Landlords with mortgages on five or more houses will soon officially be classed as "small business owners" - opening them up to closer scrutiny and higher expenses.
The new rules, introduced by the Reserve Bank, come into force on June 30 this year.
Commercial borrowing is usually more expensive than retail, as banks have to hold significantly more capital against the loans. The amount of capital banks are required to hold is based on a percentage of the assets, which are weighted by how risky they are. For example, the risk weightings on BNZ's commercial property loans start at 70 per cent, roughly double the 30-40 per cent weighting on a home loan.
Squirrel mortgage broker John Bolton said investors buying residential properties were generally treated as retail customers at the moment, even if they were assigned a business manager. That gave them access to all the "sexy rates" and specials, like help with legal costs, cash offers, and discounted interest rates.
It was usually only those borrowing a total of $2 million to $3m who were bumped into the commercial category, although the thresholds varied between banks, he said.作者: weiwarren 时间: 2014-2-24 20:45:41
they are still making money. it is just not earning that much. what can you invest in nz other than residential property? commercial property is dead trap unless you have lots of $buffer$ to hold. share is a joke since the political risk is huge such as shane jones uses countdown issue to raise his reputation and the power companies. My brother in law is labour-voter and long term contact energy and transpower holder and he keeps @%&*# the labour-green now haha.作者: bungyjumping999 时间: 2014-2-25 14:12:12
本帖最后由 bungyjumping999 于 2014-2-25 13:31 编辑
nasi_chilli 发表于 2014-2-25 09:13
they are still making money. it is just not earning that much. what can you invest in nz other than ...
telecom had faced the music since 2007, share price plunged 50%. up to today, share price still not recovered. The ex-ceo sold her shares at $6.50 after she departed from telecom.
Wait for the Electrical companies deregularised and face the music as telecom .....
What does labour and green good at : punish the rich, wealth is evil.... david cumliff is uneasy to let voters know he lives in hearn bay as he tries to identify himself as champion for the poor, welfare recipients, unions....