都跟你说好好读一读咯。。。啥都不知道吓说啥呢。。。HSBC chief economist Paul Bloxham has described New Zealand as a "rock star" economy among the OECD, and predicts the dollar may achieve parity with its Australian counterpart late this year. Before Christmas, New Zealanders were inundated with a surge of welcome economic news. For Australians, there was only gloom.
More fundamentally, the Australian economy is feeling the effect of the end of a decade-long mining boom, during which the export of iron ore and coal to China effectively wrapped it in a recession-proof coat.
China's decision to rely less on Australia as a source of iron ore has produced a range of consequences, the most obvious of which is a growth rate marooned at about 2.5 per cent. New Zealand's economy is forecast to grow 3.3 per cent this year.
The following table is an estimate for the top ten wealthiest countries by nominal GDP per capita in 2030 and 2040 made by Citigroup on February 2011.[1] Figures are in current US dollars.
Top 10 wealthiest economies in the world
Rank Country 2030 Country 2040
1 Singapore 155,232 Singapore 214,757
2 Norway 143,511 Norway 202,492
3 Switzerland 120,664 Switzerland 173,423
4 Canada 110,918 Canada 166,403
5 Australia 100,995 Sweden 145,793
6 Sweden 99,764 South Korea 145,321
7 United States 95,686 Australia 144,941
8 Netherlands 95,233 Netherlands 137,728
9 South Korea 88,959 United States 135,144
10 Hong Kong 86,967 United Kingdom 130,062作者: NewLynnHse 时间: 2014-1-4 17:27:10
你的理论的确有道理,不过奶粉和铁矿的确没非常大的区别。铁矿的需求不仅是必须的而且也是必然增长的(考虑到中国和其他新兴工业国的增长),而且铁矿是有限资源,而奶牛哪都能养。如果国内没有信誉危机的话也不会进口这么多新西兰的奶粉。如果中国和铁矿这事一样decide to rely less on NZ那新西兰还不是和澳洲一个下场。奶粉和铁矿都是商品,商品就有跌有涨,更何况新西兰也不是国际上的monopoly.
新西兰的IT行业在自家发展行,出了国门就不怎么样了。新西兰国内的IT(和tech & infrastructures in general)发展的都很一般,和其他国家没法比。电影和旅游的确是新西兰的几个强项,不过这不是能当饭吃的行业。
新西兰很多大企业也有问题。Mighty River等电厂也是新西兰支柱企业,未来几年因为smelter close down很可能会遇上大问题,因为Tiwai point一家就用了15%全新西兰的电能。 Smelter shut down对电厂和新西兰经济的影响和Holden引擎制造和Qantas危机对澳洲的影响很comparable阿。光smelter一年的产值就占全纽GDP的1.7~1.8%了,如果关掉的话对整个经济的间接影响更大。