Sorry I don't understand English, I have to call my lawyer first.
就这么简单。别的P字都不要提。何况你有没有罪是法官来判的,而不是他。作者: carterdog 时间: 2013-10-15 06:36:34
Wrong, Wrong & totally wrong!!!!!
LZ, you do not need to prove you are innocent, but the cop will need prove to you are "Guilty".
Next time when he rings you up, just tell him "if you have any evidence or eye witnesses, then take me to the court, or just fk off!!!"
if you are not happy with it, then mark down his ref no and make a complaint, the cops will host an internal investigation whenever they receive an complaint.
The cop just wanna bully you cuz you are an international student.作者: jerry7670 时间: 2013-10-15 10:08:58
华人警察的也有败类的,我就碰到过,把国内那套软硬兼施的威胁带到这里,明显是想糊弄我家里人,去帮他自己的熟人。还好我有好几个警察朋友,打电话跟他们确认后才没有上他的当,后来我就直接质问他,顺便告诉他我认识的几个人名字后,他就马上变了脸色,客气的不行。。。我刚开始以为他是刚毕业的那种菜鸟,可能还没搞不清楚一些法律的步骤,后来查下来他是08年警校毕业的,当了5年的警察,怎么可能连最基本的tresspass的步骤都不清楚,明显就是明知故犯!!!!唯一现在想来可惜的是当时听朋友的话没有正式的投诉他,当然我有跟他的洋人上司投诉(口头)的,而其我必须承认,至少人家是公正的,客气的。以后Lz一定要记得他们的警号,反正那个败类的华人警察号码我是这辈子都记住了。现在想来还气!!!!作者: AUGUSTUS 时间: 2013-10-15 12:00:11