标题: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Statement of Intent [打印本页]
作者: songinator 时间: 2014-6-27 17:35:54 标题: Reserve Bank of New Zealand Statement of Intent
本帖最后由 songinator 于 2014-6-27 16:37 编辑
Date 27 June 2014
Reserve Bank committed to supporting economic growth
The Reserve Bank’s Statement of Intent (SOI) for 2014-2017 emphasises the Bank’s commitment to supporting economic growth in New Zealand, Governor Graeme Wheeler said when releasing the SOI today.
The Reserve Bank contributes to economic growth by targeting price stability, a sound and efficient financial system, and meeting the public’s currency needs.
“The Bank has been one of the catalysts for the current economic expansion,” Mr Wheeler said. “Five years of stimulatory interest rates moderated New Zealand’s recession in 2008 and 2009 and provided a platform for the current economic recovery.
“We will continue to do our part to ensure economic growth is sustainable by running monetary policy so that we avoid the damaging impact of high inflation on competitiveness, real incomes and output growth.”
The SOI outlines the Bank’s priorities for the next three years, framed around three themes: continuing to strengthen the Bank’s performance; developing a more integrated approach to policy; and improving infrastructure and reducing enterprise risk.
“These priorities are designed to best position the Bank to face the challenges ahead. For example, we are continuing to build our understanding of the interface between monetary and macro-prudential policies; we are strengthening the security features in our banknotes; and we are conducting a stocktake of prudential regulation to see where there could be more efficiency and clarity.
“The Reserve Bank faces a full agenda in the years ahead as it seeks to support the New Zealand economy and financial system for sustainable expansion,” Mr Wheeler said.
粗略看了看report 发现一段话比较有意思
To achieve and maintain stability in the general level of prices.
The current Policy Targets Agreement (PTA) between the Minister of Finance and the Governor requires
that the Bank “keep future CPI inflation outcomes between 1 and 3 percent on average over the medium
term, with a focus on keeping future average inflation near the 2 percent target midpoint”. It also requires
that: “In pursuing its price stability objective, the Bank shall ... seek to avoid unnecessary instability in output,
interest rates and the exchange rate.”
Scope of operations
The Bank undertakes research and analysis of macro-economic conditions to enable it to:
• Set an Official Cash Rate (OCR) eight times a year, or as required, with the aim of keeping inflation near
the mid-point within the target band.
• Publish the quarterly Monetary Policy Statements (MPSs) at the same time as four of the OCR decisions.
The MPSs set out the Bank’s views on the economy and inflationary pressures, and the basis for the
OCR decision.
• Announce the other four OCR decisions about six weeks after each MPS.
• Where appropriate and feasible, intervene in the foreign exchange market to influence the level of the
exchange rate, consistent with the objectives of the PTA.
作者: songinator 时间: 2014-6-27 17:38:26
这两天NZD USD 0.88一直没上去 和我预期的一样
作者: frzheng 时间: 2014-6-27 19:39:46
songinator 发表于 2014-6-27 16:38 
这两天NZD USD 0.88一直没上去 和我预期的一样
作者: ilikeauckland 时间: 2014-6-27 21:18:56
songinator 发表于 2014-6-27 16:38 
这两天NZD USD 0.88一直没上去 和我预期的一样
请大师指明方向, 升?跌?
作者: ilikeauckland 时间: 2014-6-27 22:14:21
高人阿, Reserve Bank of New Zealand Statement of Intent 到底在说什么呢?我看得半懂不懂。
作者: songinator 时间: 2014-6-28 13:03:05
ilikeauckland 发表于 2014-6-27 20:18 
请大师指明方向, 升?跌?
上上次graham wheeler讲话的时候呢 他说纽币太高 可能要干预
上次讲话的时候只提了一句纽币还是高 然后说OCR要继续升如果inflation继续上涨 然后仿佛打消了很多人对于央行要干预的疑虑
然后很多人买进了纽币 所以涨了
这次央行表态说即使inflation上涨 OCR不一定升哦 我们也要考虑过高的纽币等等 还是可能要干预打压纽币
这个文件不是每个投资者都看或认真看的 也许不能立刻在纽币市场上有反应但是表明了央行的态度
作者: songinator 时间: 2014-6-28 13:04:39
frzheng 发表于 2014-6-27 18:39 
让他们疯吧 早晚央行要干预 这次trade balance已经i比预期低了 很大部分应该是海外已经找到一些nz dairy product的替代品了 比如丹麦 加拿大等等
作者: 阿海 时间: 2014-6-28 13:56:13
汇率这东西应该在投资版里发哈哈 xD
作者: ilikeauckland 时间: 2014-6-28 18:42:39
songinator 发表于 2014-6-28 12:04 
让他们疯吧 早晚央行要干预 这次trade balance已经i比预期低了 很大部分应该是海外已经找到一 ...
Thank you very very much.
作者: songinator 时间: 2014-6-28 20:46:55
阿海 发表于 2014-6-28 12:56 
汇率这东西应该在投资版里发哈哈 xD
我不关心投资 我只关心什么时候纽币崩盘海外投资者来抢房
作者: ilikeauckland 时间: 2014-6-28 20:48:58
songinator 发表于 2014-6-28 19:46 
我不关心投资 我只关心什么时候纽币崩盘海外投资者来抢房
作者: 楼主 时间: 2014-6-28 20:49:40
作者: ilikeauckland 时间: 2014-6-28 20:51:44
作者: songinator 时间: 2014-6-28 20:55:22
楼主 发表于 2014-6-28 19:49 
我真的 ...
最后就是央行彻底管不了了 呵呵 不管了
作者: songinator 时间: 2014-6-28 20:56:01
ilikeauckland 发表于 2014-6-28 19:48 
最早也要本月OCR review之后
作者: ilikeauckland 时间: 2014-6-28 21:03:35
songinator 发表于 2014-6-28 19:56 
最早也要本月OCR review之后
u mean after 27 June 2014?
作者: songinator 时间: 2014-6-28 21:41:14
ilikeauckland 发表于 2014-6-28 20:03 
u mean after 27 June 2014?
24 July 2014 Next OCR announcement
作者: ilikeauckland 时间: 2014-6-28 23:04:46
songinator 发表于 2014-6-28 20:41 
24 July 2014 Next OCR announcement
Thank you very much.
作者: 阿海 时间: 2014-6-28 23:06:31
songinator 发表于 2014-6-28 19:46 
我不关心投资 我只关心什么时候纽币崩盘海外投资者来抢房
作者: songinator 时间: 2014-6-29 10:37:25
阿海 发表于 2014-6-28 22:06 
作者: ilikeauckland 时间: 2014-7-3 22:32:16
大师阿,24 July 2014 Next OCR announcement 好像说是要加息阿。请指点。
作者: ilikeauckland 时间: 2014-7-3 22:32:37
songinator 发表于 2014-6-29 09:37 
大师阿,24 July 2014 Next OCR announcement 好像说是要加息阿。请指点。
作者: ilikeauckland 时间: 2014-7-3 22:34:58
songinator 发表于 2014-6-28 20:41 
24 July 2014 Next OCR announcement
请看这个 http://money.skykiwi.com/na/2014-07-02/181921.shtml
作者: winny 时间: 2014-7-3 23:41:43
作者: songinator 时间: 2014-7-4 09:22:49
ilikeauckland 发表于 2014-7-3 21:34 
请看这个 http://money.skykiwi.com/na/2014-07-02/181921.shtml
没所谓 加息以后就会pause到年底
加息以后4个月不加息投资者就撤资了 主要看加息后央行怎么说
作者: ilikeauckland 时间: 2014-7-4 10:33:59
songinator 发表于 2014-7-4 08:22 
没所谓 加息以后就会pause到年底
加息以后4个月不加息投资者就撤资了 主要看加息后央行怎么说
作者: songinator 时间: 2014-7-4 10:40:13
ilikeauckland 发表于 2014-7-4 09:33 
8月头有可能 然后下降
作者: ilikeauckland 时间: 2014-7-4 20:41:43
songinator 发表于 2014-7-4 08:22 
没所谓 加息以后就会pause到年底
加息以后4个月不加息投资者就撤资了 主要看加息后央行怎么说
Thank you very much.
作者: 冰凉的火 时间: 2014-7-6 15:59:45
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