路考立即就死的动作之一:同车有人指导驾驶,或出现紧急情况必须指导。死。1.the TO or support person in the vehicle provides any verbal or physical assistance to the applicant while the test is in progress
2. the TO or support person in the vehicle intervenes verbally or physically while the test is in progress to prevent a collision or prevent the development of an unsafe situation.
路考立即就死的动作之二:无法完成或不听考官指令瞎开,死。1. the applicant is unable, because of lack of driving ability, to carry out the TO’s instruction
2. the applicant disobeys a direction given by an enforcement officer
上图第二幅里要特别小心,遇到右前方有停车阻挡视线,可以探出头查看来车,但是不可影响来车顺利通行。Figure 22: The driver is permitted to move
forward to view approaching traffic, but must not
obs truct a line of moving traffic