
标题: 《高效能人士的七个习惯》是我非常欣赏的一本书,这是一个系列 [打印本页]

作者: 越墮落。越快樂    时间: 2013-10-14 12:17:35     标题: 《高效能人士的七个习惯》是我非常欣赏的一本书,这是一个系列


我儿子小学四年级的时候我给他买了《高效能孩子的七个习惯》,他挺喜欢的,读了好几遍。他当时学的比较好的是“delay gratification”和“be responsible for your fun (being proactive)”,书很简单,有趣,他自己读的,悟也是自己悟的。
其中里面的一个关于人际关系他是这么阐述的,人与人的关系是三个阶段:dependent --〉independent--〉interdependent.


the seven habits of highly effective teens

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families

The 7 Habits of Happy Kids
作者: 越墮落。越快樂    时间: 2013-10-14 12:18:30

人与人的关系是三个阶段:dependent --〉independent--〉interdependent.
作者: 越墮落。越快樂    时间: 2013-10-14 12:20:11

Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

(Stephen Covey)

1. Be Proactive

"Taking initiative does not mean being pushy, obnoxious, or

aggressive. It does mean recognizing our responsibility to make

things happen."

2. Begin With the End in Mind

"(This habit)...is based on imagination-- the ability to envision, to see the potential, to

create with our minds what we cannot at present see with our eyes..."

3. Put First Things First

"Create a clear, mutual understanding of what needs to be accomplished, focusing on

what, not how; results not methods. Spend time. Be patient. Visualize the desired result."

4. Think Win-Win

"Win-Win is a frame of mind that constantly seeks mutual benefit in all human

interactions. Win-Win means that agreements or solutions are mutually beneficial and


5. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood

"'Seek First to Understand' involves a very deep shift in paradigm. We typically seek first

to be understood. Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with

the intent to reply. They're either speaking or preparing to speak. They're filtering

everything through their own paradigms, reading their autobiography into other people's


6. Synergize

"Synergy works; it's a correct principle. It is the crowning achievement of all the previous

habits. It is effectiveness in an interdependent reality-- it is teamwork, team building, the

development of unity and creativity with other human beings."

7. Sharpening the Saw

"This is the habit of renewal...It circles and embodies all the other habits. It is the habit of

continuous improvement...that lifts you to new levels of understanding and living each of

the habits."
作者: 有你泰克    时间: 2013-10-14 17:36:22

高效人士都风风火火,不管不顾,一鼓作气,集中注意 那种人,想到容易 做到难,
所以 高!实在是高啊~
作者: AUGUSTUS    时间: 2013-10-15 08:44:11


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