Non-Chinese citizens – You will only be able to apply for a police certificate if you hold a Foreigner’s Residence Permit. If you do not hold a Foreigner’s Residence Permit then a statutory declaration as described under the “Procedures” section at the beginning of this page must be submitted.
链接在这里,你们一定要仔细看哦: ... ficate/cd/china.htm
If police certificates are unavailable
If you cannot get a police certificate, provide detailed information of your attempts to get one. If we are satisfied that police certificates are not available or it would be unduly difficult for you to get them (for example where the authorities of any such country will not generally provide such certificates), we may instead ask you to make and provide a separate statutory declaration in both English and your own language.
If a statutory declaration is required, it must detail your attempts to obtain a police certificate and state whether or not you, or any accompanying family members, have been found guilty or convicted of, or charged with offences against the law in that country. The statutory declaration should also be corroborated by other information attesting to your character.
需要提供statutory declaration
并提供一份good character letter, 而这份good character letter的内容大概要写
state whether or not you, or any accompanying family members, have been found guilty or convicted of, or charged with offences against the law in that country.
上面两份要一起交 (交上面两份的时候,也将上面那段说明你们根本办不了中国police certificate文字一起打印出来作为文书证据。)作者: AFARMER 时间: 2014-4-6 21:16:40
特别是 文件命名为statutory-declaration-form这个文件里面写得非常清楚哪些人可以帮你们做statutory-declaration,
最好不要是亲属关系的人写那些声明,就比如说老爸老妈夸奖自己儿子好 那样子,说服力不强。
可以做statutory declaration的人如下:
justice of the peace(太平绅士,通常说是JP)
当时我们的 good character 声明是找认识的警察写的
但警察建议我们找JP做了statutory declaration。 既然你们有认识的法院的人,那应该比较容易找到律师帮忙做一份statutory declaration。