
标题: 委托房屋管理公司管理房子 [打印本页]

作者: zhangye    时间: 2014-5-28 19:32:22     标题: 委托房屋管理公司管理房子

我有一处房子委托2 Heather street上的Ray white管理,租客与中介签的合同是从08/06/2013到08/06/2014,但是上个月21号租客强行离开,在离开前就欠了4周的房钱和3个月的水钱。每个月我都把水费单子邮寄给中介,然后他向租客要水钱,在打回我的账户。也就是说,三个月她都没要来水钱。这个月我才找到租客,当然我换中介了。虽然Ray white有帮我要回抵押金,但因为是在合约里面,所以到今天我找到租客,我一共损失了大概4000元,我的问题是,中介应该不应该赔偿我一定的损失。
作者: BOBO55    时间: 2014-5-28 20:15:47

中介肯定是不会给的, 因为他已经帮你打官司拿回了BOND , 你只能找前房客要。 是他欠钱, 不是中介
作者: 冰凉的火    时间: 2014-7-6 18:05:23

作者: Harcourtscity    时间: 2014-7-9 11:13:43

Sometimes that cant be completely blame on the agents. We should blame on the NZ law. There is a very long process of this kind of situation. If the tenant doesnt pay rent and/or water, the agent can only apply through the tenancy tribunal (this will take weeks until you have a court date). Then the agent has to present all the documents to the court and get the whole bond back. If there are there any money are outstanding. Owner can only choose to go through from the debt collector to collect more money and giving the tenant a very bad credit rating only.

Unfortunately, NZ tenancy law protects these kind of tenants very well. Owner may blame on the property agent. However, the agent has a lot more to do to recover these much of money from the tenant.
Just a bad luck for the owner and the agent.

If the agent did the credit check and reference, and the tenant has a bad credit rating (even one default / collection and not telling the owner about this before moving the tenant into the property) Then the property manger or the agent may need to get a blame as well.

I am very sorry for you
作者: Carl007    时间: 2014-7-21 17:18:44

作者: KINGK    时间: 2014-7-21 23:54:17


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