收入 个人税 含ACC后个人税
up to $14,000 10.5 cents 12.20 cents
from $14,001 to $48,000 17.5 cents 19.20 cents
from $48,001 to $70,000 30 cents 31.70 cents
$70,001 and over 33 cents 34.70 cents作者: sql 时间: 2014-5-18 12:00:54
收入 个人税 含ACC后个人税
up to $14,000 10.5 cents 12.20 cents
from $14,001 to $48,000 17.5 cents 19.20 cents
from $48,001 to $70,000 30 cents 31.70 cents
$70,001 and over 33 cents 34.70 cents