Breaking News: REINZ says house sales volumes slumped 20.2% in April compared with a year ago; median price down 1.8% in past month to $432.25k.
It said April "typically" included the Easter break and school holidays, "however on a seasonally adjusted basis the level of sales was down almost 8% compared with March and down 18% compared to April 2013". 作者: NewLynnHse 时间: 2014-5-12 16:32:08
oh no作者: 77only 时间: 2014-5-12 16:36:03
Oh no, dump it quickly!作者: LYYX 时间: 2014-5-12 16:46:24
我不是YY帝 发表于 2014-5-12 16:32
with Price Steady, 还是一个月跌了1.8%。
我发的没错啊,你认为一个月跌了1.8%是Steady那就是Steady呗。 ...
震荡上升steady是第一 一炮冲天泡沫危险高 难道你以为steady means 10% per year increase and up 0.8333% per month?
而且median price代表什么 除非每个月都是同样的房子卖 不然没有可比性 看的应该是一些index
仔细看 下面
The REINZ Stratified Housing Price Index, which adjusts for some of the variations in the mix that can impact on the median price,
is 8.5% higher than April 2013, at a new record of 3971.2. The Auckland Index has risen 15.2% compared to April 2013, with the
Christchurch Index up 13.6% and the Wellington Index up 1.0%.作者: 我不是YY帝 时间: 2014-5-12 17:38:13
本帖最后由 我不是YY帝 于 2014-5-12 16:38 编辑
songinator 发表于 2014-5-12 16:37
震荡上升steady是第一 一炮冲天泡沫危险高 难道你以为steady means 10% per year ...