
标题: 【新闻】华裔商人3900万买下“奥克兰第一豪宅” [打印本页]

作者: 天维新闻    时间: 2013-11-29 12:50:12     标题: 【新闻】华裔商人3900万买下“奥克兰第一豪宅”

  天维网11月29日报道,援引NZ Herald消息 被视为“奥克兰第一豪宅”的Hotchin别墅日前完成转手。华裔商人Deyi Shi以3900万纽币的价格,成为这栋大宅的新主人。

  这栋7卧室豪宅位于奥克兰Paritai Drive,还配有室内游泳池和可容纳12辆车的车库,总占地面积达到6920平方米,可眺望Waitemata Harbour海景。曾有报道称,打造这栋豪宅的投入达到4300万纽币。

  据称,购房交易在上周签署,交割日定在12月中旬。负责销售的中介Graham Wall说,曾有不止一名买家表示了兴趣。

  房子此前由Hanover Finance董事Mark Hotchin及另一名商人所有。

  2008年Hanover Finance破产之后,金融市场监管局采取法律行动,Hotchin的资产被冻结。这栋豪宅,就被列入高等法院资产冻结令的范围内。高等法院的判决透露,Hotchin为建房投入1220万纽币。土地属于他的一个家庭信托基金KA No 4,当年购买土地的费用是1740万纽币。

  房子的新主人Deyi Shi被朋友们称为Stone,12年前与家人从中国移民到新西兰,目前是新西兰公民。据透露,他将与家人在豪宅内居住。

  作为Oravida Group of Companies的创办人和主席,Shi的业务包括向中国出口新西兰肉类、葡萄酒、海鲜、水果和乳制品。除此以外,Shi也是活跃的投资者,其资产包括Northland的林地和康维他公司5%的股份。

  上月,Oravida在奥克兰Quay St的新办公室开张。内阁部长Judith Collins也出席了仪式——她的丈夫David Wong-Tung也是Oravida董事会成员。


  据称,Shi本人的英语一般,最大的爱好是打高尔夫球。他曾在一场比赛中与总理约翰·基一起打球,并将合照挂在公司里。该公司执行董事Julia Xu说,Shi“为新西兰公民身份感到骄傲,全心投入到这个国家”。

  目前,奥克兰的顶级豪宅市场吸引了来自世界各地的目光。Wall透露,来自俄罗斯、中国和美国的客户都在增加,其中包括硅谷富豪Peter Thiel和Max Levchin。


作者: Philip_J._Fry    时间: 2013-11-29 16:05:55

作者: 鹬鸵圣者    时间: 2013-11-29 16:59:41

Does it really worth 39M?
作者: Q11    时间: 2013-11-29 17:14:22

作者: Q11    时间: 2013-11-29 17:19:48

本帖最后由 Q11 于 2013-11-29 17:22 编辑

authot: Tim Fulton 8 months ago




[size=1.1em]A Chinese company is flying liquid milk from New Zealand farms to Shanghai, but the company’s attempts to polish its credentials may have tangled Prime Minister John Key in a potential breach of Cabinet rules.

The food importer Oravida last year published a picture of Key on the golf course with the company’s chairman.

Key is described more than once as the Prime Minister in a picture the company posted on its website.

[size=1.1em]He is pictured smiling shoulder to shoulder next to the chairman, Deyi Shi, bolstered by a caption giving every indication he supports Oravida’s business.

The Cabinet manual, a guide for ministerial behaviour, says no minister should endorse any product in any media.

It warns ministers when accepting invitations to tell the organisation it may not use photos taken of the minister at the event or to publicise the event.

Oravida's PR material says: “On Friday 26th October Mr Deyi Shi, the founder and principal of the Oravida Group Companies, and extremely competent golfer, had the honour of playing golf with New Zealand’s current Prime Minister The Right Honourable John Key. Prime Minister Key, a keen and competent golfer, entered into the light hearted spirit of the head to head competition with Mr Shi at this fun event”.

It turns out that in principle Key backs the business, telling NZ Farmer's Weekly that taking fresh milk to Shanghai is a normal business proposition, so on behalf of the country “all power to them”.

However, Oravida’s attempt to use the golfing photo for a commercial edge is all the more embarrassing because a director of its New Zealand arm, Oravida Wine NZ Ltd, is David Wong-Tung; a food import-export merchant and husband of the 5th ranked cabinet minister Judith Collins.

A member of Key’s staff with him in China acknowledged a picture like this one appeared to breach Cabinet rules governing ministers endorsing commercial enterprises.

There is nothing to suggest Key knew about Oravida’s use of the picture or that ministerial connections have played a part in the company’s development.

It wasn’t clear late last night whether Key had seen Oravida’s website picture.

His office was made aware of both that and David Wong-Tung directorship shortly before he flew to Shanghai for his latest round of engagements in China.

But business operators have long seen value in getting government ministers to polish their credentials, just as they’ve enjoyed these past few days being with the trade and cultural delegation to China headlined by Key.

Key said this week it was important for him to attend a signing event for China Southern Airways “just to continue to discuss the relationship, and it’s the right symbolic gesture to be doing that”.

It was evident that the Chinese also valued having the Prime Minister on hand when the company first began its New Zealand flights.

“You can see the importance they placed on me coming up and welcoming the first aircraft into New Zealand,” he said following a signing ceremony reinforcing the link.

The picture of Key golfing still features in the news and events section of Oravida's website as it starts its Shanghai milk venture.

Key’s brush with the company could also bring his position on Chinese investment in New Zealand dairying under scrutiny.

This week at a meeting during the Bo’ao Forum in southern China he told China's new president that New Zealanders were concerned about losing farmland to foreign buyers, and that they would prefer the Chinese to instead invest in facilities like Yashili's proposed dairy processing plant in Pokeno, near Auckland, or Bright Food's Synlait export milk business in Canterbury.

The pending Shanghai milk run brings into question how Key would reconcile his interest in safeguarding Kiwi farm ownership with a foreign entrepreneur carting fresh milk and other ready-made dairy liquid items across the sea. For unlike processed milk powder and other export commodities, Oravida is out to exploit Chinese demand for New Zealand milk with little benefit left behind for New Zealanders.

On Monday while in Guandog province, Key elaborated on what he knows about Oravida’s plan for Shanghai.

“The limited information I have is that they either have or are intending to sell fresh milk into the Shanghai market,” he said.

“I mean the New Zealand Government’s perspective is, look, it’s just another business and if they want to do that, and they can make money out of that given it’s an expensive product to get over, then all power to them.”

Key didn’t see this put him at odds with the harder position on foreign land purchases.

“From what I understand it’s a very expensive product because of the air freight, and the reality is that there will be a domestic market for some fresh milk sourced from New Zealand. Australia sends quite a lot of fresh milk to other parts of the world, but it’s quite a limited market because of the sheer cost of it.”

Fonterra chairman John Wilson was not critical of Oravida’s approach, saying it showed the premium available for New Zealand dairy products was high enough to justify moving milk by air.

Fonterra’s recently announced plan to develop a UHT milk facility at Waitoa in the Waikato told a similar economic story. Three years ago the idea of targeting UHT there would have been considered uneconomic, Wilson said.

As part of his third official visit to China, Key is marking five years of the China-NZ Free Trade Agreement and 40 years of official diplomatic relations.

作者: Q11    时间: 2013-11-29 17:47:21

https://www.google.co.nz/url?sa= ... xQdIhjkJcZvPknnjO7Q
作者: Q11    时间: 2013-11-29 17:48:05

作者: Q11    时间: 2013-11-29 17:52:03

本帖最后由 Q11 于 2013-11-29 17:57 编辑

作者: tillink    时间: 2013-11-29 18:28:32

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作者: LSDWSZ    时间: 2013-11-29 21:14:42

作者: LSDWSZ    时间: 2013-11-29 21:15:08

Q11 发表于 2013-11-29 16:48

作者: LSDWSZ    时间: 2013-11-29 21:15:36

Q11 发表于 2013-11-29 16:47
https://www.google.co.nz/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&ved=0CCgQFjAA&url=http%3A% ...

作者: Q11    时间: 2013-11-29 23:58:51

LSDWSZ 发表于 2013-11-29 21:15

作者: 伊利丹怒风    时间: 2013-11-30 14:10:57

作者: topsky    时间: 2013-11-30 22:06:07

作者: onetreehill1    时间: 2013-11-30 22:11:29


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