is this rumours or from Dr Google
Auckland has so many 高压线 every where, how about all the residents around them---I know some family living around 高压线 for 3 generations...what do you say about this? and back in Taiwan, 高压线is underground--I don't think it's safer than on the ground...
(sorry at work cannot type Chinese)作者: ch51019 时间: 2014-9-18 13:19:31
木头杆子的 just normal posts la...they are underground in Taiwan and China, so you don't see them that's all, but it's still everywhere作者: ch51019 时间: 2014-9-18 13:20:10
远离高压线不如少用微波炉 or mobile phones+1作者: NewLynnHse 时间: 2014-9-18 13:20:18
ch51019 发表于 2014-9-18 12:17
is this rumours or from Dr Google
Auckland has so many 高压线 every where, how about all th ...
it is safer because you can't see it 作者: onetreehill1 时间: 2014-9-18 15:46:13