求是什么意思的呀 谢谢啦
Original application form plus one photocopy.
A copy each of the planning and building certificates.
A copy of the owner’s permission (in writing).
A copy of the menu.
A copy of the Certificate of Incorporation (if applying in a company name).
A copy of the floor plans of the premises or the conveyance highlighting Restricted or Supervised areas and the Principal Entrance.
A photo of the Principal Entrance.
A copy of your host responsibility policy and an alcohol management plan detailing how the specific points in the policy will be implemented.
A report detailing the target market and how the proposed business will mitigate any risk which could negatively impact the local community – in particular nearby sensitive premises. Also include any other information which may assist in determining your application.
A letter of authorisation for the consultant, if you use an alcohol licensing consultant.