*** Chinese Kiwi Friendship Group ***
We were lucky enough recently to have representatives from this group come and talk to the Kaipatiki Local Board at a Community Forum meeting. They chatted about their activities in Northcote and showed us the attached inspirational video. If you can spare a few minutes, it’s definitely worth a look!
They meet weekly on Thursdays (except school holidays) from 9.30 am-12.00 noon at St Luke’s Methodist Church Hall on Greenslade Cres, Northcote Central. Activities include English chat group, theme specific activities/talks, cultural sharing, Tai Chi, and outdoor activities. They aim to foster friendship, sharing and learning from each other. Bi-lingual Chinese members are available to facilitate communication if needed. Gold coin donation is appreciated. ALL WELCOME!
If you’d like further information, don’t hesitate to contact Aileen on astead@clear.net.nz. Otherwise, just turn up!
www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=699909500073707&set=vb.143661722365157&type=2&theater 这是录像链接。
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