我就是发现竟然Emirates竟然机票比Virgin Australia还要便宜就没有忍住其实这样的情况 而且Emirates全是A380双层客机以外可是有Standard Meal+Baggage Allowance 30kg included 的哦 所以不是World's Best Airline in the 2013就贵过Budget Airline的
还可以加入Emirates的Emirates Skywards member是免费的可以同时累计SkywardsMiles和Tier Miles享受它合作伙伴的折扣(经常出去旅游的非常实用住宿租车什么的都有折扣) 坑爹的国泰Asia Miles是免费但是什么用都没有去年飞了8个航段只够换1个尼龙的手提包加一个8G的U盘 Marco Polo Club可以享受折扣问题要50USD!!! 还不如AA卡好用...
现在加Emirates Skywards member还有welcome Miles for your first flight 需要加入的话我可以Refer你这样我们都有奖励PM我的你姓名和EMAIL就好
如果在美国某些州可以直接用新西兰驾照其他州不可以 官方的说明 http://www.usa.gov/Topics/Foreign-Visitors-Driving.shtml
Short-Term Visitors
If you plan to drive when you visit the United States, check the driving rules in the state(s) you'll be visiting to verify that you can use your non-U.S. driver's license. You should get an International Driving Permit (IDP), which translates the information contained on your official driver's license into 10 languages.
The United States does not issue International Driving Permits to foreign visitors, so you will need to obtain this document in your home country before you travel to the United States.