地點Venue : Starry Kitchen - 2 Stanley Street, Parnell, Auckland
日期Date: 2 July 20
14 Wednesday
時間Time: 6:30 – 8:30pm (6:00 Register, 6:30 Start)
入場費$40 Entry Fee: $40
名額40人Limited to 40 Guest
RSVP to simon.cheung@wine007.co.nz
Mobile: 021-02021021
Wechat: Simon_golf
主办方 Organizer: Wine007
媒體贊助Media Sponsor: Skykiwi, United Chinese Press
其他贊助Other Sponsor: Westpac, Telecom, JD Capital, Glengarry
This month we will present the Asian exotic food – THAI FUSION. The evening will be full of joyful atmosphere and raise your learning curve about wine. The gourmet cuisine will be paired with some selection of quality and unique wines. Of course, it also provides tickets for you to build network with local Chinese leaders, business owners, student and potential clients within the NZ Chinese community. Come and meet other “Wine Lovers”! A total of 4 different style New Zealand wines will be tasted in that evening. "
[6月天维尚品生活活动]Wine007红酒网及新西兰华人红酒学院开幕酒会[活動圖片] http://bbs.skykiwi.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2639115&fromuid=313860