
标题: canola oil [打印本页]

作者: 七种武器之喷子    时间: 2014-2-19 19:36:14     标题: canola oil

微信里看了个关于canola oil 的,google 了下,发现完全copy 了下面的这个连接,看过后你还继续使用canola oil吗,不过这个站点的东西有点阴谋论的调调.
Let’s Get Real’ Facts About Canola Oil

Canola oil probably is not what you thought it was, so I would like to give you some important facts, health concerns and dangers that might make you think twice about using or purchasing it. Hopefully you will gain some valuable knowledge, and I will give some alternative oils that are much healthier for you and your family. So pull up a chair and listen to my spiel.

First, I need you to take a look at the vegetable oil in your cupboard and check out the ingredients on the label. Does it have Canola Oil in it?

There is a very good chance that it does because 9 out of 10 times that is the case. Okay now that you have checked that out and you have found your vegetable oil does contain Canola  Oil – For Heavens Sakes Throw It Out!

Why?  Let me explain the many health dangers of Canola Oil.

Important Facts You Need to Know About Canola Oil:

1. It is not a food and was never intended for human consumption. Canola is a genetically engineered plant developed in Canada from the Rapeseed Plant, which is part of the mustard family of plants.

2. By nature, rapeseed oil is toxic to humans and other animals and was never meant to be used for human consumption . The correct name for Canola oil  is “Lear” oil (Low Erucic Acid Rape) or Rape Oil and is used mainly for lubricant and fuel sap, as a base for synthetic rubber, and is used as a substance for the glossy effect in magazines or other paper products. The word canola comes from “Canada” Oil” and is not a naturally grown plant.

3. Why is it used? It is extremely cheap to grow and harvest. The Canadian government paid the FDA $50 million to have rapeseed registered and categorized as being safe for humans to consume, according to – ‘John Thomas’ book,  “Young Again”.

4. It is toxic! and related to symptoms of Emphysema, Respiratory distress, anemia, constipation, and irritability. Rape seed oil is used in China for stir-frying and was found to emit cancer-causing chemicals from the smoke, causing lung cancer, according to the Wall Street Journal (June 7, 1995).

5. It causes blindness in animals and Mad Cow Disease! According to John Thomas’ book, Young Again, in 1986-1991 England and Europe fed rape seed to cows, pigs, and sheep who later went blind and began attacking people (Mad Cow Disease). After discontinuing the rape seed(canola oil) the attacks and blindness stopped. It was banned in Europe in 1991. The FDA is still allowing it to be used in thousands of products in the U.S. We are putting it in our bodies every day!! Wow that is certainly Scary!!

6. Research at the University of Florida-Gainesville, determined that as much as 4.6% of all fatty acids in Canola are “trans” isomers (plastic) due to the refining process. It has a tendency to inhibit the proper metabolism of foods and blocks our normal enzyme function, and could cause destruction of the myelitis sheath that surrounds our nerves, for protection. It is known as a Trans Acid, and many are labeled Hydrogenated or partially Hydrogenated oils. These should all be avoided and totally eliminated from your diet. The adverse health effect are cumulative. Many times it takes 10 years before symptoms manifest.

7. It is found in many processed foods, margarine, peanut butter, breads, and almost all potato chips.

8. It forms latex-like substances that causes red blood corpuscles to clump together.

9. Rats developed fatty degeneration of heart, kidney, adrenals and thyroid glands. When the Canola oil was withdrawn from their diet, the deposits dissolved, but scar tissue remained on the organs.

10. Rape oil is a source of the chemical warfare agent mustard gas. It was banned after blistering the lungs and skins of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians during WWII. There have been recent reports that it was again used in the Gulf War.

11. Canola Oil is the #1 ingredient in toxic chemical pesticidesaccording to the Health Ranger. The EPA has now officially classified it as bio-pesticide, meaning; having “low chronic toxicities”, but no studies have been performed on the toxic effects on human beings.

12. Canola (Rapeseed) is on the 10 Top list of GMO’s, according to NaturalNews. It is one of the most chemically altered foods in the U.S. diet – chemically removed from rapeseed, deodorized and altered.

Those that defend the use of Canola Oil argue that canola oil was used for centuries by the Chinese and Indians with no ill effect, but the big difference is they used unrefined oil for cooking purposes.

作者: 小P孩儿    时间: 2014-2-19 20:00:45

作者: anzac_corp    时间: 2014-2-19 20:03:02

作者: 七种武器之喷子    时间: 2014-2-19 20:12:02


加拿大家园 iask.ca 2013-03-04 08:59 来源: 电池书生 作者: 电池书生在家园网上又看到关于Canola Oil的耸人听闻的文章了--》这里引发园友热烈讨论--》这里本 文 来 自 家 园 网本人生物化学毕业,给大家讲一下市场上的食用油到底怎么回事。首先,Canola oil并没有说的害处那么夸张,但也绝对没有任何特别的健康作用。我推荐传统的植物油,比如豆油,玉米油。Canola oil的菜籽叫做 rapeseed, 最早产于欧洲,用它榨出的油19世纪用于蒸汽机引擎的润滑油。之所以当时没有用于人或家畜食用是因为它的口感不好,十分苦涩。它里边有两种成分对人体不好(至少有潜在的可能性对人体不好),一种是芥子酸 (Erucic Acid),一种是Glucosinolates(苦味的来源)。当时由于技术限制无法去除这些有害物质,直到70年代基因改造技术的成熟。rapeseed经基因改造后,Erucic acid的成分从50%降到2%以下。而Glucosinolates也可以从工艺流程中去除,所以逐渐被接受。当然,canola oil被逐渐接受还有很多原因,它们易种植,易丰收,而且价格相对于其他油有很强的价格优势,那么从政府发展经济的角度,他很有搞头。Manitoba,Alberta,还有萨省已有大面积的种植以及若干个百万吨级的canola oil的榨油厂,其制造的就业机会和产生的税收就不细说了。同时,因为价格优势,Canola oil市场需求也不错,同时榨油的副产品渣饼,作为饲料需求也很大,基本都卖给欧洲了。最新关于Canola Oil的动物实验很难证明他是有害的,之前帖子中的实验是很早以前的了,而且从学术角度来看,那些实验结果缺乏一致性。所以现在美国和欧盟已经放开了,允许种植,生产和销售canola oil。其中,美国要求Erucic acid含量在2%以下,欧盟要求在5%以下。油菜籽(rapeseed)有多种改良型,加拿大把他们自己改良的叫canola oil。2009年,加拿大canola oil的种植量为1180万吨。我个人认为canola的毒性很小,不然动物实验一定会体现出来。我不推荐是因为canola oil 从开始研究也不过40年,而大面积投入市场时间不长,这种和健康相关的产品只有经过时间的检验才知道是否合格。我从不吃canola oil,我一般都是用豆油,玉米油,橄榄油。另一方面,canola oil 绝对没有比其他油更好。先说明以下,我们常听 欧米伽3,6,9不饱和脂肪酸对身体好。其中,人体最需要欧米伽-3,自身不能合成,欧米伽-6次之,自身也不能合成,欧米伽-9最次,人体可以合成。我们平时的饮食欧米伽-6,9都超了很多,而欧米伽-3不足,这反而对身体不好。换句话说,我们正常人根本不需要补充欧米伽-6,9. canola oil 声称有益健康是因为不饱和脂肪酸含量高,其实只是欧米伽-9含量高,欧米伽-3几乎没有,对人体好基本是无稽之谈,噱头而已。当然,其他油品,包括橄榄油,欧米伽-3也基本没有,都是6或9,都不要信什么有益健康。在这方面,橄榄油也没有特别之处,经常听人说橄榄油含不饱和脂肪酸怎么怎么好,不能加热等等都没有明显的科学道理。根据商场中每种油品的成分表,很多油比如玉米油,canola oil 的不饱和脂肪酸总量都比橄榄油高。任何含不饱和脂肪酸都不宜加热,因为加热会使其中不饱和双键断裂产生潜在的有害物。目前只想到了这么多,再补充吧。如果担心食品安全的话,就多吃一些传统食品,毕竟他们是经过了上千年的“人体试验”,是不会出问题的。
作者: 一曰方茗    时间: 2014-2-19 20:24:36

早听说canola oil的坏处了. 现在只买avocado & macadamia oil炒菜, 本地olive oil 拌凉菜. 多不饱和脂肪因为有超过一个的double-bonded carbon 缺少 hydrogen atoms 所以很不稳定, 容易氧化, 氧化了就会产生自由基, 攻击cell. 除了omega 3其他pufa尽量少吃为好
作者: NewLynnHse    时间: 2014-2-19 20:27:08

作者: anzac_corp    时间: 2014-2-19 21:06:13

作者: sunpoint2011    时间: 2014-2-19 21:16:00


作者: Coldwarkid    时间: 2014-2-19 21:31:42

GMO top 10 food 看过后什么都不敢吃了。
avocado oil 好像是个好选择
作者: 非典型土人    时间: 2014-2-20 12:59:54


作者: 垃圾社区垃圾人    时间: 2014-2-20 20:45:48

那以后不要吃算了,凡世间万物皆有其利, 也必有起害!
作者: DinC    时间: 2014-2-20 21:04:25

anzac_corp 发表于 2014-2-19 19:03

作者: 国产零零柒    时间: 2014-2-20 21:05:38

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: DinC    时间: 2014-2-20 21:32:05

小P孩儿 发表于 2014-2-19 19:00


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