Thank you very very much.作者: songinator 时间: 2014-7-1 17:37:31
ilikeauckland 发表于 2014-7-1 16:31
Thank you very very much.
you are welcome作者: love_3_month 时间: 2014-7-1 17:43:09
i saw 3 patterns
1. up till 2008, down, then up again from 2010 (more or less) - W shape, 5 countries
2. up till 2008, then down till today (or last year) , ^ shape. - 4 countries. However, they may go up later this year, to make it W shape too. (could be their economy is not so well in the past several years?)
3. keep down from 2000 - 2 countries. Germany and Japan. Japan house price was too high before 2000, but don't know is there anything so special for Germany?作者: love_3_month 时间: 2014-7-1 17:51:10