
标题: NZ Could face a housing shortage of 113,800 homes by 2031. [打印本页]

作者: walker123    时间: 2014-8-26 09:16:41     标题: NZ Could face a housing shortage of 113,800 homes by 2031.


A report by think tank the New Zealand Initiative says this country could face a housing shortage of 113,800 homes by 2031.

The report claims official figures underestimate the scale of crisis, which is more serious than most people think.

New Zealand Initiative executive director Oliver Hartwich says current construction levels are much lower than officially forecast, which has serious implications for the housing market.

"This is the greatest crisis facing New Zealand and unless we ramp up supply well beyond current levels, home ownership could be out of reach of most families within 20 years," he said.

"If we don't build at least 113,800 additional houses within 20 years, we could see Auckland house prices match or even exceed Sydney levels within that time.

The Initiative's figures are based on demographic changes  caused by an ageing population, combined with overall population growth and current construction levels.

The Initiative believes this will create a situation with more houses being empty nests that are occupied by older people, while other homes have more people crowded into them.

"You'll see more and more homes with one occupant while next door you'll see larger numbers of people crowded together," Hartwich said.

"The solution is simple. We need to build more and we need to build now," he said.

作者: Lease    时间: 2014-8-26 09:27:58

所以兄弟们,不要被一些暂时的假象所迷惑,长线投资房地产不会有错。供求关系永远是最基本的fundamental. 相信未来十年奥克兰依然是供不应求。你现在买入也许在未来某一段时间会收益不高,但长期(10年)投资必然回报丰厚。
作者: NewLynnHse    时间: 2014-8-26 09:33:56

作者: LYYX    时间: 2014-8-26 09:37:19

作者: not419    时间: 2014-8-26 09:39:10

作者: love_3_month    时间: 2014-8-26 09:47:33

"we could see Auckland house prices match or even exceed Sydney levels within that time."

It won't surprise me..........
作者: 吥噜    时间: 2014-8-26 10:37:47

Think tank, 呵呵
作者: LU99    时间: 2014-8-26 11:04:33

新西兰只存在买房危机, 不存在住房危机。 因为洋人的权威公司都统计过, 房子是绝对够住的, 人口和住房是匹配的, 但是房价太贵, 自住房买的起人很多买不起。 投资房的大把去了。 所以说只有置业危机, 没有租房住房危机
作者: love_3_month    时间: 2014-8-26 11:12:41

LU99 发表于 2014-8-26 10:04
新西兰只存在买房危机, 不存在住房危机。 因为洋人的权威公司都统计过, 房子是绝对够住的, 人口和住房是 ...

which 洋人的权威公司? are they talking about current, or in 10-20 years?
作者: Lease    时间: 2014-8-26 11:26:39

Housing Shortage绝非危言耸听, 以下是另一家机构在2010年出具针对奥克兰的报告。

http://www.chranz.co.nz/pdfs/auc ... essment-report.pdf.

我认为这份报告分析的客观并且全面。以此为依据, 奥克兰每年需要建造8500新屋才能满足需求, 实际上2013年6月到今年6月的一年中Building Consents只有7332, 而2012年6月到2013年6月的一年中Building Consents只有5555. 所以供不应求是不争的事实。

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