If you wish to stay in NZ longer than your visitor visa allows, you must apply for a further visitor visa before your current one expires.
For information on the application process, please refer to the Related question "How do I apply for a visitor visa?"
The process to extend a visitor visa is the same as when applying for it the first time.
Please note, however, that visitors to New Zealand are limited to a maximum stay on a visitor visa, which is further explained in this Answer item.
If you have reached your maximum time (as per above link) , more time on a visitor visa may only be considered in the following circumstances:
you are a genuine tourist who requires no more than an additional 3 months to complete your itinerary, or
you are applying for a visitor visa under a special category of visitor policy which allows a longer stay in New Zealand; or
you cannot leave New Zealand because of circumstances beyond your control (evidence will be required), or
you have lodged a first-time application for resident visa that has been accepted for consideration, and a decision is unlikely during the currency of the existing visa (allowing a maximum stay of 12 months, counting the time already spent on a visitor visa)
This answer was last updated on 18 September, 2012.作者: UCCC 时间: 2013-11-8 16:34:22