Your PIN has been deactivated for it was reported as a Missing Phone card.
Please go back to the shop where you got this from and ask for a refund.
The shopkeeper should talk to his agent for this phone card he sells might not be the only one that has been deactivated and tagged as missing Phone cards.
之前朋友说246不错所以我就买了,没想到我买就碰到这个情况。 如楼上回复我看了一下skype的通话费率好像也很便宜,顶了一个45元每月400分钟的套餐,估计也够了。 作者: gududetunmin 时间: 2013-10-10 00:55:19
谢谢楼主,我去买两张试试作者: 文日 时间: 2013-10-13 14:15:55
hanharry 发表于 2013-10-6 20:48
现在迷你卡还可以 12元2张.超值!!
where can i buy it? thanks作者: hanharry 时间: 2013-10-13 22:16:40
文日 发表于 2013-10-13 14:15
where can i buy it? thanks
直接跟我联系就可以作者: 文日 时间: 2013-10-14 07:20:46
hanharry 发表于 2013-10-13 21:16
thanks . i keep ur no.作者: 茉茉不吃姜 时间: 2013-10-28 11:33:09