(节选)Walking and cycling: there is major investment in walking and
cycling facilities. These modes are critical to the mobility of the
majority of Delhi’s population. More than 50% of the population
cannot afford any other means of travel unless it is heavily
subsidised (Mohan, 2006), but the attraction of walking and cycling
is being rapidly diminished by more space being given to motorised
transport. To really obtain the benefits from zero carbon transport,
walking and cycling needs to be completely separated from other
forms of transport, with segregated routes. A key determinant of use
is the perceived safety of pedestrian and cycle movements.作者: zhaoyy1965 时间: 2013-12-10 14:25:03
本帖最后由 zhaoyy1965 于 2013-12-10 13:43 编辑
期刊名:Transport Policy
Volume 20, March 2012, Pages 138–149
文章标题:Getting the British back on bicycles—The effects of urban traffic-free paths
on everyday cycling
Tim Jones
Faculty of Technology, Environment and Design, Oxford Brookes University, Gipsy Lane Campus, Oxford OX3 0BP, United Kingdom
The key finding is that, provision of significant lengths of National Cycle Network urban traffic-free cycle routes alone, appear to be insufficient in encouraging a shift from car travel to cycling for everyday practical journeys. Urban traffic-free paths were found to be significant, however, in facilitating near-to-home recreational cycling. This suggests that a wider co-ordinated multi-faceted approach to promoting cycling is required which combines social marketing with physical measures including wider speed restric- tions in urban areas, investment in high quality segregated cycle facilities along main urban street corridors and general land use and transport policies that ‘advantage cycling’ and reduce the convenience of the car. The difficult question is how to make this politically acceptable.作者: Davidshi 时间: 2013-12-10 16:53:01