If you have incurred costs in cutting back the roots and branches on your side of the boundary, you probably will not be able to claim them back from the tree owner.作者: future123 时间: 2013-10-28 15:19:09
If the roots or branches of your neighbour's tree encroach on your land, you can cut them back to the boundary line. In law, this is called "abatement". If you don't want to do this yourself you can ask a district court for an order for the trimming or even removal of the tree.
Cuttings and fruit belong to the tree owner. You can put them back on their property, taking care not to cause any damage, or ask for them to be removed.
If the trunk of the tree extends over the boundary, this does not give you the right to chop it down. A tree planted on your neighbour's land belongs to them, and they will be liable for any damage it causes.作者: 紫影婆娑 时间: 2013-10-28 15:47:51
Cuttings and fruit belong to the tree owner. You can put them back on their property, taking care not to cause any damage, or ask for them to be removed.作者: Rubiebabie 时间: 2013-10-28 15:51:47
紫影婆娑 发表于 2013-10-28 15:47
same link ...... 別只看一部份
yea... You can do it..doesnt mean you have to do it...
and doesnt mean your neighbour has to pay...
which also means you need to take responsibility of the payment sometime...作者: 紫影婆娑 时间: 2013-10-28 15:53:20
Same link
But if the roots of your neighbour's tree have damaged your drains or a branch falls on your house, they will probably have to pay. Even if the damage results from forces outside your neighbour's control, they may still be liable if they could have been expected to know the tree was unsafe, and did not take reasonable steps to make it safe.作者: Witchz 时间: 2013-10-28 20:13:36