Assume 90% of your weekly loan payment is interest, then claimable interest: 400 x 52 x 90% x 0.5=9360.
Rates: 2432.34 x 0.5=1216.17
Water: 80 x 12 x 0.5=480
So profit on rental is: 14560-9360-1216.17-480=3503.83. Tax payment depends on your personal tax rate, if it's 30%, then extra tax to pay: 3503.83 x 30%=1051.15.作者: 钱塘居士 时间: 2014-5-11 20:18:17
Lease 发表于 2014-5-11 18:29
Rent Received: 280 x 52=14560
Assume 90% of your weekly loan payment is interest, then claimable ...
If your income is less than the weekly standard cost allowed, you don’t need to show
this income in your return, keep records of related expenditure, or pay tax on the
income you receive from boarders.作者: 呵呵 时间: 2014-5-12 16:13:34