
标题: 【新闻】大选前三个月民调 国家党支持率过半优势明显 [打印本页]

作者: 天维新闻    时间: 2014-6-17 17:32:21     标题: 【新闻】大选前三个月民调 国家党支持率过半优势明显

本帖最后由 天维新闻 于 2014-6-17 16:32 编辑

    天维网6月17日报道,援引NZ Herald消息 距离今年新西兰大选还有三个月时间,执政的国家党领先优势依然明显。与此同时,合并而成的Internet-Mana党有望在国会取得两个议席。



  值得一提的是,有互联网大亨Kim Dotcom背景的Internet Mana党支持率达到1.4%。如果Mana党党魁Hone Harawira能守住Te Tai Tokerau选区的议席,联民党(Internet Party)党魁Laila Harre就能跻身国会。

作者: supercrazy184    时间: 2014-6-18 09:37:43

怎么没有人回复呢?上班族都不关系政治吗? 对我们的影响会很大的。大家都不希望如果labour上台把大家辛苦工作交的税钱大把大把的用来养毛利岛人吧?
作者: 萨米    时间: 2014-6-18 09:59:40

关心政治的在看NZ Herald
作者: NewLynnHse    时间: 2014-6-18 10:12:47

作者: NewLynnHse    时间: 2014-6-18 10:22:14

"before my time".....yeah right
作者: NewLynnHse    时间: 2014-6-18 14:21:55

本帖最后由 NewLynnHse 于 2014-6-18 13:22 编辑


David Cunliffe wrote letter supporting Liu's residency bid

http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/new ... 1&objectid=11276510

Labour Party leader David Cunliffe - who said this week he had never met Donghua Liu or advocated on his behalf - wrote a letter to immigration officials on behalf of the controversial businessman who was applying for residency in New Zealand.

The 2003 letter was written in his capacity as the MP for New Lynn after he was "approached my constituent Donghua Lui [sic] who is concerned at the time it is taking to process his Investment Category application".

Mr Cunliffe this week denied any involvement with Liu's residency bid after the Herald revealed the property developer paid $15,000 at a Labour Party fundraiser for a book signed by Helen Clark in 2007.

The letter, released to the Herald today under the Official Information Act, dated April 11, 2003 said Liu's application for residency was accepted for processing by the Immigration Service on August 13, 2002.

Mr Cunliffe said Mr Liu wished to set up a joint venture business with his Tianlong Property Development Company - which owns his stalled property development in Newmarket - to export large quantities of agricultural and horticultural products to China.

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