這次父母一起遞的,被告知移到上海。結果不多久便收到VO電話。告訴我的SPONSORSHIP FORM應該要交上我本人的銀行證明,擔保父母的資金。我說我以前從來是提供住宿擔保。資金一直是父母那邊提交的。而且他們的絕對夠有余。SPONSORSHIP FORM也有講明 you have sufficient funds for the maintenance of the sponsored person for the duration of their intended stay in New Zealand (unless they are providing their own funds), 意思很明白,就是說如果他們提供自己FUNDS,我就不用交。結果這奇芭女VO說,要不我就CANCEL這個SF, 讓父母自己的資金擔保。要不我就得交我本人的FUNDS 證明。那我想打印個BANK STATEMENT很簡單,而且她也接受SCAN COPY,那我就弄了,給銀行STAMP一下。交了。這個我就懶得跟她ARGUE了。
我媽跟我講過后,她就說那就等吧。雖然我都覺得也只有等,但心理真不服氣。找來找去移民局上的GUIDE都找不到要看這個的。我怎么都只看到這條[size=16.6667px]Q: Will you be in New Zealand for more than six months in total?
[size=16.6667px]You are not required to provide a medical certificate or chest X-ray certificate if you will be in
New Zealand for less than six month。