Flat-hunters flush out toilet-in-kitchen studio up for rent
A landlord tried to rent a North Shore studio which had the kitchen, bathroom and laundry in the same room.
The real estate agent advertising the property pulled the listing yesterday after complaints from flat-hunters who pointed out the owners had breached hygiene rules.
The furnished flat, up for $190 a week, is part of Anthony Wong and Anita Leung's five-bedroom family home on Lyttelton Ave in Forrest Hill.
Photos on the Trade Me listing showed a room which, on one side, had cupboards, a sink and bench top. A stove hob, microwave and mini fridge sit on top, while a washing machine sits in a space below. A tube of toothpaste can be seen next to the kitchen sink.
On the other side of the room is the toilet and shower with the mirror above the vanity showing the microwave and fridge in the background.
Ray White agent Serena Wan.在撒谎She told the Herald she had visited the house and taken photos but was in a hurry and didn't notice the unusual set-up initially/
Later she said she had asked Mr Wong to put up a partition to separate the two rooms.
.作者: songinator 时间: 2014-6-6 10:33:16
She told the Herald she had visited the house and taken photos but was in a hurry and didn't notice the unusual set-up initially。
Later she said she had asked Mr Wong to put up a partition to separate the two rooms.
"I shouldn't have done the advertisement first, I should have done the advertisement after," she said. "We didn't notice the function inside was not legal, so we are not listing it.
"We talked to the landlord, we can't list this kind of property. Some clients reported it wasn't legal."作者: Venox10111 时间: 2014-6-6 10:43:06
An Auckland Council spokesman said the photos also suggested an additional unit had been created within the house without building consent which was a breach of the Building Act.
The council can prosecute under the act and impose a maximum fine for a breach of $200,000.
Tenants can complain to the Tenancy Tribunal, which can order landlords to pay the applicant up to $3000.
It can also make an order restraining the landlord from committing the same act again within a period of up to six years, a breach of which carries a fine of up to $2000.作者: songinator 时间: 2014-6-6 11:34:04