Phil Greig Strawberry Gardens
464 State Highway 16, Kumeu
09 412 7329
7 days 8.00am - 6.00pm
Phil Greig Strawberry Gardens is one of the most popular spots in Auckland to pick strawberries, and it’s no wonder – they have something for everyone. The gardens are open for picking from Boxing Day and every day until mid to late January. The price per kilo is $6.50 per kg, and there is $6.50 per person entrance which covers the first kilo picked (children under 12 get in free). Besides strawberry picking, the farm also has a reputation for its divine fruit ice creams, yoghurt and smoothies.
They have these great tips for strawberry pickers:
Break at the stalk with your fingernail rather than pulling on the berry, which will pull the calayx from the strawberry. This spares the berry any bruising and the fruit will last longer once picked.
The small berries are just as sweet as the big berries as long as they are red. Size will often depend on variety.
Try not to walk on the strawberry beds, as it kills the plants and therefore there will be a great shortage of fruit for others.
Massey Gardens & Orchard
45, State Highway 16, Massey
09 416 8262
7 days 9.00am - 5.30pm
This is another great spot to pick your own from 26 December onwards. Want to see what the gardens look like? Check out this lovely blog post featuring a family picking strawberries at Massey Gardens & Orchard last summer.
The Strawberry Farm
127 Kirkbride Rd, Mangere
7 days 10.00am - 6.00pm
As well as pick-your-own, the Strawberry Farm sells pancakes in summer with melt-in-your-mouth strawberry ice cream. They also sell strawberry plants, great for growing your own at home.
The Troost Family Strawberry Fields
114 Sunnyside Road, Coatesville
7 days 9.00am - 5.00pm
This is another local favourite for strawberry picking. They don’t have a set date for the season to start, so check the Best Berries site throughout January.
Strawberry Corner is a bit of a drive out of Auckland, nestled between lush farms in Ardmore valley. The scenery is gorgeous and they are very well organised – visitors are given containers, shown how to pick strawberries and guided to the patch.
What to do with your strawberries
Try these great strawberry recipes:
Chocolate covered strawberries
Strawberry smoothie
Strawberry crepes
Indulgent strawberry and blueberry cream tart
Strawberry cream cheescake作者: disller 时间: 2013-12-31 10:58:01
halokitty 发表于 2013-12-31 10:55
Phil Greig Strawberry Gardens
464 State Highway 16, Kumeu
09 412 7329