问题是HR Manager可以凭借自己的喜好来给一个员工评价你是真生病还是假生病么?我给我部门经理打电话告诉他我有doctor certificate为什么HR还不给我pay。经理说HRM说这次是真的,之前的都是假的。所以reject我的leave application with pay。我还有差不多2周年假和3天day in liau。
If an employee works on a public holiday they are entitled to be paid time and a half for the hours they work and if it is an otherwise working day for the employee they are also entitled to another day off on pay. This alternative holiday recognises that the employee has missed out on having a day off work on a day of national significance and enables them to take a day off at another time.
This provision includes employees working shifts and some employees on call. Both types of employees get the full day off, even if they only work for a small part of the day.
The alternative holiday can be taken at any time mutually agreeable to the employer and employee, and is paid at the employee’s relevant daily pay or average daily pay (where applicable) for the day taken off.
啥叫mutually agreeable?
的确,如果你的sick leave用完了,选择权再于manager.
At any time when the employee does not have a sick leave entitlement (including during the first six months of employment), the employer and employee can agree to the employee anticipating the sick leave entitlement. In this case, any sick leave taken can be deducted from the next entitlement that arises.