不闲但无聊,发帖吐个嘈。今天bus上两位中年女士站在我身边(我也站着)一路的聊着,大抵是孩子如何有出息之类的,只是一句话雷到了我,一位问孩子在哪读书,对方回答说她孩子上师大附中,同伴正纳闷,对方解释说:“那学校旁边就是奥克兰大学的教育学院,所以其实就是师大附中。”恕我驽钝,不知道奥大是不是真有自己的中学,有幼儿园我是知道的。即便如此能通俗易懂的套上“师大附中”这个名字也是创意啊,大概国内认为“师大附中”代表了好学校吧。作者: AUGUSTUS 时间: 2014-4-10 11:06:46
“ANI is associated with the Auckland University, Faculty of Education assisting with the training of future teachers. The term "normal school" originated in the early 19th century from the ecole normale. The french concept of "ecole normale" was to provide a model school with model classrooms, modelling best teaching practice to student teachers. ANI still shares part of its park-like grounds with the Faculty of Education.”