我咨询了watercare development department (wastewater归watercare管), 以下是我和他们的原话:
Question 3: if the neighbors refuse to sign the agreement, will I be able to get any support/help from the council/watercare? From my point of view, as a property owner, I have my right to connect my waste water and storm water to the nearest public line. shouldn't the neighbor cooperate with me to get it done as I am fixing my issue which is related to the public health environment. It would be unfair that I can't do such.
Q3 – yes there is a process to follow if neighbours withhold their consent, however, as the process is long we advise you make every effort to accommodate their requests.
有经验的人知道如果协商失败,如何走法律程序呢? through tribunal or my lawyer? I don't mind taking long time to get this done.还有,我最近听人说, 有个法案在审议中, 强制邻居在无理的情况下配合申请人wastewater network extension的请求. 不知道有没有有相关的网页/连接/Information 可以share呢? 还想还没被通过,不过我想开始留意这些消息. 谢谢作者: Venox10111 时间: 2014-6-3 23:08:49