
标题: 谈谈Flat bush的房子 [打印本页]

作者: athean    时间: 2014-5-26 14:15:19     标题: 谈谈Flat bush的房子

个人觉得Flat Bush发展潜力很大! 北岸已经成熟了,交通问题日益严重,新房子越来越少,价格越来越离谱。发展也就一个albany购物中心比较大和多元化,也发展的差不多了。
相反,flat bush四通八达,距离机场也不远,新房价格在可接受范围内,政府规划和重点发展。是潜力股。距离到市中心和albany一样,临近东区几个很成熟的老移民区,就现阶段离botany也就7,8分钟车程,新规划的购物中心走路就能到。 现在周边配套设施就很完善了,还在规划和发展中。。。

作者: songinator    时间: 2014-5-26 14:26:46

本帖最后由 songinator 于 2014-5-26 13:36 编辑

那边20号和1号都不远   去botany也不远 旁边医院诊所餐馆公园
听说太平分店在那里都要开张了   以后的购物中心就不说了还没建好说了没意思 招吐槽
当然吐槽的也多咯  沙发围观大波北岸群众吐槽
LZ发这个帖就是找喷的节奏  施主自重
作者: FML老王    时间: 2014-5-26 14:28:47

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作者: ctai010    时间: 2014-5-26 14:54:12

Flat Bush is roughly 5km away from mortorway. Compare to Auckland in general, I think that's not bad. Compare to Albany, it's a bit far.  

Although, I think it's a advantage that Flat Bush have access to both 1 and 20 state highway. Sometimes traffic in 1 state highway is completely blocked, there's the option to take state highway 20.
作者: athean    时间: 2014-5-26 15:07:32

FML老王 发表于 2014-5-26 13:28
Flat Bush的致命点在于
1. 上高速远了点
2. 房屋的材质,施工队的质量,非常让人担忧

4km,7mins 远吗? 比很多房子上高速都近吧。
材质? 现在的市政府不是提高了建房的要求吗? 有了ccc能有啥问题?真心请教。
旧房子质量就没问题? 新房子还有10年保修呢。
作者: athean    时间: 2014-5-26 15:09:09

songinator 发表于 2014-5-26 13:26
那边20号和1号都不远   去botany也不远 旁边医院诊所餐馆公园
听说太平分店在那里都要开张了   以后的购物 ...

作者: crazymouse    时间: 2014-5-26 15:26:40

作者: SsLlYy    时间: 2014-5-26 15:35:53

恩 还有没看到潜力的呢 而且小区配套设施建好和没建好绝对2个价  看看国内就知道了
作者: FML老王    时间: 2014-5-26 16:04:56

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作者: 骑着绵羊上高速    时间: 2014-5-26 16:13:38

本帖最后由 骑着绵羊上高速 于 2014-5-26 15:14 编辑

在flat bush住过1年半,总体感觉并不好,小地大房,房屋密度高,隐私性低,房子质量也感觉很一般,最主要的是交通受不了啊啊啊啊啊啊。。。早高峰开车上高速至少20分钟,然后还要经历1号高速上最大的两个堵点Mt Wellington和Ellerslie Panmure高速口,我最夸张一次,2年前的事了,有天下雨,早上差10分钟8点从家走,9点半才开到公司(在parnell )。。。如果赶上哪天路面有车祸,就只能憋在高速上呵呵了。。。

东、西、北、中、CT的“优良suburb ”(或者至少是公认中等偏上的suburb吧)我都住过(南区不敢住),仅仅从我住过的这些suburb 比较,从舒适角度来讲,北〉西〉东 〉中 〉CT,从方便角度来讲,CT 〉中 〉北 〉东 〉西,从安全角度来讲,北 〉CT 〉西 〉东 〉中

作者: athean    时间: 2014-5-26 16:18:49

FML老王 发表于 2014-5-26 15:04

哈哈,我还真不认得您,我们认识? 你怎么这么了解我,知道我太书本化,太缺乏社会经验? 刚才查看了一下您的帖子如下:
(急:请问body corp是地租吗?有body corp的就是crosslease吗?
作者: athean    时间: 2014-5-26 16:26:36

我来帮您回答一下,BODY CORP是管理费,不是地租,一般发生在有些unit  和绝大多数的apartment.
body corp 和crosslease 没什么关系。 很多free hold的apartment 都有body corp.
Crosslease 是两个土地互相租用,这是旧时代的产物。 你说的那个是leasehold不能买。 我手上有两个Crosslease房子,很正常,在一定意义上和free hold 没啥区别的。
作者: SsLlYy    时间: 2014-5-26 16:28:17

本帖最后由 SsLlYy 于 2014-5-26 15:31 编辑
骑着绵羊上高速 发表于 2014-5-26 15:13
在flat bush住过1年半,总体感觉并不好,小地大房,房屋密度高,隐私性低,房子质量也感觉很一般,最主要的 ...

北岸同学出现了 欢迎   交通的话之前的帖子已经讨论过了 交通的话北岸和东区对等的区进城是差不多的
而且ameti在造 各种交通分流 不知道的话可以去AT网站看一看 以后走panmure的会给南1号高速分流 走pakuranga也快了    北岸的下一个大桥/隧道不知道是207几年的事了 而且收不收费就不知道了 NZTA每年有限的经费不知道要攒多少年

至于你说的20分钟上高速 不知道你是从哪上的 我知道的人一般5-10分钟就上了

特殊情况的话没什么可说的 哪的高速都一样慢。。。。  另外如果赶上哪天大桥断了,就只能直接开回家了 或者高速掉头绕西区

东、西、北、中、CT的“优良suburb ”(或者至少是公认中等偏上的suburb吧)我都住过(南区不敢住),仅仅从我住过的这些suburb 比较,从舒适角度来讲,北 = 东 〉中 〉西 〉CT,从方便角度来讲,CT 〉中 〉东 〉北 〉西,从安全角度来讲,CT 〉北 〉东 〉中 〉西

纯个人感受,仁者见仁智者见智,不同意的请口下留情。。。 大家可以讨论
另外地域的人请绕道。大家只是闲来讨论。 哪个区都有好区,哪个区都有烂区。就跟哪个区都有政府房是一个道理。

作者: ctai010    时间: 2014-5-26 16:33:48

this data source is a bit old (2011),
http://www.stuff.co.nz/auckland/ ... r-hotspots-revealed
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/new ... p;objectid=10736458

according to this report, traffic wise, North Shore is the worst to communite to CBD.

However we are in 2014 now, unfortunetly I can't find a more recent research.
作者: athean    时间: 2014-5-26 16:38:21

SsLlYy 发表于 2014-5-26 15:28
北岸同学出现了 欢迎   交通的话之前的帖子已经讨论过了 交通的话北岸和东区对等的区进城是差不多的

我同意你的观点,我现在就住在北岸albany, 每天堵得我呀,唉。。
我觉得应该和flat bush 差不多把。
舒适度应该一样。 方便度似乎东区更方便,毕竟超市,批发的,餐馆比北岸多多了。安全没住过不知道,听说不错。 而且flat bush 现在都是豪宅,穷的也进不去把。当然了,不排除穷的去敲门的,不过,既然去敲门,还受地区限制吗?呵呵。北岸的3B不也是不安全吗?今天早上还有新闻呢。
纯个人感受,仁者见仁智者见智,不同意的请口下留情。。。 大家可以讨论
作者: guoshengnz    时间: 2014-5-26 16:42:18

SsLlYy 发表于 2014-5-26 15:28
北岸同学出现了 欢迎   交通的话之前的帖子已经讨论过了 交通的话北岸和东区对等的区进城是差不多的

"北 = 东 〉中 〉西 〉CT,从方便角度来讲,CT 〉中 〉东 〉北 〉西,从安全角度来讲,CT 〉北 〉东 〉中 〉西"基本赞成
作者: 骑着绵羊上高速    时间: 2014-5-26 16:44:09

本帖最后由 骑着绵羊上高速 于 2014-5-26 16:12 编辑
SsLlYy 发表于 2014-5-26 15:28
北岸同学出现了 欢迎   交通的话之前的帖子已经讨论过了 交通的话北岸和东区对等的区进城是差不多的

我住过北岸不过是很久之前的事情了。。。其实通勤时间最客观的评价还是要看数据统计,我们每个人所发表的意见,不过是对自己在不同时间段所住过的地方的一些主观印象罢了。。。很多时候的比较都不是对等的,比如说上高速的问题,我之前住在算是flat bush和Dannemora交接的地方,从那上高速不管走哪条路,只要是早高峰必定要20分钟以上。。我多年前住北岸的时候,离高速上口大概就是2公里不到的路程,那时候车流量也没有现在这么大,所以怎么堵车也就是10分钟上高速的事情。。。时代在发展社会在进步,道路越修越四通八达,很难讲是不是以后东区真的会不会出现一条高速15分钟直达city,或者随着人口越来越密集,交通变得越来越差的情况。。。北岸、中区、西区都是如此。。。南区即使大家普遍认为再不好,依然会有人出于某种原因在那里买房子。。。所以每个想要买房的人在搜集网上不同声音的同时,最主要的还是要有自己的判断。。。买房子是大事,慎重之余下手要稳准恨,才能得到自己真正想要的好房子!
作者: athean    时间: 2014-5-26 16:46:25

ctai010 发表于 2014-5-26 15:33
this data source is a bit old (2011),
http://www.stuff.co.nz/auckland/local-news/5235336/Commuter- ...

哎呀妈呀! 这个专业,数据说话!
作者: 骑着绵羊上高速    时间: 2014-5-26 17:15:34

ctai010 发表于 2014-5-26 15:33
this data source is a bit old (2011),
http://www.stuff.co.nz/auckland/local-news/5235336/Commuter- ...

作者: 浪浊之烟    时间: 2014-5-26 18:22:34

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作者: songinator    时间: 2014-5-26 18:26:18

浪浊之烟 发表于 2014-5-26 17:22
东区好房源一直紧缺,FLAT BUSH除外;看看拍卖记录,很多FLAT BUSH的都是无人参加拍卖或者取消拍卖,具体原 ...

你看的那些都是新造的6房 而且靠flat bush school rd那边 比较奇葩的户型  一般家庭买的比较少 喜欢的就喜欢咯 非新房的4房5房卖的很快的  去看看就知道了
作者: 孔雀东南飞    时间: 2014-5-26 18:53:02

flat bush就是地太小,房子离的太近
作者: henryzwd    时间: 2014-5-26 18:53:55

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作者: crazymouse    时间: 2014-5-26 19:01:39

本帖最后由 crazymouse 于 2014-5-26 18:05 编辑

奥克兰就业图2011 在考虑下FLAT BUSH位置就知道了 也可以大概知道为啥西区比较那啥了。。。。为啥mt eden 那么贵了。。。
作者: zynzakl    时间: 2014-5-27 00:10:29

flat bush的建筑质量,圈内人都知道。买家入住一年甚至只有几个月之后钢梁移位,地基下沉的事出了也不是一件两件。以为拿到CCC就万事大吉的买家只能自求多福。至于“新房子有十年保修”这句话肯定是错的,最多可以说有些新房带有十年的structure warranty。
作者: 新马甸甸    时间: 2014-5-27 00:59:25

songinator 发表于 2014-5-26 13:26
那边20号和1号都不远   去botany也不远 旁边医院诊所餐馆公园
听说太平分店在那里都要开张了   以后的购物 ...

作者: 吉祥果    时间: 2014-5-27 01:02:23

作者: athean    时间: 2014-5-27 01:30:55

zynzakl 发表于 2014-5-26 23:10
flat bush的建筑质量,圈内人都知道。买家入住一年甚至只有几个月之后钢梁移位,地基下沉的事出了也不是一件 ...

作者: athean    时间: 2014-5-27 01:41:31

顺便说一下,本人现在还没买,准备入手了,所以请大家尽可能的拍砖,我也好好好评估评估!感激不尽!不过到目前为止,还真没什么。就是房子间距小了点,哎,挑个好点的呗。说实话,现在很多全副地也就400多,只不过flat bush的开发商都尽可能增大室内面积,这是好事呀!你要真没有800-1000的地等着分割,400-600对于我来说都一样,房子的合理性和布局才最关键。
作者: songinator    时间: 2014-5-27 02:14:00

新马甸甸 发表于 2014-5-26 23:59

是吗 那很好啊 谢谢分享
作者: zynzakl    时间: 2014-5-27 02:15:37

作者: songinator    时间: 2014-5-27 02:24:23

本帖最后由 songinator 于 2014-5-27 01:25 编辑
zynzakl 发表于 2014-5-26 23:10
flat bush的建筑质量,圈内人都知道。买家入住一年甚至只有几个月之后钢梁移位,地基下沉的事出了也不是一件 ...

这些东西都是有工程师签字的 地基有地质工程师 钢梁有结构工程师
也许有这种个别情况 一个区几千个房我相信也就几个是这样的  至少我没听说过
28楼说的挺好 我就不多说了     我相信买房的人都会做building report 哪里的房都一样

至少这个区没有漏水房 dannemora不知道有多少砖房也漏得一塌糊涂的  95到04年发展的区不知道问题比05年以后的多多少
anyway 谢谢您的评论 大家讨论讨论 不懂的地方还请多多指教
作者: jan4victory    时间: 2014-5-27 08:27:19

我在那里住了两年后来搬到bucklands beach了,不看好flat bush的原因是人文环境。评判一个区的好坏因素有很多,例如自然环境和交通等等都是很重要。Flat Bush我个人觉得高峰已经过去了。具体例子看看Dannemora的过去就知道。Botany Shopping Centre还没造好之前也是疯涨了一轮。等造好以后羊群效应渐渐褪去,趋于稳定了。北岸能一直涨那么快的原因其中一个很重要原因也是人文环境
作者: zynzakl    时间: 2014-5-27 08:40:53

仅仅今年这几个月,我知道的被Council 列入黑名单不再承认其签字资格的工程师就有六个。
以flatbush那的地形,除非地基下面有bridge 否则是不需要地质工程师签字的。何况我也知道有人敢给自己没有检查过的房子出ps4。
作者: beliefto    时间: 2014-5-27 09:01:57

作者: ctai010    时间: 2014-5-27 10:03:35

zynzakl 发表于 2014-5-26 23:10
flat bush的建筑质量,圈内人都知道。买家入住一年甚至只有几个月之后钢梁移位,地基下沉的事出了也不是一件 ...

i spoken to a civil structure engineer of mine whom worked on CCC inspection for the past 10 years in Auckland. He do not aware any particular quality problem in Flat Bush area. He did mention that most new houses in Flat Bush have simple design (basically like a square box), and that actually mean the risk profile is low. However I wouldn't dare to say my information represent the whole 'industry' (圈内人).

About  '钢梁移位', that did sound like serious defect and extreme poor workmanship.

However, about 地基, I thought most Chinese builders hire kiwi contractor to build 地基? can anyone shed some light? I could be mistaken.
作者: 孔雀东南飞    时间: 2014-5-27 10:24:00

作者: love_3_month    时间: 2014-5-27 10:57:19

i compared flat bush with hobsonville point 2 years ago.

you can find some good builders in flat bush.

but the biggest concern is the population. Too many indian.

作者: ctai010    时间: 2014-5-27 11:43:15

zynzakl 发表于 2014-5-27 07:40
仅仅今年这几个月,我知道的被Council 列入黑名单不再承认其签字资格的工程师就有六个。
有的工程师为了自 ...

I could be too naive, but I thought fundation work need be done with supervision of LBP?
If council is aware of any misconduct, I'm don't think it's as simple as just 'black list' the involved parties?

(http://www.google.co.nz/url?sa=t ... amp;bvm=bv.67720277,d.dGI)

In addition, many chinese builders sub-contract fundation work to local kiwis anyway? Excavation and foundation require specalised machinary and operation skill that average builder don't normally have?
作者: songinator    时间: 2014-5-27 11:59:58

ctai010 发表于 2014-5-27 10:43
I could be too naive, but I thought fundation work need be done with supervision of LBP?
If counc ...

I agree. And I believe that before foundation is constructed, geotechnical engineer/technician shall inspect the foundation and perform in-situ testing (i.e. shear vane tests) to verify ground condition as per the design for all houses.

Correct me if i was wrong.
作者: ctai010    时间: 2014-5-27 12:49:31

zynzakl 发表于 2014-5-27 07:40
仅仅今年这几个月,我知道的被Council 列入黑名单不再承认其签字资格的工程师就有六个。
有的工程师为了自 ...

if I undertand correctly, engineer's on-site inspection is typically just a 1-2 hour viste, so it is possible to fool. But LBP supervision is on-site while the work took place, it will be very hard to fool LBP? unless the LBP knowingly signed-off faulty work, but is it worth the risk to lose the license and face prosecution? just to save some concret material cost?

Don't get me wrong Zynsakl, I am not saying I don't believe you. The information you share is very important (and alarming!). I'm sure lots of people is very interested to information you reveal, I just have some questions, that's all.  

Also, there are some Chinese builders in Flat Bush use high quality interior parts (expensive brands),  which adds hunders (or thousands) dollars more, and it all add up to construction cost.
In fact, the extra cost of one Bosh appliances could be more then all the money saved from concrete / insulation, again, maybe I'm too naive, but if I am cheap enough to use only the worst building material and cut corners on concrete / steel bars, I won't bother to spend extra money to buy top brand appliance and parts?
作者: songinator    时间: 2014-5-27 12:57:19

ctai010 发表于 2014-5-27 11:49
if I undertand correctly, engineer's on-site inspection is typically just a 1-2 hour viste, so it  ...

some fair comments                           good on you
作者: ctai010    时间: 2014-5-27 13:11:40

songinator 发表于 2014-5-27 11:57
some fair comments                           good on you


very keen to get to the bottom of this.
作者: zynzakl    时间: 2014-5-27 13:18:43

作者: love_3_month    时间: 2014-5-27 13:21:17

ctai010 发表于 2014-5-27 11:49
if I undertand correctly, engineer's on-site inspection is typically just a 1-2 hour viste, so it  ...

my thoughts re good / cheap materials.

1. some are using cheap material (for building), some are using good staff (for kitchen etc) - they could be different builders?
2. even they happen to be the same builder, it is still possible. Some ppl drive $$$ car but still go cheap vege shop to save several dollars. The Bosh they put can make the house looks nice and "expensive" which will give them good return, but the materials hidden under the floor / wall won't do any benefit at selling.
作者: NewLynnHse    时间: 2014-5-27 13:25:26

love_3_month 发表于 2014-5-27 12:21
my thoughts re good / cheap materials.

1. some are using cheap material (for building), some a ...

作者: ctai010    时间: 2014-5-27 13:36:40

zynzakl 发表于 2014-5-27 12:18
至少在flatbush,做地基的主要是华人,而且以包工包料的方式为主。这可以解释为什么有人会刻意减少材料支出。 ...

Good points, although, isn't the whole point of LBP is to prevent builders cut corners like this? But I have to admit I have no idea what's going on reality, maybe LBP don't give a sh*t, they just sign the paperwork, is it what's happening?

About builders hide behind limited liability of registered company, that actually dont apply if the company's director is personally involved in the construction work. There is many cases in recent years that court rule builders is personaly liable for leaky building.

New Zealand law imposes a duty on builders and developers to take care to prevent latent defects when building and developing. If defective construction methods lead to a reduction in the value of a home, directors can be held liable if they were actually involved in the building work, supervision or other aspects of control over the building process.
作者: ctai010    时间: 2014-5-27 13:50:27

love_3_month 发表于 2014-5-27 12:21
my thoughts re good / cheap materials.

1. some are using cheap material (for building), some a ...

good points.

Although from a developer's perspective, spend extra money on appliances and visible part don't guaranty good return. In fact, nobody know if you spend $5k more to buy good appliance, does that nessisarly means the house can sale more? The primary factor for poeple to judge house's value is base on location, land, area, house condition etc...

I think at end of the day, buyers just need to gather as much information as possible and make your own judgement call.

I personally feel it's unwise to categorically assume all house in a area is all build with poor workmanship. It is true that after the house is build, you can't see behind the wall and underneath the floor. I guess at end of the day, you get that you paid for. If you are really concerned, you can buy the houses build by big kiwi companies, but they do cost a lot more than chinese build ones.
作者: love_3_month    时间: 2014-5-27 14:16:22

ctai010 发表于 2014-5-27 12:50
good points.

Although from a developer's perspective, spend extra money on appliances and visib ...

it is all about risk. even if it is 5% more chance (than normal builders) that the builder may have used cheap material most buyer will give up the house.
作者: songinator    时间: 2014-5-27 14:32:30

love_3_month 发表于 2014-5-27 13:16
it is all about risk. even if it is 5% more chance (than normal builders) that the builder may hav ...

As far as I know, all the banks are quite smart but their risk assessment team has no concerns for new houses with code compliance certificate.
If they have concerns on new houses they will put in a condition (i.e. LBP appointed by the Bank to inspect the house prior to settlement date to confirm soundness/compliance etc.), if they really think this house or houses in this area will expose them to risks like house losing its value due to non-compliance.

As far as I know, houses built by FLETCHER will typically ask for 50k - 100k more than other houses built by self employed builders.

This is like Holden vs Chery. If you want to choose holder you pay a bit more. If you choose Chery, as long as it can take you to places for less, you are happy.

It is all market economy. All determined by sellers and buyers. If you worry about something unlikely or highly unlikely, pay 100k more to get a Fletcher built one.
BUT http://bbs.skykiwi.com/forum.php ... &extra=page%3D1 same shit will happen
作者: ctai010    时间: 2014-5-27 14:58:14

songinator 发表于 2014-5-27 13:32
As far as I know, all the banks are quite smart but their risk assessment team has no concerns for ...

wow, what a weird problem from a Fletcher build house!

As far as I know, among the kiwi / main stream community, Flat Bush don't have a reputation of poorly constructed house, however the biggest complaint is crowed house close to each other as all houses go for maximum coverage size, however this is common for all new development site in Auckland. Hobsonvile, Stonefield etc... Not a unique for Flat Bush.

Here's some discussion about Flat Bush among kiwis

作者: songinator    时间: 2014-5-27 15:08:24

本帖最后由 songinator 于 2014-5-27 14:15 编辑
ctai010 发表于 2014-5-27 13:58
wow, what a weird problem from a Fletcher build house!

As far as I know, among the kiwi / main  ...

thanks for sharing. can't agree anymore. Not to mention other new suburbs, just look at how many people looking for subdivide 800m2 900m2 land in other old areas?

This is purely because auckland has a shortage for residential housing lands and increasing land cost.

I guess you can surely get a similar fairly new house 5-6 bedrooms with 600m2+ freehold land in other areas for 1m+ easily. So that you dont need to "suffer" from small land?         Just need to compare apple with apple. You cant simply buy a 3m big house with sea view and big land and accuse another house or area got no sea view + small land when another house cost 1/3 of your house price for example?
Again, it is market economy. Limited bugget big family, or 2nd generation billionare, got their own choice to make.

The end.....
作者: 新马甸甸    时间: 2014-5-27 18:02:17

zynzakl 发表于 2014-5-27 12:18
至少在flatbush,做地基的主要是华人,而且以包工包料的方式为主。这可以解释为什么有人会刻意减少材料支出。 ...

同意,不管是在flat bush还是其它地方,我发现炒的越火,地价越高的区,建房质量和用工用料越doggy。地价如果炒的不是太高的,开发商还能心平气和的建房。
作者: fantastic8376    时间: 2014-5-27 23:06:38

zynzakl 发表于 2014-5-27 12:18
至少在flatbush,做地基的主要是华人,而且以包工包料的方式为主。这可以解释为什么有人会刻意减少材料支出。 ...

作者: 新马甸甸    时间: 2014-5-27 23:51:19

本帖最后由 新马甸甸 于 2014-5-27 22:53 编辑

Flat Bush有真的盖的不错的。也有builder/开发商做的不好的,他们其它地区有工地照样做不好,所以还是要看建的人。
作者: Rw1234    时间: 2014-5-28 19:48:56

songinator 发表于 2014-5-26 13:26
那边20号和1号都不远   去botany也不远 旁边医院诊所餐馆公园
听说太平分店在那里都要开张了   以后的购物 ...

作者: 新马甸甸    时间: 2014-5-28 23:59:15

Rw1234 发表于 2014-5-28 18:48
太平确实已经开张了。今天去MITRE10买东西看到了。就在MITRE10正对面,进去逛了逛,感觉比另外几个分店的 ...

那个商业地段的开发商本意是建一个档次很高的家居市场,所以商铺的设计和档次都比较高。建成初期几个new market的高档家具家居店店入住,还有油漆店瓷砖店...无奈人气一直不旺,几家店相继撤出,大片的商铺租不出去没有办法了不管谁给钱就租,阳春白雪输给了华人的柴米油盐...一向在仓库里开业的大华开进了档次高的商铺。我一直在想,如果那位开发商能挺到flat bush完全建成,说不定他的雄心会成功。
作者: Rw1234    时间: 2014-5-29 15:01:20

新马甸甸 发表于 2014-5-28 22:59
那个商业地段的开发商本意是建一个档次很高的家居市场,所以商铺的设计和档次都比较高。建成初期几个new  ...

作者: 我行我素我酷    时间: 2014-5-29 15:31:47

北岸住了8年,中区也住,综合说,北岸是最堵的地方,尤其那个桥,如果有个下雨天,赌死,早上其实从南边走高速上1号,还好,只有mt wellington赌一会,下午比较好,回来基本不太堵。。因为,中区,西区,南区,东区,都有火车,或者公交,或者不走一号也可以,减轻很大拥挤程度,北岸只有一个桥,都会从哪里走。很显然。
作者: 拉德方斯    时间: 2014-5-30 01:12:33

athean 发表于 2014-5-27 00:30
你所说的建筑质量,我不否认有很多, ...


flat bush已经是沿海某省和印度建筑工的天下了,质量在五年内据说都会出问题,中区相对很多洋人MASTER BUILDER,形成了强烈的对比
作者: songinator    时间: 2014-5-30 01:17:37

拉德方斯 发表于 2014-5-30 00:12

flat bush已经是沿海某省和印度建筑工 ...

据你说吧 情调查后再发言

flat bush到是master builder和fletcher比较多 中区相对印度建筑工的天下
作者: cherrycy    时间: 2014-6-6 03:14:25

作者: nanjingwy    时间: 2014-6-12 07:52:43

Ls, 100万还有什么好的选择吗?
作者: mls84    时间: 2014-6-12 13:14:53

作者: fzy5007    时间: 2014-6-15 18:41:42

新马甸甸 发表于 2014-5-26 23:59

求告知太平新店的具体地址,家住botony junction附进 逛了一圈愣是没找到
作者: pear    时间: 2014-6-15 21:23:39

fzy5007 发表于 2014-6-15 17:41
求告知太平新店的具体地址,家住botony junction附进 逛了一圈愣是没找到

我在华页上看到的, 在meter 10 mega 旁边。
作者: phlip0813    时间: 2014-6-15 21:49:53

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: fzy5007    时间: 2014-6-16 20:48:03

pear 发表于 2014-6-15 20:23
我在华页上看到的, 在meter 10 mega 旁边。

作者: fzy5007    时间: 2014-6-16 20:48:29

phlip0813 发表于 2014-6-15 20:49
Mitre10 mega旁边 kitchen & things后面

作者: bressanone.nz    时间: 2014-7-6 17:13:35

不错   我觉得不错
作者: anshanbox    时间: 2014-7-6 17:50:23

本帖最后由 anshanbox 于 2014-7-6 16:51 编辑

朋友买房的小窍门:   去房屋中介自住多的地方买。

                       理由:     他们成天和房屋打交道。   

                       疑惑:     为什么Flat Bush 这么好的地方没有房屋中介买来自住?
作者: Venox10111    时间: 2014-7-6 17:56:02

anshanbox 发表于 2014-7-6 16:50
朋友买房的小窍门:   去房屋中介自住多的地方买。

                       理由:     他们成天和房屋打交 ...

我家旁边住的就是 property coach.... 一个名中介住的也不远。看来是个靠谱的窍门,哈哈
作者: onmountain    时间: 2015-3-23 10:28:07

骑着绵羊上高速 发表于 2014-5-26 16:13
在flat bush住过1年半,总体感觉并不好,小地大房,房屋密度高,隐私性低,房子质量也感觉很一般,最主要的 ...

我在St Johns上班,但我住东区Sunnyhills, 当时选择住Sunnyhills的原因就是不能一早就堵在路上,受不了这种情况。从Sunnyhills是东区最近高速的好区,如果上高速,会在plaza这里的转弯口等一下,一会就能上south-eastern highway,挺方便,但ellerslie转弯处堵,这是正常的。但我去St Johns,就不必上高速了。我在plaza这里直走到panmure,这里早上真的没什么车,从来没有堵过。到St Johns,后转Remuera Rd,也是不太堵的,但到左转Greenlane rd时有点堵的,但你上parnell不用左转,也是直走,所以也不太堵,直接就到New Market了,再就是parnell了,你可以选择走这条,虽然红灯多点,但可能不会堵在那里。心情舒服一些。
作者: onmountain    时间: 2015-3-23 10:35:09

SsLlYy 发表于 2014-5-26 16:28
北岸同学出现了 欢迎   交通的话之前的帖子已经讨论过了 交通的话北岸和东区对等的区进城是差不多的

说得没错。其实那里都堵,但那里都有好区,方便上高速的区或不走高速直走小路方便的区。我最早住过西区avondale是比较近调整的,所以现在房价涨得也历害。北岸northcote,birkenhead,onewa也近高速,但如果在northcote的lake rd上高速,每天早上要堵很长时间,因为跟onewa路想冲,两边夹上来争一条路上高速,堵得要死,但北岸没有其它小路可以到CITY,也只能这样了。东区pakuraga height,Sunnyhills是最近高速的,除了plaza转弯处堵一点,接下去就好了,但上到ellerslie就会堵上,但总比在小路上等好些;但如果不在CITY上班的,可以走小路到panmure。总体感觉东区这一段比较方便。
作者: onmountain    时间: 2015-3-23 10:35:49

athean 发表于 2014-5-26 16:38
我同意你的观点,我现在就住在北岸albany, 每天堵得我呀,唉。。
我觉得应该和flat bush 差不多把。
舒适 ...

作者: onmountain    时间: 2015-3-23 10:44:32

songinator 发表于 2014-5-26 18:26
你看的那些都是新造的6房 而且靠flat bush school rd那边 比较奇葩的户型  一般家庭买的比较少 喜欢的就 ...

最近中介也跟我这样说,flat bush房子不太好卖,我看了一下主要集中在大户型的,特别一些加了plaster的都是议价的。难得出来几个多年前的好房,一下子就抢了。上个月去看了一个楼下三房,楼上三房,但可以独立分租,10年的老房,一进去就是想欣赏无限的感觉,第二周就被pre-auction offer了,最后400平方的地,拍到98.5万,确实不贵。但最近看flat bush的新房,真的没有设计感,纯一色的样子,提不起欣赏感,即使有分租潜力可以cover mortage,但也不想自己住在里面,房价也都拍不起来。是不是这样?最后还是看sunnyhills这些优质老区吧。
作者: onmountain    时间: 2015-3-23 10:47:22

songinator 发表于 2014-5-26 18:26
你看的那些都是新造的6房 而且靠flat bush school rd那边 比较奇葩的户型  一般家庭买的比较少 喜欢的就 ...


作者: ctai010    时间: 2015-3-23 11:53:41

anshanbox 发表于 2014-7-6 17:50
朋友买房的小窍门:   去房屋中介自住多的地方买。

                       理由:     他们成天和房屋打交 ...

How do you know there is no agent buy FB house for there own occupation?

The listing agent of this property just recently bought a new house right at heart of FB for herself:

Another friend of mine last year sold his FB house at Auction, and the buyer is owner of a property agent francise (at East Auckland), according to law real estate agent need do a compulsory valuation report and submit to the seller (my friend). My friend don't know this before hand and he very curious why there a buyer bought a house on auction and immediately do a valuation report, in the end his lawyer explained to him the reason and it make sense in the end.

In my very limited knowledge I already know 2 agents (whom must have dealt with many FB properties with firsthand experience) recently bought at FB for themself.

作者: ctai010    时间: 2015-3-23 12:09:42

本帖最后由 ctai010 于 2015-3-23 12:12 编辑
onmountain 发表于 2015-3-23 10:44
最近中介也跟我这样说,flat bush房子不太好卖,我看了一下主要集中在大户型的,特别一些加了plaster的都 ...

you are entitled to have your own opinion, but this statement - 'flat bush房子不太好卖' doesn't not reflect the truth at all.

Surely there is some houses build with cheap materials or asking very high price didn't sell as fast.

But those build with good / reasonble materials sell amazing quick. Basically the good ones and the reasonably priced ones all sell within weeks (or days).

If you viste FB frequently, you'll find almost every week there will be new house sold and new house bring into market. There must be at least 1 new property bring into the market every week. Over the past 3 years there must be hundreds of houses build (if not more). If 'flat bush房子不太好卖", shouldn't you see FB filled with "For Sale" sign when you drive down the street?  That's clearly not the case.

There is a new house in FB sold just 1-2 days after bring on to market at premium price. Is there any new suburbs (Hosbonvile, Stonefield, Silverwater...) have cases like that? Please share if you know any.

Sound like you have property in North Shore. Why so many Asians like to demonize FB just because they don't have property at FB? I personally find that very hard to understand.

作者: enningtang    时间: 2015-3-23 12:31:42

flatbush目前的房价快赶上albany吧?稍微便宜点?如果楼主打算长住flatbush,得算一算消耗在路上的时间和资源。 上下班高峰期每天堵在路上应该耗3个小时左右,一年下来差不多要780小时等于浪费一个月的时间,如果是打工你的老板是不会付你这个费用,那等于白白没了11115刀,加上油钱,1万3少不了。如果住albany,开车肯定也堵,建议你坐albany express公车, 上车20分钟内保证到市区,算它来回1个小时的话一年可以节约21天的时间。但如果在flatbush坐bus,应该比开车更慢吧。节约下来的时间可以让你吃个好早餐,睡个好觉,还不会因为迟到被老板责备,可以早点到家,可以干很多自己的事情。
作者: songinator    时间: 2015-3-23 13:39:00

ctai010 发表于 2015-3-23 11:09
you are entitled to have your own opinion, but this statement - 'flat bush房子不太好卖' doesn't not ...

i know eh

i just saw a terraced house sold for 720000 in 2 weeks and another 4 bedroom house got a pre auction offer and owner refused.
all i can see is houses in FB got sold within a month

all they just say is "i heard" without proving
作者: songinator    时间: 2015-3-23 13:39:53

enningtang 发表于 2015-3-23 11:31
flatbush目前的房价快赶上albany吧?稍微便宜点?如果楼主打算长住flatbush,得算一算消耗在路上的时间和资 ...

yeah right       look at the job concentration map of auckland.... like everyone needs to go to city for work
作者: onmountain    时间: 2015-3-23 14:58:44

ctai010 发表于 2015-3-23 12:09
you are entitled to have your own opinion, but this statement - 'flat bush房子不太好卖' doesn't not ...

作者: ctai010    时间: 2015-3-23 15:27:00

本帖最后由 ctai010 于 2015-3-23 15:30 编辑
enningtang 发表于 2015-3-23 12:31
flatbush目前的房价快赶上albany吧?稍微便宜点?如果楼主打算长住flatbush,得算一算消耗在路上的时间和资 ...

Firstly for house of similar condition, Albany is at least 15% to 30% more expensive than FB.
With a 1 million dollars house, that's 150k to 300k, I don't think that's just 稍為便宜點吧?

But the northern bus express way is indeed a huge advantage over FB, there is no dispute about that. Although I doubt if 20 min is really enough to get from Albany to cbd at peak traffic. Even when I'm driving my own car at off peak hours (ie Saturday lunchtime), it takes way more to reach between Albany to Cbd.

However firstly not everyone work at Cbd, secondly even if you work at cbd, it may still be a 20 to 30 min walk from your house to Albany bus station, and for city but station to your cbd office.

I personally know a friend live in Albany and work at cbd, even with Albany express bus, he still need wake up at 630am in order to arrive at 830am at city, just in case if he missed a bus, traffic is bad at Harbor bridge etc...  Plus it's a long walk from bus stop to his office

作者: enningtang    时间: 2015-3-23 16:29:29

本帖最后由 enningtang 于 2015-3-23 16:35 编辑
ctai010 发表于 2015-3-23 15:27
Firstly for house of similar condition, Albany is at least 15% to 30% more expensive than FB.
With ...

Houses in Albany are expensive for some good reasons, such as better building materials, better design, and bigger lands, which are worth for 150k-300k more.

I got 5 colleagues living in Browns bay Torbay and Mairangi bay they all take Albany Express to work and usually spend 40-45 mins on their ways. And another colleague in Glenfield usually spends 45 mins on driving, one in beach heaven spends 45 mins on birkenhead buses.  I live in Glenfield and I drive to Onewa Road and jump on a bus which takes me 15 mins to arrive in CBD. I never heard anyone had to spend 1 hour on the way to work in CBD. Maybe your friend will need to look for a better way.
作者: gwu    时间: 2015-3-23 16:40:42

作者: ctai010    时间: 2015-3-23 16:52:39

enningtang 发表于 2015-3-23 16:29
Houses in Albany are expensive for some good reasons, such as better building materials, better des ...

what I said is bus travel time + walking time from home to bus station + walking time from bus station to offce all add together. I'm not trying to say the bus alone take 1hour plus.

I don't disagree the north bus express is awesome. It's truely a unique advantage of North Shore.
Driving to city for work is getting hard and harder, not to mention parking is getting more scarce and more expensive.

And I also agree with you that Albany house tend to have better design and material, but not always. Albany builders aim for a higher market segment and probabily have a higher profit margin, so more money can go into design, material etc.. Flat Bush basically aim for the buyers can't afford (or don't want to) buy North Shore / Central properties, and generially have a smaller profile margin, so less money (or no money..) goes into design etc..

But not always, I'm sure if people willing to look around and prepared to pay more, there must still be top quality houses in FB.
But coming back to the original point, 150k -  300k isn't small money, personally for me, 150k-300k more mortgage will push me over the boundry to consider the house as unaffordable. 50-100k more I can accept, but not 150k-300k.
作者: enningtang    时间: 2015-3-23 17:24:25

ctai010 发表于 2015-3-23 16:52
what I said is bus travel time + walking time from home to bus station + walking time from bus sta ...

Sorry for my bad English, what I tried to say is that none of my colleagues spends 1 hours on their way to the office, which includes walk/run, drive, and bus.
I don't mean Flat bush is not a good place to live or houses in FB are very bad but according to the traffic situation if people work in CBD, I don't recommend buying a house in Flat bush cos the everyday journey will cost a lot of money. And after 5 years, people would find they could buy a house in a better location with the extra transport costs.
My idea is, for living, find a place closing to work and pay what you can offer, after years you might find that could save a lot and the house would not drop its value; for investments, find a place still being development and rent to people work closing there, there will be potential to grow in the future.
作者: Rw1234    时间: 2015-3-23 17:40:49

作者: 晴天布布    时间: 2015-3-23 17:43:16

作者: crazymouse    时间: 2015-3-24 10:46:48

Rw1234 发表于 2015-3-23 17:40
我觉得albany比fb贵的原因是地普遍稍大吧。其实无论工作机会,方便程度,户外休闲活动等等各方面FB都要好过 ...

albany shoping mall 成型 Flat Bush 很多还是大饼 不过正在慢慢成型 Flat Bush 会变成Albany 那样的 至于 买房买哪?那是看个人需要 工作地点 同行相轻 搞得那么多风云 真不好的地方 也没人讨论了 也不会炒那么厉害
真觉的不放心 为啥不买块建地 自己找人盖呢?现在买房 不用买保险?

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