
标题: 碰上麻烦的租客了 [打印本页]

作者: proinv    时间: 2014-8-24 13:35:19     标题: 碰上麻烦的租客了

都说南非租客好,没想到他们巨麻烦, 他们是准时交租,也爱惜房子,可是他们对房子要求近乎完美,刚搬进去就发来一堆问题. 长篇大论,事无巨细,全部高要求,之前租给俄罗斯一家,估计再难遇到这样好的租客了,从不找事,准时交租,临走商业清洁房子和地毯......

作者: NewLynnHse    时间: 2014-8-24 14:04:55

作者: Lease    时间: 2014-8-24 14:26:10

作者: proinv    时间: 2014-8-24 14:45:36

是啊,谁不想交给中介管理, 可是象我们这种新手,买投资房没多久的,回报率本身很低,再交给中介,负担有点重.


目前的教训就是别买难打理的房. 但是已经上贼船,下不来了.
作者: BLUEMOON88    时间: 2014-8-24 15:24:43

本帖最后由 BLUEMOON88 于 2014-8-24 14:26 编辑

作者: LYYX    时间: 2014-8-24 15:31:25

proinv 发表于 2014-8-24 13:45
是啊,谁不想交给中介管理, 可是象我们这种新手,买投资房没多久的,回报率本身很低,再交给中介,负担有点重.

作者: NewLynnHse    时间: 2014-8-24 15:42:26

LYYX 发表于 2014-8-24 14:31

作者: proinv    时间: 2014-8-24 17:38:31

BLUEMOON88 发表于 2014-8-24 14:24
和我的前房客是一类人,难伺候,又难缠。建议趁早请走。否则将来不仅损失金钱,精神上也受伤。开始租房时一 ...

前房东是中介,给的评价很好. 所以就奇怪了,并且我知道南非租客总体口碑还是不错的,但是没想到这么缠人,要求太多了.这样以后隔三差五的就来电,那不烦死了.
作者: nijiaying    时间: 2014-8-24 18:03:31

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作者: walker123    时间: 2014-8-24 22:32:23

本帖最后由 walker123 于 2014-8-24 21:32 编辑
proinv 发表于 2014-8-24 13:45
是啊,谁不想交给中介管理, 可是象我们这种新手,买投资房没多久的,回报率本身很低,再交给中介,负担有点重.

能不能谈谈您的经验 - 什么房子难打理?是不是地大的?
作者: walker123    时间: 2014-8-24 22:34:39

作者: LU99    时间: 2014-8-25 02:17:45

南非房客是出名的极品, 麻烦事特别多, 以前的洋人公司同事说, 他们是洋人也不敢租南非人, 出名的难缠, 搅屎棍
作者: proinv    时间: 2014-8-25 09:28:48

LU99 发表于 2014-8-25 01:17
南非房客是出名的极品, 麻烦事特别多, 以前的洋人公司同事说, 他们是洋人也不敢租南非人, 出名的难缠, ...

作者: 无名水手    时间: 2014-8-25 10:19:02

作者: BLUEMOON88    时间: 2014-8-25 10:59:59

proinv 发表于 2014-8-24 16:38
前房东是中介,给的评价很好. 所以就奇怪了,并且我知道南非租客总体口碑还是不错的,但是没想到这么缠人,要 ...

作者: Harcourtscity    时间: 2014-8-25 11:42:24

Quite hard to determine through their ethnicity, but normally Asian and European tenants are the best tenants.

I have a tenant is a policeman and teacher, they do pay rent late as well. So is pretty hard to say even they have good references in the past since they may have financial / personal difficulty during your tenancy
作者: Harcourtscity    时间: 2014-8-25 11:46:09

本帖最后由 Harcourtscity 于 2014-8-25 11:12 编辑
LU99 发表于 2014-8-25 01:17
南非房客是出名的极品, 麻烦事特别多, 以前的洋人公司同事说, 他们是洋人也不敢租南非人, 出名的难缠, ...

My colleague used to have a South African tenant in south Auckland - Lovely property in Garden!
They didnt pay rent and we had to go through from court to get them out. And they were screaming and yelling at us that they didnt have place to stay and told us off that we didnt care they had kids. We were like...wtf... if you pay your rent, then your kids will have a place to stay then. Why the hell becomes our problem? LoL
作者: Venox10111    时间: 2014-8-25 11:52:29

Harcourtscity 发表于 2014-8-25 10:46
My colleague used to have a South African tenant in south Auckland - Lovely property in Garden!
T ...

They did pay the rent?
作者: songinator    时间: 2014-8-25 11:58:15

Venox10111 发表于 2014-8-25 10:52
They did pay the rent?

一定是笔误啦  didnt
作者: Harcourtscity    时间: 2014-8-25 12:11:58

Venox10111 发表于 2014-8-25 10:52
They did pay the rent?

didnt... haha.. typo
作者: bungyjumping999    时间: 2014-8-25 14:11:37

本帖最后由 bungyjumping999 于 2014-8-25 13:19 编辑
proinv 发表于 2014-8-25 08:28

south African can test water.... if you are soft, more trouble to come.
Personally, If I smell fussy, I will not rent to them.

At one time, one police wanted to rent my property, I felt he was a bit aggressive ( when talking, like I will help you to catch thief..., I don't need that really) , if someone is too demanding and aggressive, it is a no no to me too.

One wrong tenant can suck out all your energy.......     

So far so good... people I met were mostly okay.
作者: mls84    时间: 2014-8-25 14:41:36

对 南非白人没有什么好感。
作者: songinator    时间: 2014-8-25 14:45:35

bungyjumping999 发表于 2014-8-25 13:11
south African can test water.... if you are soft, more trouble to come.
Personally, If I smell  ...

good summary
作者: zldw    时间: 2014-8-28 14:15:57

作者: winny    时间: 2014-8-28 23:56:56

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