actuaully, in the same development area, there are other show homes sold in the past:
GJ, sold 2011, $970K. rent back 7% for 2 years. Sold again this year, 1.2m.
Classic Builder, they built their show home in early 2013 then kept it for 1.5 years. The same spec house sold for 850K in mid 2013. They just sold their show home for 1.05m, in July 2014.
the thing is if you purchase the house and they lease back, you pay nothing (other than downpayment) for 2-3 years, then get capital gain after the lease.....作者: love_3_month 时间: 2014-9-23 12:45:06
this happens to other normal houses as well. If $500K house, rent for 500/week, return = ?
the question 并且三年后开发商恢复如新交给你---这点对开发商应没问题?--开发商出10万保证金?- this normally is included in the contract, but you are right, they may break something. However, because it is for demo only, not for ppl living there, so no cooking /bathing etc, the depreciation will be way less than normal tenant.
from experience i see those 2-3 years old show home, it is same as brand new......作者: love_3_month 时间: 2014-9-23 12:46:01
sadly it is too expensive. I will go for something cheaper 作者: 我家花园 时间: 2014-9-23 14:31:59