The fruit concerned was on sale between 27 February and 13 March 2014 at the following outlets.
Royal Gala apples from:
All Countdown supermarkets in the North Island.
The following Christchurch retailers - G Morris and Son, Fresh Connection, United Fresh, Edgeware Supervalue.
Golden Queen peaches from:
All Countdown supermarkets in the North Island.
Pak n Save, New World and Four Square supermarkets from Taupo to Kaitaia.
The following Auckland retailers – Dahua Supermarket (Albany) 大华, Lim Chour (K-Road)蔡林楠, Fruit World Pioneer Plaza (Henderson), Manukau Fresh Fruit and Vege, Fresh for Less (Henderson), Save Fruit and Vege Shop (Manukau), Green Field Fruit and Vege (Green Bay), New Lynn Fresh.
Also Fresh World in Hawera.
New Zealand Beauty apples from:
All Countdown, Fresh Choice and Super Value supermarkets in the South Island.
The Ministry recommends people who bought potentially affected fruit between 27 February and 13 March 2014 to either cook the fruit well before eating, or if in doubt, throw it out.
Caution: Hi all, you may be aware that some fruit has potentially been contaminated with Hepatitis A. This relates to a small quantity of fresh fruit that was on sale between 27 February - 13 March. Of the affected fruit, PAK’nSAVE only had the Golden Queen Peaches which were available for sale in upper North Island stores (Taupo – Kaitaia). If you have purchased any Golden Queen Peaches from the affected stores and have any health concerns, please contact your doctor. For more info on this please see-
We can confirm that no affected fruit is on shelf or available for sale. If you purchased any Golden Queen Peaches from the affected stores, please return the product for a full refund
Caution: Hi all, you may be aware that some fruit has potentially been contaminated with Hepatitis A. This relates to a small quantity of fresh fruit that was on sale between 27 February - 13 March. Of the affected fruit, New World only had the Golden Queen Peaches which were available for sale in upper North Island stores (Turangi - Kaikohe). If you have purchased any Golden Queen Peaches from the affected stores and have any health concerns, please contact your doctor. For more info on this please see-
We can confirm that no affected fruit is on shelf or available for sale. If you purchased any Golden Queen Peaches from the affected stores, please return the product for a full refund.
Hi everyone, we would like to confirm that the fruit affected by MPI’s precautionary withdrawal was removed from sale from late yesterday. All fruit currently on display in our stores was not sourced from the Hawkes Bay pack house concerned, and is safe to eat. You can return any of the affected fruit purchased between 27 February and 13 March, or your receipt to the store for a full refund. 作者: 我的失败与伟大 时间: 2014-3-14 16:29:06
大家其实不用太担心,几率很小的。作者: 坏小孩' 时间: 2014-3-14 16:37:16
好想知道你到底有多伟大呢?作者: maomao06 时间: 2014-3-14 19:36:35
华人超市买的咋办呢?....作者: linyi.l 时间: 2014-3-15 12:59:25
9号的时候我也正好买了五个苹果,Royal Gala apples。在洋人超市买的,昨天看到新闻的时候,我己经吃了2个了。。