Carriage of Ashes
This policy applies to Domestic and International operated flights only. Passengers should make contact with their local Consulate or Embassy for each country that requires clearance for the Import of Human Remains to determine if copies of the below mentioned three certificates will be required. It is possible that the Undertaker may assist with this. To travel with Ashes of Human Remains the passenger could be required to have:
•Import permission from the country of arrival - including any stopover country or country where Customs Clearance will be required
•Certificate of Death
•Certificate of Cremation
•Certificate by mortician stating that the inner container of the urn has been hermetically sealed (i.e. an airtight container)
•NOTE: For Domestic NZ travel above certificates are not required.作者: love4betty 时间: 2014-10-6 10:18:21