
标题: 奥市行李箱藏尸案取得重大突破,为3名华人所为 - 感谢 高夫快跑 & albatross 报道 [打印本页]

作者: 高夫快跑    时间: 2006-4-18 19:20:50     标题: 奥市行李箱藏尸案取得重大突破,为3名华人所为 - 感谢 高夫快跑 & albatross 报道

[ZT]安息吧, Wan Biao!

刚认识他的时候,是通过朋友介绍,也只是在网上聊聊..........其实,直到今天也没有对WAN BIAO 有多么深的认识..只是,他就这样,就这样遇害,作为一个认识他的人,不需要有多好,心情一定是差到极点

从那屈指可数的几次聊天和谈话中,感觉到他是个年龄不大的大男孩,他会考虑很多关于自己的将来,他会给自己一个明确的计划,怎样在新西兰,这个陌生的国家学习和生活, 他向往那些感情和工作都很稳定的朋友,他憧憬自己有一天也会变的很有用,为家庭,为自己的前途......


可是,今天,这是怎么了,新西兰是怎么了?不知道他做错了什么,为什么会有黑手来代替他的家长对他惩罚,,,,,,,,,再大的错,再深的罪孽 ,需要夺走他的生命吗? 他, 19岁,刚刚来到这,本来是应该受到关心和照顾的,即使错,又能做出什么错事,让他非要拿命来赔啊?

我知道 ,自己再怎样偾事疾俗都是没用的,都不会挽回他已经飞走了的灵魂..........
只是觉得, BIAO,你太可惜,太可怜了...........我们都知道你的路不应该在天堂里走,可是,现在,那里是唯一你能得到重生的地方,,,,,,,,,别怕, BIAO, 天堂里没有邪恶,有的是朋友.那将成为你最美好的快活谷,,,,,,,,,,安息吧.....

[ 本帖最后由 HM 于 2006-4-18 23:26 编辑 ]
作者: 高夫快跑    时间: 2006-4-18 19:25:07

作者: rain198491    时间: 2006-4-18 19:38:30

作者: 高夫快跑    时间: 2006-4-18 20:13:26

其实,有时候,很多不幸的事就那么静悄悄的发生的,每个人似乎是被这个世界遗忘了一样. 为什么会接二连三的发生,就是因为人们的不CARE
作者: 206s16    时间: 2006-4-18 20:41:51

作者: 纳兰蓉容    时间: 2006-4-18 20:52:14

时也,,,,   命也......
作者: 可乐宝贝@_@    时间: 2006-4-18 21:00:18

听到这样的消息虽然不认识他,但是真的很难过, 替他, 也替他的父母和亲人.

同为留学生的我们一定要珍惜自己, 为自己也为了父母. 安全第一.
作者: 高夫快跑    时间: 2006-4-18 21:42:06     标题: 奥市行李箱藏尸案取得重大突破,为3名华人所为


今天上午,警方对奥克兰市中心Wellesley St和Elliot St交界处一处宾馆式公寓进行突击搜查,三名华人男子被警方带去问话。同时,警方和法医鉴定专家也对市中心这间公寓宾馆进行调查,在他们的房间里搜出武器。据信,被害人万彪就是在周四晚被诱骗至这间公寓的,位于路口的安全摄像机拍下了这几名华人拖出行李箱的镜头。

警探Bernie Hollewand说,藏有尸体的行李箱是从奥市中心的王子码头被扔到海里的。


周五(4月14日)凌晨3点25分左右,在奥克兰市中心Wellesley 和Elliot St拐角处有四名女子,警方希望与她们取得联系,相信可以获得对侦破此案有用的信息。Hollewand强调,警方将对举报者提供的信息严加保密,如果需求,警方可以提供翻译人员。

奥市中心Wellesley 和Elliot St拐角处这栋老建筑就是今天搜查后使案情取得突破的公寓

Suitcase murder breakthrough

18/04/2006 15:04:02 Newstalk ZB

Police investigating the Auckland body in the suitcase inquiry have made a major breakthrough.

Detective Inspector Bernie Hollewand says police have now learned where the suitcase containing the body of a Chinese student was thrown into the harbour.

The body of 19-year-old Wan Biao was found folded in a suitcase in the Waitemata Harbour on Good Friday.

Three men are being questioning by inquiry detectives, following a visit to an inner city apartment this morning. Police and forensic experts have also carried out tests at an inner city hotel.

Inquiry head Detective Inspector Hollewand says police would also like to speak to four women who were on the corner of Wellesley and Elliot Streets at 3.25am on Good Friday. He believes they could have information useful to the inquiry. Mr Hollewand said calls could be made in confidence if preferred to 0800 BESTLAND (0800 237852). Translators are available if needed
作者: 高夫快跑    时间: 2006-4-18 21:50:17

作者: rain198491    时间: 2006-4-18 21:55:15

是啊, 看来新西兰又要陷入国人的怀疑了
作者: Mayson    时间: 2006-4-18 22:05:05

作者: 可乐宝贝@_@    时间: 2006-4-18 22:05:36

作者: 高夫快跑    时间: 2006-4-18 22:27:35

作者: Alpha    时间: 2006-4-18 22:37:31

作者: FANTASY`M    时间: 2006-4-18 22:40:00

原帖由 高夫快跑 于 2006-4-18 20:42 发表

今天上午,警方对奥克兰市中心Wellesley St和Elliot St交界处一处宾馆式公寓进行突击搜查,三名华人男子被警方带去问话。同时,警方和法医鉴定专家 ...

唉 无言语了
作者: 松尾明日香    时间: 2006-4-18 23:02:17

作者: albatross    时间: 2006-4-18 23:07:13     标题: 一名学生,21岁,被控谋杀;另一人,无业,21岁,被控从犯


Men arrested over body in suitcase

19.04.06 9.30pm

Two men have been arrested in relation to the murder of Chinese student Wan Biao, whose body was found in a suitcase floating in the Waitemata Harbour.

The arrests came tonight just hours after police revealed 19-year-old Mr Biao was murdered in an Auckland hotel room after being lured there as part of a kidnap plot.

Both men will appear in the Auckland District Court tomorrow.

One, a student, is charged with murder and the other man, who is unemployed, with being an accessory after the fact. Both are aged 21.
二人中,一名学生被控谋杀; 另一人,无业,被控帮凶。两人均为21岁。

Earlier police revealed a ransom demand was made to Mr Wan's family in China just hours before his body was found in the suitcase on Friday.

The kidnappers asked for 4 million yuan - almost $800,000 - in the overnight phone call last Thursday. Police said the demand was "incomplete" and there was no deadline for payment.

"A simple kidnapping motive is not consistent with some of the preparations and actions of the conspirators," said Detective Inspector Bernie Hollewand.

Mr Wan arrived in New Zealand last August and had been studying at the Oxford International Academy.

Mr Hollewand would not reveal the name of the inner-city hotel where Mr Wan was held but forensic scientists spent today in a room that was identified as the murder scene.

Mr Wan had suffered multiple injuries before his body was folded into a suitcase. Police have recovered weapons and "tools".

A security camera captured the moment when the suitcase with Mr Wan's body inside was tossed from the end of Princes Wharf in downtown Auckland.

Mr Hollewand said police had been "greatly assisted" by the numerous security cameras covering the city.

Ransom demanded from parents on night of Chinese student's death

18.04.06 6.40pm - Update

An $800,000 ransom was demanded from Chinese student Wan Biao's parents the night before his body was found inside a suitcase on Waitemata Harbour on Good Friday.

Police today said they were much clearer about the events surrounding Mr Wan's death, and are talking to three male Chinese students in their early 20s who could face charges.

Detective Inspector Bernie Hollewand said they now believe Mr Wan was killed in an inner-city Auckland hotel, possibly after being lured there.

Security camera evidence showed the suitcase with his body thrown into Auckland Harbour at Princes Wharf, less than 1km east of Westhaven Marina, where it was found.

The men, at least one of whom had been at a language school with Mr Wan, were in an inner city apartment which was raided by police this morning.

Mr Hollewand said Mr Wan's parents were phoned with the ransom demand late Thursday night or early Friday morning.

They informed Chinese police, who informed the Chinese embassy in New Zealand, and Auckland police were told on Friday afternoon, after his body was found.

He said kidnap may have been a motive leading to Mr Wan's death, but that it was "a very incomplete demand".

"A simple kidnapping motive is not consistent with some of the preparations and actions of the conspirators."

Forensic scientists were examining the hotel scene where the killing is believed to have occurred. Mr Hollewand said the hotel management had asked that the hotel not be named.

At least one of the men being spoken to, maybe more, knew Mr Wan had studied at an English language school in Auckland at one stage, Mr Hollewand said.
He said Mr Wan "may have been lured to the hotel".

He said the interviews with the men came as a result of "good police work", including many hours watching security videos, and that charges could be laid tonight.

"I'm hopeful of having some resolution before we break for the evening with our interviews."

Police are speaking to them through interpreters. Lawyers and consular assistance will be made available to them if requested.

Mr Hollewand would not give details of the injuries Mr Wan suffered other than that they were "multiple injuries", and would not comment on whether Mr Wan had been tortured.

Some tools which could have been used as weapons were found, Mr Hollewand said.

He said the ransom demand made to Mr Wan's parents was for 4 million Chinese yuan, about $800,000, but there was at this stage no suggestion Asian organised crime was involved. "We still have no evidence of association with known Chinese gangs."
赎金数额是 400 万人民币,折合80万新西兰元。目前没有证据显示亚裔黑帮参与了这次行动。

Police are also asking four well-dressed caucasian women, who Mr Hollewand described as "youngish but mature" and possibly on a night out, who were seen on a security video at the corner of Wellesley and Elliott streets about 3.25am on Friday morning to contact them.

When asked what they might have seen, Mr Hollewand simply said "they'll know and we'll wait for them to contact us". The video may be released to media to jog the memories of the women if they do not come forward quickly.

Mr Hollewand was unsure what line of work Mr Wan's parents were in, or if they were likely to be able to afford an $800,000 ransom.

Two aunts, an uncle and a cousin of Mr Wan are making arrangements to come to New Zealand, though not his parents at this stage.

Mr Wan, a student at Oxford International Academy in Auckland who arrived from Yiwu in China on August 30, was known as "a studious chap" and his gruesome death was a surprise to his friends and colleagues.

"Not all the international students have a high attendance rate at the institutions that they're enrolled at, but Mr Wan was a studious person of reasonably sober habits," Mr Hollewand said.

"It's come out of the blue to all the people we've spoken to that have had previous associations with him."

His flatmates said he seemed to be acting normally before leaving his flat about 9pm on Thursday night.

One flatmate, who described him as a "very nice guy", told the New Zealand Herald he had received a text message about midnight inviting him to play pool.

Today's developments mean police no longer needed to speak to two men who left Westhaven Marina in a dinghy about 8am on Good Friday.
今天的突破使得警方不再需要与上周五早上8点出现在Westhaven 码头的两个男子联系了。

Mr Hollewand said calls could be made in confidence if preferred to 0800 BESTLAND (0800 237852). Translators are available if needed.

警方提供保密电话的号码:0800 BESTLAND (0800 237852),此电话提供翻译服务。
作者: 天使未满    时间: 2006-4-18 23:09:33

提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: 206s16    时间: 2006-4-18 23:11:04


作者: 高夫快跑    时间: 2006-4-18 23:15:22     标题: 一名学生,21岁,被控谋杀;另一人,无业,21岁,被控从犯

Men arrested over body in suitcase

19.04.06 9.30pm

Two men have been arrested in relation to the murder of Chinese student Wan Biao, whose body was found in a suitcase floating in the Waitemata Harbour.

The arrests came tonight just hours after police revealed 19-year-old Mr Biao was murdered in an Auckland hotel room after being lured there as part of a kidnap plot.

Both men will appear in the Auckland District Court tomorrow.

One, a student, is charged with murder and the other man, who is unemployed, with being an accessory after the fact. Both are aged 21.
二人中,一名学生被控谋杀; 另一人,无业,被控帮凶。两人均为21岁。
作者: 纳兰蓉容    时间: 2006-4-18 23:16:52

楼主的消息  很灵通   佩服  ~~
作者: 高夫快跑    时间: 2006-4-18 23:30:08

作者: lukeren    时间: 2006-4-18 23:30:34

难道"Kidnap Season"又来了~~~

作者: lukeren    时间: 2006-4-18 23:36:30

作者: -E_l_v_a-    时间: 2006-4-18 23:42:03

作者: 夏の幻    时间: 2006-4-18 23:43:18

作者: 高夫快跑    时间: 2006-4-18 23:55:06

作者: 纳兰蓉容    时间: 2006-4-19 00:03:28

楼主是线人   ~~~~~
作者: 高夫快跑    时间: 2006-4-19 00:03:57

新西蘭沒死刑…… =====
作者: 高夫快跑    时间: 2006-4-19 00:06:40


作者: 花火鱼    时间: 2006-4-19 01:03:27

作者: FANTASY`M    时间: 2006-4-19 01:22:00


也好,免了这3个“人” 的签证  能多给别人3个来NZ的机会
作者: 晴天男孩    时间: 2006-4-19 02:50:53

作者: 漂流岛    时间: 2006-4-19 03:03:01

MD, 这些SB都不TMD有毛病啊  TMD要干干嘛不去干老外 全TMD找自己人
作者: Shell    时间: 2006-4-19 03:48:40

原帖由 rain198491 于 2006-4-18 20:55 发表
是啊, 看来新西兰又要陷入国人的怀疑了

作者: 古木夕羊梦    时间: 2006-4-19 05:02:47

作者: 竹木春秋    时间: 2006-4-19 10:38:04

作者: 微微兔    时间: 2006-4-19 12:37:11

作者: 玉蛤蟆    时间: 2006-4-19 15:34:54

作者: spring_fine    时间: 2006-4-21 01:07:04

WAN BIAO 安息吧 希望你有美好的来世
作者: 樱桃的吻    时间: 2006-4-21 02:09:02

作者: Shell    时间: 2006-4-21 04:04:28

原帖由 spring_fine 于 2006-4-21 00:07 发表
WAN BIAO 安息吧 希望你有美 ...


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