(附上invokelist 当初发的经验贴:http://bbs.skykiwi.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2208881&highlight=%BC%BC%CA%F5%D2%C6%C3%F112%D4%C2)
8月21号: EOIselect
9月2号 :DC
9月26号 :AR银行扣钱
3月12号 :分到CO,并要求补资料,还有BF上司收到雇主调查信。
3月18号:补递资料到HendersonBranch, 不过这里有点小曲折。因为补递资料的时候,只是在表面写上了application number, 并木有写上其他资料,就把资料放进了drop box。 在第二天的时候 CO跟我们说他没有收到资料,让我们尽快把资料递上去的时候,让我紧张了好一会,怕资料不见了。幸好只是一场虚惊,后来朋友告诉我其实是可以电话移民局查询补递资料的进度的。
3月26号:CO打电话给BF,要求把contract 签上名字,扫描给他。(所以大家以后记住哦,所以要签字的文件,一定要签名哦)
3月27号:中午把扫描件email 了给CO,下午就 onlineapproved了
Cover Letter 模板:
To whom it may concern,
It is very pleasure to review memories and to be honest tocertify some information here. I met -##### in YEAR when we were in SOME WHERE.He is a mature, well-organised student who gets along well with his peers. Heis courteous and respectful towards people.
He introduced his girl friend #########to me, (写个时间或者事件)in middle of YEAR. She is a quiet and wonderful girl. She can be assertive andconfident when it is appropriate. As a good friend, I joint their (graduationor weddding) in April to share happiness with the awesomecouple.
They both found job in AKL , as the consequence, they hadmove to Auckland to settle their new life after graduation. (这段根据自己实际来简化编写))
As the following, I relocated to Auckland YEAR. I have beenvisit to their home, which located HOME ADDRESS various time during YEAR. I amvery happy to see that #### and ######are still both very happy together. Theyare love and caring each other and having a stable and wonderful relationship.
I am sure they will be kept in the sweet status because Ican see how much they love each other.
Make it simple, they are showing me the concept of love, howto love each other. At last but least, hope their love forever and enjoy thewonderful life. PS: you could reach me directly at 0211101106
for any questions.
Kind regards,
To whom it may concern,
I met [your name] in 2006 when he was one of my xxxclassmates in University. He is a mature, well-organized student who gets alongwell with his peers. He is courteous and respectful towards people.He alwaysset realistic goals, work hard and care for his girl friend. He introduced hisgirl friend, (Name) to me. She is a quiet and reserved girl. She can beassertive and confident when it is appropriate. Up until now, they are awesomefriends and we have a very good relationship as friend. As a good friend, I amvery happy to say that x and y are both very happy together. They are alwayscaring for each other and have a stable and wonderful relationship.I am surethey will be kept in this wonderful status because I can see how much they loveeach other every time they are together. I think they both are truly blessedand again wishing they love forever.
Kind regards,
contact details
不过正常的最好的同居证明就是 租房合同,如果没有的话,就让房东帮忙写上某年某月 ××和××住在××地址,住了多久,签上名就好。
Hi there, Iam ***(name). The following is about me and *** (name)in the pass *years’ time of our relationship. We are not in love in first sight, but she isthe first Person i met in New Zealand speaks the same language as me, we wasclassmate when we is studying our foundation course in ** College in **(whichyear). *** is a very special girl to me,I love talking to her, we alway had endless conversation, she can make me happyeasily and I have to mention she is charming, smart and good since of humor. I ask *** out for a date not long after wemet, we go to watch movie and dinner. Imove in with ***(name) in ***(place) soon after we started dating, I felt verygood she does most of cook, washing and all other house work. She look after me in everyday life but takecare all other hard work in the house, I am glad to having her around wesupport, learn and taking care of each and other. We do had up and down times but that makes usfamily and we do open up and say things we don't like, we can solve most of ourproblem with talking thing through.
We finishfoundation course together and went in ***(school) for further study, i studied IT and ***studied business, we has different friends while studying in **(school), weboth don't might hanging out with each other’s friend from time to time and allour friend think we make a great couple.
Both of uslikes traveling, we save up money to go on holiday. We had been to Rotorua afew times already, because *** likes the hot water spring there. Usually we will go bush walk, museum, hotspring and eats a lot yummy food, we like tasting new cuisines. In most weekend we like to gather our friendto go out to play card games or the play station games, then we might haddinner together with our friend or eat out just 2 of us.
Iappreciate all the things *** does for me, she is my wisdom teacher,encouragement and motivation. With allthe support i had from *** I am hoping in the short future I can be moreexperience ** person, so our living is more settle like buying our own houseand better living.
其实主要是表达你们是一起生活过,然后有一些很有意义的事情。我和我BF的love story,其实也比较简单,就是把所有发生的事情弄成一个timeline,签个名。(主要是我bf不想表达我有多好{:8_495:},挺让我郁闷的一件事情)
灿烂的笑容abby 发表于 2015-5-7 20:31
请问一下在表格NSC里面education history里面有一条是qualification earned, if any怎么写啊?还有就是在un ...
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