
标题: 9L incident - and double Standard in Chinese oppressive behaviour [打印本页]

作者: jerrygarry    时间: 2014-3-5 15:23:09     标题: 9L incident - and double Standard in Chinese oppressive behaviour

本帖最后由 jerrygarry 于 2014-3-5 23:10 编辑

First of all, I would like clarify that I am against terrorism and indiscriminate attack on civilian, further more I am against Islam fundamentalist, as they are sexism, discrimination and oppressive nature.

I feel sorry for the civilian who got hurt and killed in the incident

But I would like to point out that in the Boston Bombing, a lot of Chinese did say the same thing, but no one even say a word which is really double standard.

When you turn an blind eyes on other Chinese saying silly things when terrorists strike USA, Britain or any other Western Country, you have no right to condemn 9L!

Btw National passed the cyber bullying act and is criminals now to do cyber bullying to 9L - if you guys do more, I will report to the police!

I hatre seeing Chinese who are holding Kiwi passport and embrace the Chinese oppressive behaviour, remember you are Kiwis and enjoying 4 freedoms because of the bill of rights!

Freedom of Speech
Freedom from Fear
Freedom of Want
Freedom of Worship!

See all this shit you guys written!
美国911事件中国歌谣大全6 A0 \" j+ ^) F0 @# }
. |  J6 t% c8 N% n: I
● 打油诗

中秋又见月如盘 国庆佳节喜相连5 b- h5 L6 y0 h
热血阿塔送大礼 我国人民象过年!

● 顺口溜 % l! w  ~3 t# U  q: B: F. m
. ?- ?# R# Y' S9 c" J
炸得好啊炸得妙,炸得世贸倒塌掉,炸得五角大火烧。 + E: A: h" U% f9 s% j$ h
炸得好啊炸得妙,炸得美帝哇哇叫,世界人民哈哈笑。 . q7 @6 c; o1 d0 T+ O7 L3 w
恶习若不快改掉,大小布什全报销! 0 M" C3 O  ]+ N' G0 M7 `! w2 @
. B0 {/ m/ ?$ F. Q: Y( b
● 世贸被炸赵本山版* c8 \5 |$ _9 V; p$ W2 }) k  L: U, ]
- a5 [9 E9 @9 g: Y7 \' j
白宫门脸挂花了,布什这下抓瞎了。: r+ Y# W: X% b: Y* o: X
老窝让人家整惨了,中情局破玩现眼了。3 O. m  \4 z; ]0 D* s+ V* Y* A+ J
巴勒斯坦兴高采烈,纳斯达克一路狂泻。+ `) m8 n" x( Y) K' {
伊斯兰人小样挺倔:“谁再整事叫丫毁灭。”5 C  I" M& r) H% z0 H' X; z1 t
死催得布什该总结经验了,别在地球到处捣乱了。1 C* x3 }$ s' \' Y9 u  r
米国那边闹的挺欢,咱也别老是冷眼旁观。/ u. |& ~; Y2 z" S" c9 O0 s

● 满江红

3 D5 P+ G) ]4 D/ G. t+ \4 j
' B- k6 v  c; G& F7 M2 R) |/ O5 [* Y
● 波音公司最新版广告词
+ e- }! [' T# A( \" U
● 沁园春% E$ |0 [) H# n) j
大厦,炸翻五角,欲与布什试比高!# f6 X1 ^) s" f5 ^# @  b
! n6 l- {3 {  @# U* Z3 l

# U$ W3 P# _, @+ W* P0 `

● 一只蛐蛐(没脾气世贸大厦版)


因为大厦的高层上飞机撞壁* u% Q- s0 Z; X4 B  d
所有员工,都争着跑下楼去6 X/ r' m. h& X- ~1 t6 x1 @" I
' \+ H) |) e/ M5 b
蛐蛐关心,世贸,员工的命运. {" e0 o/ B. }* B& }3 R8 T1 g2 Q
但是不同的人,总有不同的命- V! b4 T+ ~: m1 k' ?

吱,吱,真没辙& M4 K0 ?: O6 m# Q2 `4 ^3 b
人们全都不想听我蛐蛐唱歌% h( E0 |. v- _0 G4 p2 v! D* v
吱,吱,真没辙/ k) k+ o7 D* j; U& J% x
( A: ]5 @* B+ j" R4 B. S* x
7 ^  _+ \- [' d
$ l2 A5 ~/ C! D
蛐蛐关心,美国,国家的命运8 e& f! v& ?+ @7 a3 n
他回来上工,早就和飞机一起撞啦, Y# q5 W3 y$ C- z; q+ A! M4 O
% ?: R0 W4 S/ \% t/ C, `' T
蛐蛐说吱,吱,真没辙5 s$ K" c& r2 U: s
他说吱,吱,真没辙+ M/ C7 D9 H- n2 ]" {( h! u: K
看着这种景象实在眼热: J" q/ U1 B- g% N+ [8 c
吱,吱,真没辙! w5 ?) m7 n; Y* Y& n
可我要对这些人唱歌,我要唱“阿弥陀佛”9 ?* \3 t9 X  Q' M


● 抓贼(没脾气版)4 Z2 w+ N/ X# B- R
% M* j( ^! H4 l4 z* @
在一个清爽的早晨,2 k; a1 g1 Z/ ^& g" T
撞到了世贸的上面,6 Z, ]1 c! L! n: _
撞毁了国家的财产。& Q+ `5 O- Y8 [, E( \% _
美国民众睁大了双眼,/ {5 c& }+ b' u6 F0 \$ Y
抓贼,抓贼,搞恐怖的贼呀哈,消防员们因为他成了英烈。# H* b2 M$ C% G1 S2 ?
抓贼,抓贼,搞恐怖的贼呀哈,一定要让他们低头认罪。2 h5 B5 g+ w) V
9 {7 M3 q; R2 E9 e4 Y+ T0 ^
● 美机事件八姐人版! C  W( d4 B" ~5 G6 i3 Q

俺们那嘎都是巴解人.......4 o! d% V, L$ Q" d+ ]* {( H
俺们那嘎下手特别狠......0 @' k5 M4 ?" k; o0 z& y2 l# B- E
6 L6 z+ D% n' J7 K
劫了机了不撞不过瘾.....  Q& y" W1 o. E7 L* G1 f
俺们那嘎飞机装炸弹...... k* [9 i1 c: k8 G
撞的米国屁滚尿失禁.....: I# D2 i7 k4 k
0 R2 l. ?. ^5 E" [4 Q
布什,还NB么??1 v3 h" K* Z, O5 C5 w8 e

● 嘿嘿版
马克思 撞五角大楼是一个阶级压迫另一个阶级的结果,你们失去的是生命,得到的; z- s  s: u" H' ]
恩格斯 全世界人民联合起来,炸五角大楼去。  s5 M. M- l- F) \( o
孙中山 撞击尚未成功,同志仍须努力。7 H. t5 p2 R+ V2 K; ]3 T$ Q: P3 [4 `
汪精卫 宁可错撞一千,绝不放走一个。6 f9 _  F6 P7 d
拿破仑 将军们,我的出身的确比你们差,但是你们如果因此而蔑视我,我将立即宣
布炸五角大楼,以消除这一差别。7 l3 r& W& E; [/ m, M. }3 G3 ^$ a
高尔基 让撞大楼的声音来得更猛烈些吧!
肯尼迪 我们不能只想着撞大楼能为我们做什么,要多想想我们能为撞大楼做什么。
尼克松 这两次的撞楼,已经改变了世界。
人民日报社论 要旗帜鲜明地支持撞五角大楼,中国的要害是撞五角大楼的胆量不. j/ A: S" K: ?2 Y* e9 d
足!4 H- V! v4 N( e: E# R% Q
张爱玲 与撞楼的无涯中,没有早一步,也没有晚一步,刚刚在这里相遇,那就说一
声:“你撞了吧!”' m+ p$ }: i. A2 d- V
顾城 我要给撞五角大楼画上图表,让热爱撞五角大楼的人们看到希望。4 E% U# Z5 p+ ?, V& j- h
李敖 世界当代史最有名的事件:第一名:撞五角大楼。第二名:撞五角大楼。第/ W. W5 B& |) S7 Q
三名:撞五角大楼!8 H, I$ T  h; r

● 开飞机的都是神

老美开车去上班,傻了0 K$ w6 B' j7 d2 H" t
多亏自己体力好,一气跑下九十层,好了8 P& N8 M0 X; C1 T$ L
' s3 H3 W# D# }, w/ w
● 美国人都是活巴顿. g6 o$ Z; ~) z/ Z3 j/ c
' |# j( E. c5 X. R9 m4 l
恐怖分子炸美国,成了。3 W" b% e: q3 o4 X- ?
他(布什)说:& G& b5 U  i8 C  y5 b
俺们这旮火腿三明治、俺们这旮都是活巴顿. G+ x4 C( P4 C, Y5 V
俺们这旮山上有国会、那个人他不是美国人) J! n/ X9 V5 s' z. M9 x- C( c1 `
翠花,上导弹!( x* c3 ~4 Q3 W; c/ |/ f8 C

● 东北人都是活雷锋之----中美撞击事件
1 k. D6 }1 }% s) P3 j/ A6 W/ a  y. P
幸亏撞的中国人,送到旅馆住一阵,走了 4 b) C  `4 Z8 W2 F
我们请他给个面,归了包堆二百万 : P  c8 B+ }/ `0 Y" z4 O
他说~~~~~~ " h0 ]8 M, T2 Q3 _
俺们那嘎都是中国人 ' _0 @" j( i, \5 c9 [5 I  I, e' p
俺们那嘎没人太认真 / w) t: p+ p. S& G, O
俺们那嘎埋头搞建设 3 F" M+ p$ a- F' Z
俺们那嘎没有这种人   P" t, l, R9 `# J3 i; D
俺们那嘎一片反对声 % }# b* m. `1 n, z+ @" F5 D
那点钱咱们别讨论 6 ]2 r" c1 f$ x, Q8 I, [0 `, p3 O
% a# c; Q4 G5 }

● 东北人都是活雷锋之---WTC撞机事件
. O3 N" S# A$ I+ c
+ a* `7 m; C- y* w$ O/ s
世贸中心挺结实,倒了 ! O5 n) T/ D) L. v8 ]
还好没扔原子弹,还有活人送医院,惨了 " F/ V$ Y. U4 o
俺们那嘎盛产义勇军 1 v' r! P3 l9 @
那个人他不是个好人 2 q& B) \0 g" g; r6 H) W


● 东北人都是活雷锋之----拉登VS布什篇 ; Y, s( u, i$ o6 Z& ^2 I, q) \8 J
, h2 b" W& b& q, H
幸亏都是自己人,事到临头不犯晕,成了 : u" Y" O/ n  R! R# I
俺们那嘎选票点两遍 - P4 {( z: Q& r7 V9 j# }
撞了大楼哪能不认真 * u- G* z/ ]0 ^9 A7 n2 N  O
俺们那嘎军火有的是 3 J6 w( |: K+ v+ A
3 Y( t3 C0 N+ N' z2 ]! J

● 东北人都是活雷锋之----沙龙篇

今天美国出大事,乱了 / O/ M& v! V' K3 x/ u% u
隔壁巴解在放枪,笑了 2 c" Y+ N, T' I3 c$ H" ~+ T
幸亏死的美国人,两家离得不太近,好了 5 R3 [1 }+ e; _& x2 {
他说~~~~~~ ! o6 Y1 S! l- N0 l/ Z2 x0 W  j) N) V0 W
俺们那嘎都是犹太人   U% D8 b: A7 e  n% P! W; y) ?
俺们那嘎暗杀加跟踪 + A4 C/ N$ w  ~+ [! \- D% f
俺们那嘎没有穆斯林 9 y! |8 E# a( S
俺们那嘎刺刀已上好 , |! Y8 S% k8 h4 O& J  F% l% Q
那些人(巴勒斯坦人民)你别把他当人 5 l. B+ d: p7 x$ X0 [8 |6 L; v4 }
2 U( I1 o7 v' \1 ~4 j
  L  P$ R" J' Z8 w2 \# X
) b, T& |5 ]; z# W
● 东北人都是活雷锋之----阿拉法特VS拉登篇
+ B- w2 s7 K% }+ T& ?. N' e$ B
今天兄弟瞎捣乱,坏了 . A  q. k; R$ d) a
真想请他吃顿饭,这事干得真合算   w# r8 x3 g9 C' \6 i7 }
他说~~~~~~ % u0 N2 g  F" e6 p
俺们那嘎都是穆斯林 ) Z  D' d6 I0 q0 |$ ]; T/ U
俺们那嘎盛产敢死军 3 R0 }; f$ N* A7 E$ \
俺们那嘎石头对坦克 . G% g' q! D) U
俺们那嘎不缺这种人 1 Y; u; A* q7 K6 \7 m* r
俺们那嘎人民受折磨 ( B/ p5 e' j6 m0 S8 g* F6 `) ^% D

3 X' ?, T: n- K) `
! m; z* [. m9 J5 y( ~( u2 A) o
● 2001年9月11日纽约、华盛顿的重要建筑。“世贸中心大厦”、“五角大楼”遭恐怖
无辜亦属无理,然美国长期衽霸权主义也是导致此事件的重要因素之一。( K' D4 B8 C0 O( J" C

舍命频袭五角楼,参天大厦钻无休。2 X6 E7 f, G, r  x! \" k" z
黑帮机内淫威逞,无数生灵鬼魅求。- s% ?" {2 s# d


海湾弱国逞威风,恣意袭击南联盟。& I& Q& r  c+ f3 `/ p+ U5 Q+ f
歹徒凶残诚可恨,强权政治惹纷争。6 `7 V# L% @, N( F
作者: NewLynnHse    时间: 2014-3-5 15:25:07

A lot of Chinese did say what?
作者: oplwy    时间: 2014-3-5 15:27:15

这有没有资格骂9L还得有谁来鉴定啊  LZ 你闲着蛋疼呢
作者: 银桦    时间: 2014-3-5 15:59:58

这个世界上许多事情都是double standard的。

你在外面被人打了,你要找个说法。你爸呼你一巴掌,你如果不打回去,难道这也是double standard吗?

作者: 太阳鸟鸟    时间: 2014-3-5 16:01:39

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: fallrainsboy    时间: 2014-3-5 16:05:00

太阳鸟鸟 发表于 2014-3-5 16:01

● 打油诗

作者: dc.    时间: 2014-3-5 16:08:24

作者: 太阳鸟鸟    时间: 2014-3-5 16:10:23

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: devildream    时间: 2014-3-5 16:13:44

作者: 匿名    时间: 2014-3-5 16:14:46

That's because USA is always using double even triple standards to the others. Look at Ukrian now, USA said what Russia is doing broke the International Law but has USA ever follow the International Law in Iraq, Kosovo or any other country he invaded?
作者: Vin.X    时间: 2014-3-5 16:17:04

作者: 七种武器之喷子    时间: 2014-3-5 16:17:37

本帖最后由 七种武器之喷子 于 2014-3-5 15:25 编辑

如果美国人嘲笑911或者Boston,且有恐怖倾向的言论, 实名发在美国论坛,你看看啥结果。
作者: Vin.X    时间: 2014-3-5 16:17:56

9L马甲来了 狡辩什么呢
作者: oplwy    时间: 2014-3-5 16:28:46

dc. 发表于 2014-3-5 16:08

你真是无聊。 你在中国论坛嘲笑美国没人打理你。你来嘲笑中国看看。欠削呢吧
作者: minxi    时间: 2014-3-5 18:14:07

dc. 发表于 2014-3-5 16:08

作者: 我想我是海    时间: 2014-3-5 19:06:59

本帖最后由 我想我是海 于 2014-3-5 19:26 编辑

再者,楼主看不懂中文而且一定要“言论自由”用英文发帖批判所谓的“ A lot of Chinese",必然是经过翻译之口吧。毕竟是我们华人的网页,麻烦您的“翻译”再给您翻译一下而且您的英文也不标准,在尊重我们“ A lot Chinese" 的基础上不要使用“double standards",在茶馆里卖咖啡和用美声唱民族都是在出洋相。是给洋人看的么?估计能把您写的重新改一遍。

请问,所谓的Double standards 是通过哪个国家体系认证的?又是通过哪项统计结果证明的?既然要上来说事实,就要对得起民心民意吧,要经得起推敲吧。如果只是象黄鼠狼一样放烟雾弹,请放过新西兰这片纯净的天空。
请问你载录所谓的证据,作者是谁?署名是 A lot of Chinese? 可笑也很可悲!善良的人在路上走着突然被一个傻子扣上一盆屎,傻子笑着跳着叫着“ 你本来就是这么臭,看你头上的屎!”   
再问,在你说中国人double standards的时候,至少中国没有为了所谓的统一进行屠杀。在哪里都有好人,在哪里都有冷血,以偏概全只能说明知识的贫乏。在不了解历史和本质的时候不要在这里大言不惭,做无知的愤青了。如果你是美国人,问问印第安人的感受? 再或者澳大利亚的土著人?


last is not least! If you don't understand what does incident mean, find out from dictionary. Empty vessels make the most noise!  Shut up and keep quiet.
作者: 紗莉夜    时间: 2014-3-5 21:36:40

其實我想說 那人不管是華人洋人 他心態就是變態.....

什麼年代了 還打打殺殺...
作者: jerrygarry    时间: 2014-3-5 23:35:43

我想我是海 发表于 2014-3-5 18:06
再者,楼主看不懂中文而且一定要“言论自由”用英文发帖批判 ...

Oh my god, using the Indian and aborigines for your excuse of being double standard, OMFG!

That's why you Mainland Chinese never learn!

作者: jerrygarry    时间: 2014-3-5 23:37:14

本帖最后由 jerrygarry 于 2014-3-5 23:03 编辑
Vin.X 发表于 2014-3-5 15:17
9L马甲来了 狡辩什么呢

Loving it and I don't even know that guy, I just think you Chinese are being double standard as usual, if you are so good and fair why laugh at USA when they got attack by terrorists?
作者: jerrygarry    时间: 2014-3-5 23:38:35

本帖最后由 jerrygarry 于 2014-3-5 22:52 编辑
七种武器之喷子 发表于 2014-3-5 15:17
如果美国人嘲笑911或者Boston,且有恐怖倾向的言论, ...

Yes I think you are right, but I just being critical on some of the behavior in the incident, come on, especially you, you say are lot of inhumane things when USA got attacked!

Just admit I am Chinese and I am double standard.
作者: jerrygarry    时间: 2014-3-5 23:39:13

Vin.X 发表于 2014-3-5 15:17

What? being Critical is asking for criticize? Come on be civilized!
作者: jerrygarry    时间: 2014-3-5 23:39:42

匿名者 发表于 2014-3-5 15:14
That's because USA is always using double even triple standards to the others. Look at Ukrian now, U ...

They are double standard, so we can! What a great excuses, excuses after excuses!
作者: jerrygarry    时间: 2014-3-5 23:40:39

太阳鸟鸟 发表于 2014-3-5 15:10
JUST PART OF ....HEHE,当年那是全民狂欢啊。

Give them more - what a shameless race!
作者: 匿名    时间: 2014-3-5 23:43:22

jerrygarry 发表于 2014-3-5 22:35
Oh my god, using the Indian and aborigines for your excuse of being double standard, OMFG!

That ...

作者: jerrygarry    时间: 2014-3-5 23:51:01

本帖最后由 jerrygarry 于 2014-3-5 23:02 编辑
匿名者 发表于 2014-3-5 22:43

See as usual, swear when you cannot win the argument - shame on you not me.

Come on, win me in a logical sense, how come you can celebrate wehn people got bombed in Boston (one of them who die is Chinese) and not vice versus?

Hey speechless??????
作者: jerrygarry    时间: 2014-3-5 23:56:26

本帖最后由 jerrygarry 于 2014-3-5 22:56 编辑
银桦 发表于 2014-3-5 14:59
这个世界上许多事情都是double standard的。

你在外面被人打了,你要找个说法。你爸呼你一巴掌,你如果不 ...

Yes you can ignore him, you can argue with him, but people here start to bully him cyberly

That is Wrong wrong wrong!
作者: 我想我是海    时间: 2014-3-6 07:23:48

jerrygarry 发表于 2014-3-5 23:35
Oh my god, using the Indian and aborigines for your excuse of being double standard, OMFG!

That ...

哈哈哈  你从哪里来?  既然你的理论站得住脚,干嘛前后改标题啊?觉得自己的谬论站不住脚了?说别人的时候看看自己,可笑。


知道你是9L的朋友,你否认也好。 他没有人性的言论就是应该被声讨,再跟你说一遍,这是我们中国人自己的事情。跟你一点关系也没有,让你的9L朋友在你怀里尽情的哭吧。敢一次再次的发没有人性的帖子,就不敢自己出来道歉。到处跟所谓“不是大陆人”的朋友投诉自己的“遭遇”, 让被人充当枪手,可笑,真可笑。

什么是incident?  好好解释一下。 一而再的攻击是incident? 是本质上的错误。 不敢面对自己的错误,没有人性的回复是incident?
作者: grudge    时间: 2014-3-6 08:26:59

我想我是海 发表于 2014-3-6 07:23
哈哈哈  你从哪里来?  既然你的理论站得住脚,干嘛前后改标题啊?觉得自己的谬论站不住脚了?说别人的时 ...

楼主是菲律宾的 难怪天天骂中国人 被美国人养大的狗 你能拿他怎么办
作者: jerrygarry    时间: 2014-3-6 08:35:20

我想我是海 发表于 2014-3-6 06:23
哈哈哈  你从哪里来?  既然你的理论站得住脚,干嘛前后改标题啊?觉得自己的谬论站不住脚了?说别人的时 ...

Ok, if you think that you are happy to be double standard and proud to hold the Kiwi passport so be be it, but I am shame of you.
作者: jerrygarry    时间: 2014-3-6 08:36:21

grudge 发表于 2014-3-6 07:26
楼主是菲律宾的 难怪天天骂中国人 被美国人养大的狗 你能拿他怎么办

Hey firstly 9L called you Chia you are unhappy, now you calling me a dog, so how can you stand your point.

Are you shame of youself?
作者: jerrygarry    时间: 2014-3-6 08:37:29

本帖最后由 jerrygarry 于 2014-3-6 07:39 编辑
我想我是海 发表于 2014-3-6 06:23
哈哈哈  你从哪里来?  既然你的理论站得住脚,干嘛前后改标题啊?觉得自己的谬论站不住脚了?说别人的时 ...

I don't know 9L,

But I know I cannot turn a blind eyes to unfairness, it is something you mainland Chinese will never learnt and worst took it to here!!!!!!!
Jesus Christ!!! How can you think that you are right, after you can say anything when America got attack.

Just admit you are wrong Mainland Chinese, go home please stop polluting this country - see Canada?
作者: jerrygarry    时间: 2014-3-6 08:39:58

dc. 发表于 2014-3-5 15:08

I like your signature! Can I use it as my?
作者: grudge    时间: 2014-3-6 08:40:59

jerrygarry 发表于 2014-3-6 08:36
Hey firstly 9L called you Chia you are unhappy, now you calling me a dog, so how can you stand you ...

看来猜对了 你就是美国狗拉 哈哈哈 没想到菲律宾人来这边天天骂中国人啊  看看你在sky的留言 都是骂中国人的 我告诉你 别以为你年纪大 就在这撒野 你们这样的附属国 我们不要 ok? 总用shame 我能发表我的意见 就说明没什么好shame的 你在中文网站连中文都不会写 你才应该shame 告诉你 打完日本 下一个就是菲律宾 等死吧
作者: jerrygarry    时间: 2014-3-6 08:42:41

我想我是海 发表于 2014-3-5 18:06
再者,楼主看不懂中文而且一定要“言论自由”用英文发帖批判 ...

Also how many people your Communist Chinese had killed in Tibet? Admit it! How many Chinese got killed in the Mao's in his so call revolutions

A culture that never admitted they are wrong will never success!
作者: grudge    时间: 2014-3-6 08:48:11

jerrygarry 发表于 2014-3-6 08:36
Hey firstly 9L called you Chia you are unhappy, now you calling me a dog, so how can you stand you ...

还有 我是趁着休息时间看帖 回的。 没你那么多时间不做事 天天在中文网站上骂中国人。 美国制裁中国的时候 一向是双从标准 不好意思 又说了你的“daddy” 不要哭泣啊 等下班再来继续讨论你的祖籍啊 放心我们很善良的 还是会买你们的香蕉的 还是会帮你们当成最好的 菲佣的 不要觉得shame 。下来继续安慰你啊  oldman。。。。
作者: jerrygarry    时间: 2014-3-6 08:51:16

本帖最后由 jerrygarry 于 2014-3-6 07:54 编辑
grudge 发表于 2014-3-6 07:40
看来猜对了 你就是美国狗拉 哈哈哈 没想到菲律宾人来这边天天骂中国人啊  看看你在sky的留言 都是骂中国人 ...

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. !

When I help Chinese what did you say?

When I written to the government to complaint about the white supremacy's flyers where were you?
作者: NewLynnHse    时间: 2014-3-6 08:52:08

jerrygarry 发表于 2014-3-6 08:37
I don't know 9L,

But I know I cannot turn a blind eyes to unfairness, it is something you mainl ...

poor thing, you must be living a hard life, life itself is inherently unfair, you'll be constantly affected if you can't live with this fact of life
作者: jerrygarry    时间: 2014-3-6 08:54:02

本帖最后由 jerrygarry 于 2014-3-6 07:57 编辑
grudge 发表于 2014-3-6 07:48
还有 我是趁着休息时间看帖 回的。 没你那么多时间不做事 天天在中文网站上骂中国人。 美国制裁中国的时候 ...

Haha, when you can't win other, you keep calling other people USA, you mainland Chinese never learn!

And love being called Filipino, they speak English not Chinese, just for your information!

You ignorance just laughable!
作者: jerrygarry    时间: 2014-3-6 08:55:45

NewLynnHse 发表于 2014-3-6 07:52
poor thing, you must be living a hard life, life itself is inherently unfair, you'll be constantly ...

Yes mr. I think so, I cannot accept a fact that fellow Chinese of mine they never learn!
作者: NewLynnHse    时间: 2014-3-6 08:57:00

jerrygarry 发表于 2014-3-6 08:55
Yes mr. I think so, I cannot accept a fact that fellow Chinese of mine they never learn!

r u chinese or banana?
作者: jerrygarry    时间: 2014-3-6 09:00:07

NewLynnHse 发表于 2014-3-6 07:57
r u chinese or banana?

Got call banana all the time but I consider I am Chinese, as mentioned all the time I learn how to write Chinese myself, with Iphone 5s is easier but always hard as I only know how to write half of the word.

Anyway every time is like this when I say something different I got called Dog, America, this time is better Filipino! haha
作者: jerrygarry    时间: 2014-3-6 09:03:14

我想我是海 发表于 2014-3-5 18:06
再者,楼主看不懂中文而且一定要“言论自由”用英文发帖批判 ...

Response to this "ast is not least! If you don't understand what does incident mean, find out from dictionary. Empty vessels make the most noise!  Shut up and keep quiet"

Edmund Burke - ‘When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.'
作者: bintoo    时间: 2014-3-6 09:11:22

jerrygarry 发表于 2014-3-6 08:42
Also how many people your Communist Chinese had killed in Tibet? Admit it! How many Chinese got ki ...

我们中国会否成功, 用什么方式成功, 好像你还没有那个知识和资格去判断吧。

人类的历史就是杀戮和争夺资源和权力的血泪史, 你能找出那个国家不是这样? 那个你认为”成功“的国家没干过杀戮?在这角度批判中国, 你何尝不是双重标准?

你以为你会懂得比我们”大陆“人多?? 别幻想了, 你能看到知道的,我们同样知道看到,你觉得你会有什么优势?

每个人每个国家都有自己一套价值观, 人们只会用自己价值观去衡量别人和事物, 当价值观有冲突时就说别人是错的, 我想你自己也不例外吧, 到最后究竟什么是对?根本没标准,最后也许只凭一个”信“字了。
作者: bintoo    时间: 2014-3-6 09:12:41

jerrygarry 发表于 2014-3-6 08:55
Yes mr. I think so, I cannot accept a fact that fellow Chinese of mine they never learn!

你说我们”never learn",那你又"learn"过什么? 你认为你比我们"learn"多了什么呢?
作者: jerrygarry    时间: 2014-3-6 09:14:16

bintoo 发表于 2014-3-6 08:11
我们中国会否成功, 用什么方式成功, 好像你还没有那个知识和资格去判断吧。

人类的历史就是杀戮和争 ...

Yes you are right, I have nothing to add
作者: Vin.X    时间: 2014-3-6 13:32:26

jerrygarry 发表于 2014-3-5 23:37
Loving it and I don't even know that guy, I just think you Chinese are being double standard as us ...

How did you know i laugh at USA? Prove it.......
911 in USA and what happened in China are TWO different incidents, they are NOT related and why bring that up?
BTW, this is a Chinese forum and if you are NOT Chinese or You dont think you are, feel free to leave here.......you are not welcome.
作者: Vin.X    时间: 2014-3-6 13:34:15

作者: 匿名    时间: 2014-3-6 14:01:12

本帖最后由 匿名 于 2014-3-6 14:30 编辑

Hi Jerrygarry,

First of all, I don't mind you are a Chinese, Philipinno or any other race, you are from Hongkong, Taiwai, Malaysia, Philipine, Singapore or any other country. I only judge you from your comments. You are too arrogant, cynical and too self-righteous. If you can judge one race/country only by what you know now, then you are the God. Can you tell me how many Chinese you know, have you ever been to Mainland China, how long have you stayed there, how much do you know Chinese Culture?

Second, all the comments here are personal thing only, no one can represent an entire race (To be frank, I really hate to use this word), just as I can not judge what your race like from your personal comments. We can not call all the Indians "Rapist" just because there are some cases; can not call all the Arabians "terrorist" just because there are some; can not call all the Philipinno Policement "terrorist" just because one of them killed some Hongkong Visitors a couple of years ago; can not call all Indonesians “thug" just because some of them killed thousands of Indonesian Chinese a few years ago; can not call all the Norwegians ”killers" just because one of them killed 60+ innocent students two or three years ago; can not call all the Japanese "invader" even though they did so in 1940s. Then, how can you judge the Chinese according to what you know?

Third, can you prove that those "evidence" you put is from any of the followers of this Argument? Do you know the portion of it? Did you check your own race? Did you check any other races except Chinese and your own race? As I stated above, a small portion of the population can not stand for the whole nation.

Fourth, can you please name a country or race its entire population hold only one standard? You said that some Chinese were happy about the 911 but angry at the Kunming Terrorist Attack, then, check your own races' commens, you will find very simmilary comments in your languange.

Fifth, if any American made a similar comment like 9L just one day after the 911 attach, I believe the FBI will broke into his house and put him into prison without any judgement and the other fellow Americans probably will stand in front of his house and shout at him until he is proven not related with the terrorist and left American.

Sixth, if you know history or when you have time to check the history of any country, almost none of them can be clear, Russia, England, France, Germany, China, Korea, Japan, Indonisa, Malaysia, Singapore or any other you can name. Just take America as an example, do you know how many American Indian have been killed, how much treasure America robbered from the other countries, how many Mexican were killed to get some land? England, Japan, Germany and France even killed more when they invaded the other countires in the 19th to early 20th century.

Seventh, if you think we are bullying 9L, call the police, NZ is a very open and democratic country, the police will take care of this because neither you or me are the judges.

Eighth, if you can not analyze the issues in a very neutral stand, a good idea is to slow down and make the comments later. Most people think they are Neutral, but it is rarely to be one, even the mediam like CNN, ABC, TV One can not do it. Judge you stand first before you judge the others.

Nineth, We Chinese are one of the smartest and hardest working groups, if there are someone really increased the social burdern or polluted (as you said) New Zealand, then it is not us.

Tenth, I believe both you and I all want New Zealand to be our perfect home. So, please cherish the peace we have and concentrate on what you are doing. You should know that Canada does not welcome Chinese long before the mainland Chinese migrated to there. They started unlike Chinese since Hongkong, Taiwan, Vietnam, Phillipine and other Asian citiziens migranted to there from mid of last Century. It's just getting worse now.

At last, I want to say I am sorry for both the 911 and Kunming Terrorist Attack victims, as well as all other victims of the terrorist attach. I am also very proud to be a Chinese, a New Zealand Chinese. We do have some problems or misbehaviors but we are learning and improving. The Chinese community and all the other new migrant communities contribute a lot to New Zealand and we are a very good part of New Zealand.
作者: jerrygarry    时间: 2014-3-6 14:15:25

匿名者 发表于 2014-3-6 13:01
Hi Jerrygarry,

First of all, I don't mind you are a Chinese, Philipinno or any other races. I on ...

That's the best sum up - " We do have some problems or misbehaviors but we are learning and improving. "

Please embrace it : )
作者: 匿名    时间: 2014-3-6 14:31:36

本帖最后由 匿名 于 2014-3-6 14:33 编辑
jerrygarry 发表于 2014-3-6 14:15
That's the best sum up - " We do have some problems or misbehaviors but we are learning and improv ...

If anyone claims they are perfect, then they are either God or Idiot but apparantly, jerrygarry belongs to the latter one.
作者: jerrygarry    时间: 2014-3-6 14:40:42

本帖最后由 jerrygarry 于 2014-3-6 14:32 编辑
匿名者 发表于 2014-3-6 13:31
If anyone claims they are perfect, then they are either God or Idiot but apparantly, jerrygarry be ...

If shelf awareness leads to claiming myself perfect, I guess is your misinterpretation than my real personality.

As usual when you guys cannot win an argument - you guys low your own standard to personality attack. A common way of Bolsovik, to inhumane other human being.

You know "Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel."
作者: dc.    时间: 2014-3-6 14:43:24

本帖最后由 dc. 于 2014-3-6 14:47 编辑
jerrygarry 发表于 2014-3-6 08:39
I like your signature! Can I use it as my?

no problem.....tks.
Freedom of Speech
Freedom from Fear' d9 n: u9 w) }6 Z% k. U
Freedom of Want# Z8 P) F. A4 Y. i9 w
Freedom of Worship!
作者: kingscat    时间: 2014-3-6 14:44:08

jerrygarry 发表于 2014-3-6 14:40
If shelf awareness leads to claiming myself perfect, I guess is your misinterpretation then my rea ...

wow Samuel ........
作者: jerrygarry    时间: 2014-3-6 14:46:21

kingscat 发表于 2014-3-6 13:44
wow Samuel ........


"Samuel Johnson"
作者: kingscat    时间: 2014-3-6 14:49:02

jerrygarry 发表于 2014-3-6 14:46

"Samuel Johnson"

good luk dispute, debate, discussion.....and....
作者: jerrygarry    时间: 2014-3-6 15:08:35

kingscat 发表于 2014-3-6 13:49
good luk dispute, debate, discussion.....and....

The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

A wise man will make haste to forgive, because he knows the true value of time, and will not suffer it to pass away in unnecessary pain.

Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful.
作者: 匿名    时间: 2014-3-6 15:11:27

本帖最后由 匿名 于 2014-3-6 15:16 编辑

Hi Please answer the question,
can you please name a country or race its entire population hold only one standard?

You said that some Chinese were happy about the 911 but angry at the Kunming Terrorist Attack, then, check your own races' commens, you will find very simmilary comments in your languange.
作者: kingscat    时间: 2014-3-6 15:12:01

jerrygarry 发表于 2014-3-6 15:08
The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

A wise ma ...

what if people without Integrity & knowledge neither
作者: 匿名    时间: 2014-3-6 15:20:00

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: 匿名    时间: 2014-3-6 15:20:40

本帖最后由 匿名 于 2014-3-6 15:21 编辑
jerrygarry 发表于 2014-3-6 15:08
The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good.

A wise ma ...

What kind of man you are? Your problem is you take the small portion of comments you learnt as the whole. Do you think it is correct or not?
作者: jerrygarry    时间: 2014-3-6 15:23:25

匿名者 发表于 2014-3-6 14:11
Hi Please answer the question,
can you please name a country or race its entire population hold on ...

As mentioned I never think that, but anyway my main point is cyberbullying 9L is wrong as a lot of you did the same thing in the Boston bombing,

John 8:7
They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said, "All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!"
作者: 匿名    时间: 2014-3-6 15:23:29

本帖最后由 匿名 于 2014-3-6 15:26 编辑

This is not an answer of my question. What you do is trying to avoid facing the questions really relating to this topic. If no country/race just holding one standard as you wish, then how can you just blame the Chinese? The interpretation of bible can be thousands, just facing the question. If you do not know just admit.
作者: kingscat    时间: 2014-3-6 15:24:55

作者: jerrygarry    时间: 2014-3-6 15:27:41

匿名者 发表于 2014-3-6 14:20
What kind of man you are? Your problem is you take the small portion of comments you learnt as the ...

I think I have already rephrased - "some" Chinese never admit their mistake like their government.
作者: jerrygarry    时间: 2014-3-6 15:28:20

kingscat 发表于 2014-3-6 14:24

Thank you very much
作者: jerrygarry    时间: 2014-3-6 15:42:18

匿名者 发表于 2014-3-6 14:20
楼主可以读懂中文,也是华人,又在中文网站发帖,可以建议楼主改用 ...

I have rephrased to "Some" Chinese, so I admitted that I was wrong to say all Chinese are the same.

Not replying in Chinese firstly is because mandarin is not my first language, and also it will attract a lot of newcomers or FOB who in my opinion not worth to have a discussion with as they have been brainwashed by one of the last totalitarian regime for too long.

Proverbs 26:4-14

4 Do not answer a fool according to his folly,
    or you yourself will be just like him.

5 Answer a fool according to his folly,
    or he will be wise in his own eyes.

or put it short

"Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience"
作者: jerrygarry    时间: 2014-3-6 15:49:26

本帖最后由 jerrygarry 于 2014-3-6 14:57 编辑
匿名者 发表于 2014-3-6 14:23
This is not an answer of my question. What you do is trying to avoid facing the questions really rel ...

Also I do blame "ALL" the Mainland Chinese as they all turn an blind eye on all the unfairness and inequality happened and happening in China,

Leviticus 5:1
If anyone sins because they do not speak up when they hear a public charge to testify regarding something they have seen or learned about, they will be held responsible.

"You share the responsibility of the crime when you keep quiet on the crime"
In my point of view most of the Mainland Chinese are Accomplice of the inhumance crime of the bolsovik communist.
作者: 微苦蓝山    时间: 2014-3-6 15:51:28

作者: PERDITION    时间: 2014-3-6 16:03:55

作者: jerrygarry    时间: 2014-3-6 16:10:09

PERDITION 发表于 2014-3-6 15:03
且不说中国没怎么着了,就算错了怎么了, ...

That's the attitude, I admire this than someone being double standard and pretended,

Just say yes I am and so what!

But just one question if China is so good why are you here?
作者: jerrygarry    时间: 2014-3-6 16:11:53

匿名者 发表于 2014-3-6 14:23
This is not an answer of my question. What you do is trying to avoid facing the questions really rel ...

Also for you to read

https://www.facebook.com/LadyKyl ... ?type=1&theater
作者: 匿名    时间: 2014-3-6 16:57:35

jerrygarry 发表于 2014-3-6 16:10
That's the attitude, I admire this than someone being double standard and pretended,

Just say  ...

Then, I want to ask, why are you here, why so many English are here, Americans are here ... ? Does that mean their race is not good, the government is not good? Also, some kiwis are leaving NZ, does that mean NZ are not good?
作者: 匿名    时间: 2014-3-6 16:59:25

本帖最后由 匿名 于 2014-3-6 17:05 编辑
jerrygarry 发表于 2014-3-6 16:11
Also for you to read

https://www.facebook.com/LadyKylieHK/photos/a.10150567412666616.373715.948 ...

This what i put in my reply. Have you been to Mainland China, how long have you stayed there, how much do you know China? All you information either from internet all second hand, have you ever try to prove it?
作者: Vin.X    时间: 2014-3-6 17:03:07

有句话叫 "别把无知当个性" 送给LZ和一切支持他的朋友们 包括那个反华人员发表的facebook page
作者: 匿名    时间: 2014-3-6 17:03:47

本帖最后由 匿名 于 2014-3-6 17:05 编辑
jerrygarry 发表于 2014-3-6 15:49
Also I do blame "ALL" the Mainland Chinese as they all turn an blind eye on all the unfairness and ...

Ok, we have thousands poor familie in New Zealand that their kids have no money to buy proper food for launch, we also have some teenagers are jobless. What did you do about that? Did you turn you blind eyes to them or not? Bible told us that we should never lying. Did you lie, did you ever be rude to others, did you ever turn your blind eyes to those who need help? If any of your answer is YES to these questions, then you have no right to justify the others.
作者: 匿名    时间: 2014-3-6 17:14:23

本帖最后由 匿名 于 2014-3-6 17:20 编辑
jerrygarry 发表于 2014-3-6 15:42
I have rephrased to "Some" Chinese, so I admitted that I was wrong to say all Chinese are the same ...

"Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience"
I remembered that you claimed call someone Idiot is attacting their personality and dropping their own standards.   Then, how could you explain this sentence you wrote? My understanding is you are using double standards, too.
作者: 匿名    时间: 2014-3-6 17:20:01

jerrygarry 发表于 2014-3-6 15:49
Also I do blame "ALL" the Mainland Chinese as they all turn an blind eye on all the unfairness and ...

Did you ever wittness something unfair and said nothing? Have ever your classmates be bullied and you kept slient? Have ever you friends or family made some mistakes even some tiny one but you helped them to cover?  Attacting someone you do not really know is sinful, too.
作者: 匿名    时间: 2014-3-6 17:26:22

jerrygarry 发表于 2014-3-6 08:42
Also how many people your Communist Chinese had killed in Tibet? Admit it! How many Chinese got ki ...

Confess to God, how many times you lied, how many times you expressed you opinion without any knowledge about it. Confess to God, your brain was washed by something you think it is right but actually it is not. Confess to God, you have never been to Tibet and saying something you are not sure. Confess to God that you are helping someone to get out of their trouble but dare not to admit. Confess to God that you are turning your blind eyes to the unfairness around you but blame someone else turning their blind eyes to something you never sure it is true or not.
作者: 匿名    时间: 2014-3-6 18:53:59

楼主是 beven chuang 吧
作者: 我想我是海    时间: 2014-3-6 19:06:28

jerrygarry 发表于 2014-3-6 08:37
I don't know 9L,

But I know I cannot turn a blind eyes to unfairness, it is something you mainl ...

You little poor thing,why you are so angry?  That's right  Pumpkin , you were blind. Have you been to US? I was in front of Twin towers(one tower) 2003, still make my eyes fill up with tears thinking about over 2million families lost their love ones. I also feel very sorry for you, racial discrimination. That's right I donated all my valuable assets to homeless people after Hurricane in North Carolina. What have you done to help people apart from your statement on race and racial on " Mainland Chinese"?

Please also make yourself clear, was that "double standard in chinese culture "which you brought up on 5th march or "double standard in Chinese oppressive behavior "on 6th March? Which one do you want to discuss?  If you don't make yourself clear, you are arguing with yourself. When you put up A topic with "Incident" 9L who supports terrorist attacks, what role are you playing? When you can make logical argument conclusion then come back your public speech:)

Dont pretend you are innocent, please give all innocent people a rest. Please pray for those innocent victims in 9.11 us and 3.1 kunming.  When you say "OMFG", he will never forgive you.
作者: 我想我是海    时间: 2014-3-6 19:28:06

kingscat 发表于 2014-3-6 15:24

是么? 没有辱骂? OMFG? Shit?  是敬语?
作者: 我想我是海    时间: 2014-3-6 19:32:04

太阳鸟鸟 发表于 2014-3-5 16:01

● 打油诗

Check your spelling sweet heart  :)
作者: 告你    时间: 2014-3-6 20:52:34

你说会依据cyber bullying act 向警察报案。我想说,你报案的时候也跟警察报告9L资助恐怖分子,因为9L 触犯 TERRORISM SUPPRESSION ACT 2002里面的terrorist finacing convention,做好你自己的standard,搞double standard的话你所争论的一切连你自己都不信。
你说的4 freedoms,难道没有前提条件吗?试问如果有人鼓吹恐怖主义,信仰恐怖主义,要挟别人的安全,让别人处于恐惧中,这bill of right是怎么说的?
作者: jerrygarry    时间: 2014-3-6 21:00:11

匿名者 发表于 2014-3-6 16:03
Ok, we have thousands poor familie in New Zealand that their kids have no money to buy proper food ...

This post is the strongest support of my personality, I am standing up on bullying
作者: jerrygarry    时间: 2014-3-6 21:00:41

匿名者 发表于 2014-3-6 16:14
"Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience"
I r ...

Did I call anyone idiot?

I don't recall I did.
作者: jerrygarry    时间: 2014-3-6 21:01:06

本帖最后由 jerrygarry 于 2014-3-6 20:04 编辑
匿名者 发表于 2014-3-6 16:20
Did you ever wittness something unfair and said nothing? Have ever your classmates be bullied and  ...

No I never, I always speak out. No Fear!
作者: jerrygarry    时间: 2014-3-6 21:02:36

本帖最后由 jerrygarry 于 2014-3-6 20:07 编辑
告你 发表于 2014-3-6 19:52
你说会依据cyber bullying act 向警察报案。我想说,你报案的时候也 ...

I think his reply was wrong, but have a look at how he was treated after, and being fair do you honestly think it is the right approach?
作者: jerrygarry    时间: 2014-3-6 21:09:10

本帖最后由 jerrygarry 于 2014-3-6 20:09 编辑
我想我是海 发表于 2014-3-6 18:06
You little poor thing,why you are so angry?  That's right  Pumpkin , you were blind. Have you been ...

Sorry I didn't get your point, but you are right my anger did blinded me on the 5th and I changed my mind on the 6th

作者: jerrygarry    时间: 2014-3-6 21:11:21

匿名者 发表于 2014-3-6 16:26
Confess to God, how many times you lied, how many times you expressed you opinion without any know ...

The mighty will be the only one who judge me after all, not any other sinner : )
作者: 哲也依然    时间: 2014-3-6 21:17:39

jerrygarry 发表于 2014-3-5 23:51
See as usual, swear when you cannot win the argument - shame on you not me.

Come on, win me in  ...

你的"OMFG"是什麽意思? 说别人swearing?

你以为你很高明? 你不double standard? 你有多牛?


“Do Not take the LORD's name in vain”


hold住你的kiwi passport 做好井底之蛙 讲啥大篇英文小说啊 这里是中文论坛 去你们kiwi论坛显摆去

掰掰 不送
作者: 哲也依然    时间: 2014-3-6 21:30:41

我想我是海 发表于 2014-3-6 19:06
You little poor thing,why you are so angry?  That's right  Pumpkin , you were blind. Have you been ...

觉得你说的很有道理 这个人是选择性回复的 有些东西他是回复不了的

当他swearing的时候 他已经错了

我们不能评判他 也不能定夺他会得到什么样的审判

就如他自己所说的一样 当他自己见到那一位的时候 他才能明白自己所做的一切
作者: 我想我是海    时间: 2014-3-6 21:31:03

jerrygarry 发表于 2014-3-6 08:35
Ok, if you think that you are happy to be double standard and proud to hold the Kiwi passport so b ...

hey pumpkin, dont make any assumption if u dont know any fact.  What double standard and Kiwi passport are you talking about? sorry to make you disappointed but i have nothing to be shamed of.   

when you say "I hatre seeing Chinese who are holding Kiwi passport and embrace the Chinese oppressive behaviour" --- YOU CANT HATE someone if you cant spell hate. also Kiwis dont use hate, that's not COOL. you are too young to "hatre", I dont hate you even though you have bullied on me many times :) Just feel deeply sorry for you, you are not you when you are angry. why youve  lost ur temper in the middle of discussion?

we've listened your thoughts, We totally understand your frustrations. To speak and to speak well are two different things, hold on your speech and learn some manners before you talk. A fool may talk and wise man speaks :) you might hold NZ passport but you are clearly not  A Kiwi. you have asked me to go back home so where are you from Pumkin? where is your home? come on dont be shy, tell us where's your home?

Have a good night
作者: 哲也依然    时间: 2014-3-6 21:33:22

jerrygarry 发表于 2014-3-6 21:11
The mighty will be the only one who judge me after all, not any other sinner : )


相反我觉得我应该pray for you

我收回我之前对你的质问 不删,只为其他人能够也看见
我也希望你少对其他人的行为做评判 这不公平 这个世界是这样的 你我只是这里的过客而已

最终的目的地 你的主已经为你预备好了

GOD bless you
作者: jerrygarry    时间: 2014-3-6 21:39:47

我想我是海 发表于 2014-3-6 20:31
hey pumpkin, dont make any assumption if u dont know any fact.  What double standard and Kiwi pass ...

Thank you for understanding, and sorry for misunderstanding.

作者: 我想我是海    时间: 2014-3-6 21:40:19

哲也依然 发表于 2014-3-6 21:30
觉得你说的很有道理 这个人是选择性回复的 有些东西他是回复不了的

当他swearing的时候 他已经错了

:)  晚安 晚安
作者: Coldwarkid    时间: 2014-3-7 22:52:35

本帖最后由 Coldwarkid 于 2014-3-7 21:53 编辑

作者: love_3_month    时间: 2014-3-7 23:22:56


作者: 春哥和曾哥    时间: 2014-3-7 23:51:18

to lz
too simple, sometime naive

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