各位前辈们好,本人厨师,open工签快到期了,递交了2年的工作签证申请。第一次移民局发来Email说我写错了 不应该是 long term to residence. 因为我没有5年工作经验,并说我有新西兰本地学历,应该是essential skill( Unfortunately you do not meet the work experience requirements to be eligible for Work to Residence visa under the Long Term Skill Shortage List. To qualify you would need to have a minimum of five years’ work experience as a chef.We could assess your application under the Essential Skills category. Let me know if you are happy to for me to switch your application to an Essential Skills application)。我说那就改吧,今天又发来Email,告诉我说:You have agreed to have your application assessed under the Essential Skills work visa instructions. I need to inform you that under the Essential Skills category there will be no pathway to residence. If you wanted to apply for residency you would not be able to apply under the ‘Residence From Work’ category. Please email back to confirm you understand this and are happy to continue to have your application assessed under the essential skills work visa instructions.。我添的表格应该是那个work visa(inz1005)啊。还是哪个地方填写错了,朋友告诉我说应该第一页背面click 那个work
experience....迷茫了。。。作者: 花花村姑 时间: 2014-4-2 23:48:17