Get a tax rebate for donations, child care, or for paying a housekeeper
Service provided by Inland Revenue Department
You can claim a rebate if you had taxable income and:
- made a donation of $5 or more to an approved charity; or
- paid for childcare or a housekeeper (under certain conditions).
The maximum rebate you can claim:
- for donations of $1,500 or more, is $500
- if you've paid $940 or more for child care or housekeeper, is $310.
Rebates can only be claimed by individuals who:
- earned taxable income during the period being claimed for; and
- were in New Zealand at any time during the tax year (including non-residents).
If you claimed a rebate last year, we will automatically send you a rebate claim form in April. Otherwise, you can get one from our website or by calling INFOexpress, our automated phone service.
Special conditions
This rebate only applies to individuals. You have up to eight years to file your claim.
Important to know
When making a claim for donations to charities you will need to attach receipts. If making a claim for childcare or a housekeeper you do not need to attach receipts, however you should keep them in case we ask for them at a later date. Please note that we will need your bank account number so we can direct credit your payment.
不过,你说的是一月5元以上还是 一年5元作者: warner 时间: 2006-4-28 00:11:00
Donations over $5 are eligible for a tax rebate. A receipt will be sent to you when we've received your donation.
可能是说每一次捐款超过5块才能拿receipt,估计不管年和月的。我也只是捐了一次就拿到了收据。作者: warner 时间: 2006-4-28 00:14:37
麻烦请学会计的同学进来详细解释一下相关的policy呢,包括申请免税的方法。谢谢啦!作者: warner 时间: 2006-4-28 00:41:17
Get a tax rebate for donations, child care, or for paying a housekeeper
Service provided by Inland Revenue Department
You can claim a rebate if you had taxable income and:
- made a donation of $5 or more to an approved charity; or
- paid for childcare or a housekeeper (under certain conditions).
The maximum rebate you can claim:
- for donations of $1,500 or more, is $500
- if you've paid $940 or more for child care or housekeeper, is $310.
Rebates can only be claimed by individuals who:
- earned taxable income during the period being claimed for; and
- were in New Zealand at any time during the tax year (including non-residents).
If you claimed a rebate last year, we will automatically send you a rebate claim form in April. Otherwise, you can get one from our website or by calling INFOexpress, our automated phone service.
Special conditions
This rebate only applies to individuals. You have up to eight years to file your claim.
Important to know
When making a claim for donations to charities you will need to attach receipts. If making a claim for childcare or a housekeeper you do not need to attach receipts, however you should keep them in case we ask for them at a later date. Please note that we will need your bank account number so we can direct credit your payment.作者: HM 时间: 2006-4-28 00:55:18