Mixed Housing Suburban 分割面积要求应该是. copy and paste:
Sorry, I am in the office and I can't type Chinese right now. Can anyone explain below for me? Thanks.
One dwelling per 400m2 net site area , or
One dwelling per 300m2 net site area where the requirements of clause 3.1.2 below are met, or
One dwelling per 200m2 net site area where the requirements of clause 3.1.5 below are met
2.Within the Mixed Housing Suburban zone a density of one dwelling per 300m2 applies where:
a.the site has a frontage of at least 7.5m in width for each dwelling and is the same width for the length required to accommodate the proposed density
b.each proposed dwelling is setback at least 4m and no more than 5m from the frontage of the site.
5.Within the Mixed Housing Suburban zone a density of one dwelling per 200m2 applies where four or more dwellings are proposed and the site:
a.has a minimum net site area of 1200m2
b.is at least 20m wide:
i.at the frontage of the site
ii.for at least 80 per cent of the length of its side boundaries.作者: NewLynnHse 时间: 2014-6-18 13:44:39
mixed zone suburban basically means 400 sqm can be subdivided. Some exceptions eg, if width of the land is more than xxx sq m, then 300 sq m is allowed but need resource consent.
Mixed zone urban allows more density , basically allows 300 sq m to subdivide.作者: 小猫 时间: 2014-6-19 00:30:32
a.the site has a frontage of at least 7.5m in width for each dwelling and is the same width for the length required to accommodate the proposed density
b.each proposed dwelling is setback at least 4m and no more than 5m from the frontage of the site.作者: ATAE 时间: 2014-6-19 00:38:48
frontage具体是指哪里到哪里的长度? 能翻译一下这专业术语吗? "frontage of at least 7.5m in width for each dwelling and is the same width for the length required to accommodate the proposed density" and "each proposed dwelling is setback at least 4m and no more than 5m from the frontage of the site."