I want to buy Merino Kid Gogo bags. Winter or Duvet? NB to 2 y? or 2-4 y? Is there any mum can give me any suggestion?作者: Aiya 时间: 2014-8-14 17:12:38
I bought two, if the Winter one get dirty, I use the other one with a thin blunket on it. but when the weather is warm, I just use the thin Duvet. my baby is 1 year old, I bought 2-4 and just fold the bottom and sewed it by hand, hope they can be used till he is 4! :)作者: duazalea 时间: 2014-8-14 18:54:30
本帖最后由 duazalea 于 2014-8-14 20:24 编辑
我买了薄厚各一条,这个薄的夏天春天用不错,但冬用没袖子阿,早上宝宝小手胳膊冰凉,,冬天就不用了,,冬天我在陶宝上花了100人民币买了个有袖子分腿的睡袋,特赞,好用,宝宝在也手不冷了,,真的不要迷信go go bag了,宝宝即时盖被子,手还是会伸出来,还是会冷,除非上半身穿棉衣